Purchase audiovisual (AV) equipment, projectors and supplies through a variety of approved and recommended suppliers on New York State contract.
Purchase from suppliers listed in the New York State Contract. For a comprehensive list of qualified resellers, click on Resellers Directory.
Purchase your AV equipment and supplies through recommended suppliers currently on New York State Contract using a requisition or a procurement card, being sure to follow purchasing and PCard guidelines.
You may purchase from non-contract suppliers, if:
• They accept university purchase orders or tax-exempt PCard purchases
• They are reputable and are in good business standing
• Their item and shipping prices are reasonable
Get expert help and guidance from the Purchasing office before you purchase your AV equipment and supplies. Work within the eReq or PCard process to avoid confirming received requests.
The University at Buffalo is committed to providing equipment that is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. AV equipment must meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design.
Classroom AV system components like touchscreen/button user interfaces, projection screen switches, and laptop input ports that are mounted on lecterns, teaching stations, and walls should be reachable by a wide range of users, including individuals who use wheelchairs. AV equipment should be placed on work surfaces between 28 and 34 inches above the floor. Consider purchasing adjustable lecterns to meet this requirement while accommodating standing users. AV controls that are not on work surfaces – for example, that are wall-mounted – should be between 15 and 48 inches above the floor. For AV controls on work surfaces that protrude, ensure that the reach needed to access the equipment does not exceed 24 inches.
Ensure that the AV system includes an assistive listening system for individuals with hearing impairments.
When discussing a potential purchase with a vendor, include questions that pertain to the accessibility standards their products meet.
Information about accessibility, including some suggested questions for vendors, is available at UB’s Accessibility Web Portal: http://www.buffalo.edu/access/services/service4.html
If you have additional questions after reviewing the Accessibility Web Portal, contact the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at diversity@buffalo.edu.
Equipment that requires ITCS (IT Customer Service) or NCS (Network and Classroom Services) consultation: