Mobile Communication Devices

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Annual Review of Business Need

Your business need to receive a department-owned mobile communication device or allowance is reviewed annually and revised when necessary by your department.

Ownership of Mobile Devices

Purchase a Department-Owned Mobile Device

Departments may purchase a mobile device with a new phone number for an eligible employee in two ways:

  1. Establish a new account with a supplier
  2. Add the new device to an existing account with a supplier

Once an account is established, equipment and monthly service charges may be paid using a Procurement Card (PCard), or by submitting a requisition for a standing order via the ShopBlue or eReq system.

Best Practice

Establish as few supplier accounts as possible, with as many mobile devices on the same supplier account as practical within the guidelines. This allows for opportunities to pool minutes and data between lines, providing greater potential for cost savings for your department.

Upgrade or Replace Existing Mobile Device

If you are ordering a new mobile device to upgrade or replace an existing device, follow the process below:

  1. Contact the sales representative of the supplier with which you have an existing account to discuss the options available to upgrade or replace an existing device. Your sales representative can tell you if your line is upgrade eligible or when it will become upgrade eligible, which may allow you to purchase a new device at a reduced cost. While you may purchase a new device at any time, you must pay full price for the device if your line is not yet upgrade eligible. You may place an order for new equipment directly with your sales representative.
  2. Notify your Purchasing Agent of your department’s intention to purchase a new device. The new equipment order will be routed to Purchasing for approval, and will not be approved until an authorized person in the department provides this notification. The cost of the device will be billed to your existing supplier account.

Using a PCard

If you are using a PCard, then pay your bill monthly or set up recurring payments with the supplier.

Using a Standing Order

If you are using a standing order to pay your monthly bills, and the cost of new equipment will exceed the remaining funds on your standing order, let your Purchasing Agent know. When establishing your standing order(s) for the year, if you are aware that one or more lines will become upgrade eligible within the duration of the standing order, include additional funds to cover the estimated upgrade costs.

Disposal of Department-Owned Devices

Department-owned mobile devices that are being upgraded or replaced must be disposed in accordance with the Managing University Assets policy.

Change Existing Mobile Device Account

When you need to change your existing mobile device account, follow the guidelines below:

  1. Contact the sales representative of the supplier with which you have an existing account to discuss your options for changing your phone plans.
  2. When a mobile device user will be traveling internationally for business, consider whether the mobile device will be used during the trip, and consult with your sales representative to set up an appropriate international plan in advance.
  3. To change your billing address, add or delete authorized contacts on your account, or establish access to view your account information online, contact your Purchasing Agent.
  4. If you need to cancel service, transfer a line of service to a different carrier, or transfer responsibility of a phone line to an individual, contact your Purchasing Agent. Under the terms of our contracts, we are not required to maintain service for a specified period of time, and may cancel or transfer service at any time.

Mobile Device Suppliers

UB negotiates contracts with mobile device suppliers to establish best pricing and terms of service.

Mobile Users: Swipe to scroll table

Mobile Device Suppliers

J.P. Gillies



Henry Novelo



Sam Conjerti


Use a Personally-Owned Mobile Device

Discounts for Personally-Owned Mobile Devices

Each of our contracted suppliers offer discounted service plans for personally-owned mobile devices, which are available to UB employees.

Reimbursement for Occasional Use of Mobile Device

Contact an Expert

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