Your eReq is routed to the approver you select on the “My Actions” tab after you submit it at the beginning step. Once the eReq is approved it is routed to Purchasing for further processing.
There are 3 approver steps available. Once the 1st approver has approved the eReq it can be routed to the second approver from the “My Actions” tab.
The Completed tab can be used to view notes after your eReq has been submitted, such as an explanation of possible delays.
The Completed tab is located next to your eReq “Inbox” tab. Click on the “Completed” tab, then click on the Incident number which will allow you to view the eReq Summary in real time.
To see the status of your eReq, click on the “Completed” tab, find your incident number and click the “History” button located on the far right hand side of the screen. This will indicate where your eReq is in the workflow process.
If the eReq was rejected, it goes one step backward in the workflow process.
Click on the Attachments tab and click browse. Select a document that is saved on your computer. Please label your attachment accurately for easy identification and select a Document Type from the drop down list. Click “Save Attachment”. If you don’t click “Save” your attachment will not be attached to the eReq.
If you can't find the cost approver you're searching for on a Research Foundation account, follow these troubleshooting steps.
To cancel an eReq:
1. Click on the Inbox tab in UB Workflow Client
2. Click on the incident number you wish to cancel
3. Click on the My Actions tab
4. Select “CANCEL” from the Select action dropdown list
5. Click on the “Save and Finish” button
You will receive a verification message to confirm that you indeed wish to cancel. Click “yes.”
Yes, you must select a commodity from the list on the Ordering Instructions tab. This will automatically select the correct buyer for your purchase.
To ensure that you receive the correct item, please include a catalog number before the description of the item. Always include a noun before an invoice number or “per attached list”. The more accurate information you provide us will also speed up the process.
Enter the quantity, select a unit of measure and enter the unit price. The system will do the math.
Make sure you click “Save item” after you enter each item.
How to reduce your attachments size:
Requirement: Adobe Acrobat 10.0 (or higher)
1. Scan your attachments in black & white rather than color to save space (Change current color PDF files to b&w will also save space.)
2. Open your scanned or electronic file
Select Save As > Optimized PDF
Click on the My Actions tab and select “Save without submit.” This will give you an incident number and you won’t lose any of the information you already entered. If you close out of your eReq without saving it you will lose everything and will need to start over.
Using this feature will also allow us to look at your eReq and assist you if necessary.
Yes you can within the same funding source. The item total comes in from the Order Items tab and can be changed to allow for multiple account numbers; however the items and the funding total must match.
The “My Accounts” button on the Funding tab is a virtual index card to store all of your account numbers as well as a description of what they are used for.
1. Click on the “My Accounts” button.
2. Enter your account number and the description for the account.
3. Click “Save Account”. Repeat this process until you have listed all of your accounts.
To use this function, when you are creating an eReq, on the funding tab click on the “My Accounts” button and select the account number you wish to use. This will automatically fill in the account number for you on the funding tab. Make sure you click “Save Funding”.
No Special Instructions: select this option when the other ordering instructions do not apply to your eReq.
Blanket Order: A Blanket Order is placed with a supplier for a specific dollar amount for a period of time. You can then place orders with the supplier using the same PO number until the funds have been expended. This will eliminate the need for multiple eReqs to the same supplier.
Standing Order: A Standing Order is placed with a supplier when you are ordering the exact same item for a period of time on a scheduled delivery. (i.e.) the supplier delivers five bottles of water once a month for one year.
Confirming Received: This means that your order has already been received and the eReq is only for requesting payment.
Confirming Order Do Not Duplicate: The supplier is already aware of the order. Choosing this option will prevent duplication when the supplier receives their copy of the purchase order.
Advance Payment: The supplier requires prepayment before the service can be performed. This is not to be used for goods.
The requested delivery information is entered on the "Ship-To" tab.
Please note that the buyer cannot see the “notes” section until they are working on the eReq. If your eReq is considered a “Rush” then you need to select “Rush” in the requested delivery date section and show the date you need it by so your eReq will be prioritized. You should also email or call the buyer to let them know your eReq is a rush.
Enter the main word from the supplier’s name, use an asterisk (*) before and after. Less information will give you more extensive search results. From the results, select the supplier and location.
If you don’t find a match, enter a new supplier.
Be sure to click “Save”.
Refer to the supplier selection hints guide.
If you need a recommendation on suppliers, please contact the buyer.
Each eReq creator maintains the record of their “ship- to” locations, names and phone numbers of the contact person. If your location or contact information has changed, please follow the simple instructions below:
Go to the “Ship-To” tab in eReq
Click the box, “My Ship to Locations” (located under the tabs on the right-hand side of page)
Click “edit” next to the location you wish to change. Make the required changes, click “Save location”
You can also enter new locations, delete locations and change your default.
The location you enter on the first time using eReq becomes your default.
eReq is available from 7:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. daily; applications are closed university holidays. Many transactional services are not available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because of necessary system maintenance, database backups and software upgrades. Due to these constraints, the current standard hours of operation for most of the university's administrative applications is limited.
No. This equipment, even though it may be in “scrap” condition, belongs to the University at Buffalo and must be disposed of by University Facilities.
Equipment may not be placed in hallways, loading docks, or other common areas; this is a violation of fire and safety codes. As noted above, complete a Disposal Form and send to Asset Management.
Assets may not be thrown in the waste basket; equipment is UB property. Complete a Disposal Form indicating the asset number if there is one, serial number, and location of the asset. UB Facilities works with a scrap metal recycler and all aspects of the items which can be recycled are utilized. Read about how to remove data and clean your computer for recycling.
On your inventory database, write the word “unaccountable” in the designated excel column. After your inventory is updated in the RAM, Asset Management will generate a report of all assets noted as unaccountable. The report will be sent to you, asking for your review. If the asset still cannot be found, a memo (on departmental stationery) signed by the department head should be sent to Asset Management. The memo should indicate that all efforts to locate the asset(s) have been exhausted and that your department is asking Asset Management to remove the asset(s) from your inventory.
Yes, but you will need to complete an Inventory Data Change Form and send it to Asset Management. We will make the changes to your inventory, updating the new department, location, and new end-user.
Accounts Payable will:
1. Match the invoice to the purchase order and process payment in the appropriate payment system ten calendar days after receipt of the invoice for purchase order transactions resulting in individual invoices less than $5,000, unless notified by the ordering department of any damages or discrepancies
2. Process payment for purchase order transactions resulting in individual invoices of $5,000 or more, when the web receiver system indicates satisfactory receipt of the goods and/or services.
Contact the buyer who coordinated your order. They will resolve problems related to damaged goods, incorrect items, wrong delivery, price differences between invoice and purchase order, etc.
Submit a web receiver for purchase order transactions resulting in individual invoices of $5,000 or more.
Furniture and carpeting purchases require use of web receiver, no matter the dollar amount.
Contact the buyer who coordinated your order. They will resolve problems related to damaged goods, incorrect items, wrong delivery, price differences between invoice and purchase order, etc.
Use the RF Report Center, RF AIR (Activity Interface Reporting) dashboard, Accounts Payable Inquiry tab.
Use SIRI. Choose the Procurement dashboard, then State Payments tab. In the check/ACH field, a direct deposit (ACH) reference is 7 digits, a check number is 8 digits beginning with a zero, (e.g.) 0XXXXXXX.
You can select a new PIN by calling the toll-free or collect phone number listed on the back of your card.
Please be aware that during your next transaction at a chip-enabled terminal, you may be required to enter the new PIN three or more times before the terminal will recognize it and complete the transaction.
You can use a Procurement Card (PCard) to purchase a variety of non-travel, business-related items directly from suppliers with state or Research Foundation (RF) funds. State and RF PCards each have dollar limit thresholds.
Departments will identify employees who are to receive a Procurement Card. Cards are issued to individuals. Ideally, the cardholder should be anyone who handles purchasing on a routine basis. This training is provided by the Procurement Card Administrator in the Financial Management Department.
No, you should never disclose your PIN to anyone. Purchases made over the phone and on the Internet do not require a PIN.
If you enter an invalid PIN three or more times, you will need to select a new PIN by calling the toll-free or collect phone number listed on the back of your card.
After resetting your PIN:
No, the PIN selected does not expire, however, if your account number changes you will be required to select a new PIN.
Yes, the card can be used immediately after it has been activated and a PIN has been selected.
1. Report the issue to State Procurement Card Administration at 716-645-2604
2. Make out a check payable to the University at Buffalo and directed to Procurement Card Administration, 206 Crofts Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260 for processing. Do not send to Citibank.
3. Confirmation of the deposit will be returned to you, and should be retained in your Procurement Card file. Continued accidental charges could result in suspension or termination of the card.
Contact the supplier to request a replacement receipt or invoice. If the supplier cannot produce a replacement, then contact Procurement Card Administration.
1. Contact the JPMC help desk immediately at 1-800-316-6056
2. Following the notification to JPMC, report the issue to State Procurement Administration at 716-645-2604.
3. Reconcile/certify charges in anticipation of any credits. Include the documentation in your Procurement Card file.
Complete a State Procurement Card Maintenance Form and e-mail it to State Procurement Card Administration
Contact the supplier to try to resolve the issue. If the supplier doesn’t cooperate, file a dispute via JPMC. Disputes must be submitted to JPMC within 60 days of the statement. Retain documentation in your Procurement Card file, and reconcile/certify in anticipation of any credits. Contact State Procurement Card Administration at 716-645-2604 for assistance.
1. Contact the phone number of the supplier listed on the JPMC statement.
2. If you cannot identify the transaction or reach the supplier, contact State Procurement Card Administration at 716-645-2604 Include documentation in your Procurement Card file, and reconcile/certify in anticipation of any credits.
Log on to to view the cardholder statement.
You can dispute a charge to your card account. For example, if you see an incorrect charge or a billing error, or if the merchandise you received is not as described, you can dispute the charge.
1.Select Transactions > Manage to display the Transaction List screen.
2.Click the transaction you want to dispute. The Transaction Detail - General Information screen displays.
3.Click Dispute.
4.Confirm your E-mail Address.
5.Select a reason from the Dispute Reason list and provide any additional information as requested.
6.Click Submit.
All transactions must be reconciled/certified pending any credits.
Contact the Citibank help desk immediately at 800316-6056 to verify recent activity. If the card has been compromised, report the issue to State Procurement Card Administration at 716-645-2604. Retain documentation in your Procurement Card file, and reconcile/certify in anticipation of any credits.
Contact State Procurement Card Administration at 716-645-2604
Cards must be canceled prior to your departure. Once canceled, the card must be destroyed through a cross cut shredder or returned to Procurement Card Administration for proper disposal.
Procurement Card Administration
University at Buffalo
206 Crofts Hall
North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260-7013
We greatly appreciate your assistance with closing out any outstanding certifications. All paperwork must be retained by your department for six years plus the current year.
Additional recommendations are available from:
How You Can Protect Cardholder Data (UB Information Technology)
Protecting Yourself (US Secret Service)
No, the Procurement Card cannot be used for travel related purchases. The merchant category code is blocked, and the transaction will decline. Using the Procurement Card to hold the reservation will put the traveler’s reservation in jeopardy.
Contact the supplier and request a refund to the card for any sales tax paid. Supply the NYS Sales Tax Exempt Certificate (AC946). Be sure to include the University at Buffalo in any billing profile to match the Sales Tax Exempt Certificate. Reconcile in anticipation of any credits.
No, the individual named on the face of the card is the only person authorized to use the card. Cards cannot be shared. If you will be out of the office for an extended period of time, contact Procurement Card Administration to request a temporary suspension.
Contact Procurement Card Administration.
Certain merchant category codes are blocked and will prevent transactions from processing or the card may have been suspended due to suspicious card activity.
Contact JPMC at 1-800-270-7760 if you cannot reach Procurement Card Administration.
You can use a Procurement Card (PCard) to purchase a variety of non-travel, business-related items directly from suppliers with state or Research Foundation (RF) funds. State and RF PCards each have dollar limit thresholds.
Departments will identify employees who are to receive a Procurement Card. Cards are issued to individuals. Ideally, the cardholder should be anyone who handles purchasing on a routine basis. This training is provided by the Procurement Card Administrator in the Financial Management Department.
Report the issue to Procurement Card administration.
Checks should be payable to the Research Foundation and sent to Procurement Card Administration for processing. Do not send directly to American Express.
Continued accidental charges could result in suspension or termination of the card.
For award compliance and allowability questions, email your assigned Award Analyst in Sponsored Projects Services and Procurement Card Administration ( or contact directly:
Valerie Dennis at 716-645-2604 or Bethany Nalyezynski at 716-645-4530
Contact American Express at 1-800-492-4920 for assistance.
If the card has been compromised, report the issue to the people listed below in Procurement Card Administration:
Valerie Dennis at 716-645-2604 or Bethany Nalyezynski at 716-645-4530
Contact the supplier to request a replacement receipt or invoice. If the supplier cannot produce a replacement, contact Procurement Card Administration for assistance.
Report Lost or Stolen Cards:
1-800-492-4920, then immediately contact the people listed below in Procurement Card Administration:
Bethany Nalyezynski at 716-645-4530
Complete a RF Procurement Card Maintenance Form and fax to 716-645-2687 or mail to:
Procurement Card Administration
224 Crofts Hall
North Campus
To file a dispute, contact American Express via telephone at 1-800-492-4920. Disputes must be submitted to American Express within 60 days of the statement. Retain documentation in your Procurement Card file and list the transaction on your monthly summary in anticipation of any credits. Retain documentation of the dispute for your records. For additional assistance, contact the people listed below in Procurement Card Administration:
Valerie Dennis at 716-645-2604 or Bethany Nalyezynski at 716-645-4530
If possible, try to contact the supplier to investigate. If you cannot identify the transaction or reach the supplier, contact American Express at 1-800-492-4920. For additional assistance, contact the people listed below in Procurement Card Administration:
Valerie Dennis at 716-645-2604 or Bethany Nalezynski at 716-645-4530
Contact the people listed below in Procurement Card Administration for assistance:
Valerie Dennis at 716-645-2604 or Bethany Nalyezynski at 716-645-4530
Cards must be cancelled prior to your departure.
Once canceled, the cut-up card must be returned via campus mail to:
Procurement Card Administration
224 Crofts Hall
North Campus
We greatly appreciate your assistance with closing out the account prior to your departure.
Additional recommendations are available from:
How You Can Protect Cardholder Data (UB Information Technology)
American Express Security Center
Protecting Yourself (US Secret Service)
No, the Procurement Card cannot be used for travel related purchases. The merchant category code is blocked and the transaction will be declined. Using the Procurement Card to hold the reservation will put the traveler’s reservation in jeopardy.
Contact the supplier and request a refund to the card for any sales tax paid. Supply the Research Foundation Sales Tax Exempt Certificate. Be sure to include the University at Buffalo in any billing profile to match the Sales Tax Exempt Certificate. Reconcile in anticipation of any credits.
No, the individual named on the face of the card is the only person authorized to use the card. Cards cannot be shared. If you will be out of the office for an extended period of time, contact Procurement Card Administration to request a temporary suspension.
Report the issue to Procurement Card Administration.
Certain merchant category codes are blocked, and will prevent transactions from processing or the card may have been suspended due to suspicious card activity.
Contact American Express at 1-800-492-4920 if you cannot reach Procurement Card Administration
No, the individual named on the face of the card is the only person authorized to use the card. Cards cannot be shared. If you will be out of the office for an extended period of time, contact Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino at 716-645-8748 to request a temporary suspension.
Contact the supplier to request a replacement receipt or invoice. If the supplier cannot produce a replacement, contact your Accounts Payable Associate for assistance.
To report lost or stolen cards:
Contact the supplier and request a refund to the card for any sales tax paid. Supply the UBF Activities Sales Tax Exempt Certificate. Be sure to include the University at Buffalo Foundation in any billing profile to match the Sales Tax Exempt Certificate.
American Express Customer Support
If possible, try to contact the supplier to investigate. If you cannot identify the transaction or reach the supplier, contact American Express at 1-800-492-4920. For additional assistance, contact your Accounts Payable Associate or Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino at 716-645-8748.
To file a dispute, contact American Express via telephone at 1-800-492-4920. Disputes must be submitted to American Express within 60 days of the statement. Retain documentation and list the transaction on your monthly summary noting it is in dispute. Retain documentation of the dispute for your records. For additional assistance, contact your Accounts Payable Associate or Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino at 716-645-8748.
Contact your Accounts Payable Associate or contact Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino at 716-645-8748 for assistance. Cards must be canceled prior to your departure.
If you are transferring to another academic unit, and wish to keep your card, please provide an updated default account number.
Once canceled, the destroyed card must be returned via campus mail to:
Center for Tomorrow
North Campus
We greatly appreciate your assistance with closing out the account prior to your departure.
For questions, please contact your Accounts Payable Associate or Stephanie (Stevie) Ruffino at 716-645-8748.
Additional recommendations are available from:
How You Can Protect Cardholder Data (UB Information Technology)
Do not share your PCard.
Yes, the Procurement Card can be used for travel related purchases.
You can use a Procurement Card (PCard) to purchase a variety of business-related travel, meals, supplies and other appropriate expenses permitted under current university and departmental guidelines with UBF funds. PCards have dollar limits.
The PCard should not be used for the following types of purchases: donations, political campaign activities, cash advances, gift cards/gift certificates, food purchases for employee or staff meetings, payments for services to consultants, professionals, or other individuals, splitting purchases to circumvent maximum per transaction amount, automated or recurring billings, security cameras, employee relocation expenses, payments to the university, Research Foundation, or UBF, or personal use.
University or Research Foundation employees may apply for a PCard. Cards are issued to individuals. Ideally, the cardholder should be anyone who handles purchasing or travels on a routine basis.
Yes. Your role in ShopBlue will be the same as your current role in eReq.
Anyone can submit a receiver, including requesters or approvers. You can submit a receiver for a partial delivery, and then go back and submit a receiver for the rest of the order when it arrives.
Contact Purchasing and request to set up the vendor as a catalog supplier in ShopBlue.
The ShopBlue reporting will remain the same as the eReq reporting. The way the information gets to SUNY will change, but the way it reports in SIRI will remain the same. Some reporting tools are also available in ShopBlue.
Depending on the contract writing, they will be included in the ShopBlue contract module.
No, a purchase cannot be split between funding sources in ShopBlue. You have to make separate purchases and cross reference the requisitions to each other.
For Facilities receiving, you will shop in ShopBlue, then the data will transfer from ShopBlue to Maximo. This is different than eReq, where the data currently transfers from Maximo to eReq.
Stay tuned for more information about Amazon. For now, be sure to use an Amazon UB Business Account, not a personal account.
For accounts that require funding to support expenditures, the Funds Check determines if there are sufficient funds available in the account and includes any encumbrances that exist at the time it is checked. Most state accounts are set so that funding (allocation) at the individual account level is not required to pass the Funds Check steps in ShopBlue.
Yes, ShopBlue uses the same account approver database that is used for the travel and expense system Concur.
In ShopBlue, go to the homepage and click on the draft cart and activate it again. A draft cart holds all of the items that are in your cart at the time you make it a draft. You can also create a favorite cart and reorder or edit it as needed.
There is a limit of 50 line items, same as in eReq.
There is a trademark form in ShopBlue. The form includes provisions to attach any required documents. It also has an associated workflow that includes approval by the Trademarks and Licensing Manager in University Communications.
Confirming and received orders are placed as a payment request form in ShopBlue. If possible, try to avoid placing confirming and received orders. However, depending on the order they may be necessary.
No, they will not have separate profiles in ShopBlue. When you prepare a requisition for someone else in ShopBlue, their account numbers and ship to addresses will appear in the prepared for section during checkout.
The department use fields in ShopBlue were duplicated from eReq. They are slightly different in ShopBlue and you have the option to edit them.
Multi-year contracts are automatically included in the contract module in ShopBlue.
Staples Advantage will be merging with ShopBlue, except for purchases made with a Pcard.
The turnaround time in ShopBlue will be the same or quicker than it is in eReq. ShopBlue will not change the way you currently order items.
No, they are included on ShopBlue.
Your full order history will be available in ShopBlue for an unlimited amount of time.
There is a new standing order form in ShopBlue. Orders are then placed from the original standing order to track what is being purchased.
When viewing your Requisition or Purchase Order, you can view the workflow status on the right-hand side of the screen under "What's Next?"
The workflow timeline should be the same, if not faster, than eReq.
Until the current blanket orders expire, continue using eReq to order off of existing blanket orders. When replacement orders are needed, place new standing orders in ShopBlue using the standing order form.
Yes, but the test system only includes a small fraction of the total supplier file and is not useful in determining which suppliers will be available in the live system.
No. In your ShopBlue profile, you have to set the ship to address as your preferred address. You can also set up other addresses and change them if you need to enter different addresses for different orders.
No, you can only purchase from a single vendor in one cart.
No, Apple is currently not included in ShopBlue.
If you are buying online, you can only make purchases using a PCard. Other than that, use ShopBlue for consolidated billing.
We encourage you to make purchases using ShopBlue instead of using a PCard. However, it depends on the vendor you are purchasing from. In some cases, making purchases using ShopBlue may be the easier method.
A separate cart for non-catalog items will have to be done, as carts cannot contain both hosted catalog and non-catalog items.
Yes. Continue to contact Procurement Services to resolve any issues you normally would when using eReq.
The purchasing guidelines and thresholds are the same in ShopBlue and eReq. However, receivers are required for every transaction in ShopBlue (except for Payment Requests), regardless of dollar amount. The process for creating a receiver in ShopBlue is easier than it is in eReq.
Use your PCard to order items needed urgently or that might require a shorter lead time than is typical for a requisition.
Yes, the information is available on the contract loaded in ShopBlue.
A change order is being developed for ShopBlue. You can enter a comment saying, for example, half of the invoice should be paid because some things aren’t needed anymore, or that there was a change in the quote price.
No it will not be a problem. We understand that certain orders must always be placed as confirming and received orders.
The UB machines including upgrades and add-ons are selected by the workstation standards committee. If the configuration is not available in the standards, email for a quote. Allow 1-2 business days for custom quotes.
Click on the ? Help Me Choose option. A window will pop up that explains the different options. Most components have built-in consulting assistance.
Your options are Add to Cart or Customize. Click on Customize to see the exact configuration and all the available upgrades and add-ons for that system
After you click customize, you will see all the components of your configuration. If upgrades are available you can click on the radio button to upgrade or add that component.
These are consumer models and are not available to purchase from the government/education store. The Optiplex and Latitude lines are network-optimized and designed to allow for a lower total cost of ownership for UB, offer long-term stability with longer product life cycles and are compatible with the UB image. Check with your department before making a purchase.
Dell offers a complete line of software and peripheral products and our account includes standard ground shipping at no additional charge. Click on the Software and Peripherals tabs. This tab also has a keyword search function for searching for a specific part number or item. Before you buy software please review the UB department offerings.
To configure a consumer model, you will need to do the following
Click on the Systems tab. The UB Custom Dell Configurator offers a complete line of computers and notebooks designed for use on-campus. In addition, most models are compatible with the UB image for easy installation and deployment.
The university standards are located on the home page. They can also be accessed from the Shop Menu/Standard Configurations.
Furniture in acceptable working condition should be repurposed here or at another SUNY campus, or it may be traded-in for a credit to be applied to a new furniture purchase. Because UB-owned furniture is property of the state, it cannot be donated. Furniture that is no longer in acceptable working condition may be disposed. When disposed by the supplier, written confirmation from the supplier will be needed verifying that the furniture was disposed and not used for any other purposes. Learn more about Disposal of Equipment at UB.
No. Departments do not have signatory authority to sign quotes. Unauthorized signatories may be held personally liable if the university does not acknowledge the order. All quotes and purchase orders must be signed by authorized personnel in Procurement Services.
Yes. An appropriate justification will be needed in order to purchase preowned or refurbished furniture. This justification should include the current condition of the used furniture, the lifecycle of the furniture that will be ordered, and a cost comparison proving reasonableness of price. You will need to show that the items are less expensive as used pieces than they would be in new condition.
Ordering open market furniture items will require competitive price quotes and an appropriate justification. Review the Purchasing Dollar Thresholds for specific requirements.
Completing a receiver is required for all furniture purchases, regardless of dollar amount. The receiver should be completed after the order has been delivered and installed. Accounts Payable cannot pay the invoice until a receiver has been completed.
One requisition may be entered for multiple quotes so long as those quotes have the same ordering instructions, the items are from the same manufacturer and are under the same contract number. Quotes containing different manufacturers and contract numbers must go on separate requisitions, even if they came from the same supplier.
Yes. However it must be within the current per diem rates and not include alcohol. All alcoholic beverages must be paid for by the guest.
Direct bill simply means the hotel will invoice the university instead of requiring a credit card to hold the reservation. The guest will still need to provide a credit card upon arrival for incidentals not covered by the university.
If you already have reservations at a hotel that is above the current per diem rate you can cancel the reservation and book a room at a different hotel or use UBF funding to pay for this expenditure.
If the hotel is able to direct bill the university and offers the per diem rate for the current year, you can book your guest at a different hotel. Check the current New York state per diem rates.
No, the Procurement Card cannot be used for travel related purchases. The merchant category code is blocked, and the transaction will decline. Using the Procurement Card to hold the reservation will put the traveler’s reservation in jeopardy.