Manage your paycheck and find payroll services about tax withholding, direct deposit, and W-2 tax statements.
To view or change your employee profile, log in to the SUNY portal for State with your UBITName and password, the SUNY portal for Research Foundation with your RF account login credentials, or AccuFund Portal for UB Foundation with your AccuFund account login credentials.
Pay Format | Description |
Paycheck | Paper paycheck is mailed to the home address on file with your employer |
Direct Deposit | Pay is deposited into one to eight accounts at one or more financial institutions of your choosing It takes one or two pay cycles to process a direct deposit request |
Pay Type | Action Needed? |
Paper Paycheck | None, this is the default |
Direct Deposit and Pay Advice | Complete a State Direct Deposit Request form |
Pay Type | Action Needed? |
Paper Paycheck | None, this is the default |
Direct Deposit | Complete a Research Foundation Direct Deposit Request form |
Pay Type | Action Needed? |
Paper Paycheck | None, this is the default.
Paper check is mailed to the primary address on file with UB Foundation Activities, Inc |
Direct Deposit | Complete a UB Foundation Direct Deposit Request form Proof of account ownership and ID required to process new Direct Deposit Requests. |
Period No. | Pay Period From To | Personnell Transaction (ePTF) Due Dates | Paychecks Distributed | |
27 | 12/5/2024 | 12/18/2024 | 12/18/2024 | 12/31/24* |
1 | 12/19/2024 | 1/1/2025 | 1/1/2025 | 1/15/2025 |
2 | 1/2/2025 | 1/15/2025 | 1/15/2025 | 1/29/2025 |
3 | 1/16/2025 | 1/29/2025 | 1/29/2025 | 2/12/2025 |
4 | 1/30/2025 | 2/12/2025 | 2/12/2025 | 2/26/2025 |
5 | 2/13/2025 | 2/26/2025 | 2/26/2025 | 3/12/2025 |
6 | 2/27/2025 | 3/12/2025 | 3/12/2025 | 3/26/2025 |
7 | 3/13/2025 | 3/26/2025 | 3/26/2025 | 4/9/2025 |
8 | 3/27/2025 | 4/9/2025 | 4/9/2025 | 4/23/2025 |
9 | 4/10/2025 | 4/23/2025 | 4/23/2025 | 5/7/2025 |
10 | 4/24/2025 | 5/7/2025 | 5/7/2025 | 5/21/2025 |
11 | 5/8/2025 | 5/21/2025 | 5/21/2025 | 6/4/2025 |
12 | 5/22/2025 | 6/4/2025 | 6/4/2025 | 6/18/2025 |
13 | 6/5/2025 | 6/18/2025 | 6/18/2025 | 7/2/2025 |
14 | 6/19/2025 | 7/2/2025 | 7/2/2025 | 7/16/2025 |
15 | 7/3/2025 | 7/16/2025 | 7/16/2025 | 7/30/2025 |
16 | 7/17/2025 | 7/30/2025 | 7/30/2025 | 8/13/2025 |
17 | 7/31/2025 | 8/13/2025 | 8/13/2025 | 8/27/2025 |
18 | 8/14/2025 | 8/27/2025 | 8/27/2025 | 9/10/2025 |
19 | 8/28/2025 | 9/10/2025 | 9/10/2025 | 9/24/2025 |
20 | 9/11/2025 | 9/24/2025 | 9/24/2025 | 10/8/2025 |
21 | 9/25/2025 | 10/8/2025 | 10/8/2025 | 10/22/2025 |
22 | 10/9/2025 | 10/22/2025 | 10/22/2025 | 11/5/2025 |
23 | 10/23/2025 | 11/5/2025 | 11/5/2025 | 11/19/2025 |
24 | 11/6/2025 | 11/19/2025 | 11/19/2025 | 12/3/2025 |
25 | 11/20/2025 | 12/3/2025 | 12/3/2025 | 12/17/2025 |
26 | 12/4/2025 | 12/17/2025 | 12/17/2025 | 12/31/2025 |
1 | 12/18/2025 | 12/31/2025 | 12/31/2025 | 1/14/2026 |
See your payroll information, including payroll history, at the State of New York (SUNY) portal:
Item | Descriptor | Explanation |
A | State Comptroller | Designates a state paycheck |
B | [your name] | Your name |
C | Total Gross | Total amount for current payperiod and year-to-date total before taxes |
D | Fed Taxable Gross | Total amount for current payperiod and year-to-date total less federal pre-tax amounts |
E | Net Pay | Take home amount |
F | Pay Rate | Annual pay (blank if student assistant) |
G | Advice # Advice Date | Unique paycheck number Paycheck date |
H | Dept ID | 30: Administrative pay 31: Student hourly pay 32: Union contractual pay 33: College workstudy pay 35: Scholarship 39: TA/GA |
J | Pay Start Date Pay End Date | Start of this payperiod End of this payperiod |
K | NYS Emplid | Your New York state employee ID |
L | Negotiating Unit | Your group or union identified by number. See a list of state units. |
M | Retirement System | Your retirement system |
N | Current Hrs/Days | Current college workstudy actual hours or blank |
O | Current Earnings | Your current gross earnings (C) |
P | YTD Hrs/Days | College workstudy total hours or blank this current year |
Q | YTD Earnings | This year's gross earnings |
R | Tax Data | Displays your local, state and federal tax withholding status |
S | Taxes | Actual current and YTD tax deductions computed with earnings and tax withholding data (R) |
T | Before Tax Deductions | Includes voluntary deductions such as Flex Spending, voluntary retirement savings, dependent care |
U | After Tax Deductions | Includes contractual dues, SEFA contributions |
V | Direct Deposit Distribution | For direct deposit only, displays the amounts and account types into which pay is distributed |
W | Net Distributions | Total amounts paid either by direct deposit or check |
Log in to the RFSUNY self service portal to see your payroll information:
As part of its service to UB, the UB Foundation (UBF) provides payroll administration for UB faculty and staff who are funded with UBF resources.
Each payday, UB Foundation Activities Payroll Team sends you an email about your pay:
"Your paystub for xx/xx/xxxx is now available for viewing in the UBF Employee Portal."
Use the payroll self service tool that corresponds to your paycheck type to view payroll information and make changes.
State employees can use the NYS Payroll Online portal to:
Please Note: The first time you log in you will need the last 4 digits of your SSN and your NYS Employee ID number (this number is different from your UB Person number) which may be found on your current pay statement or direct deposit advice or at the top of the SUNY portal screen. You will also be required to enter your date of birth using the following format XX/XX/XXXX (ex. 01/25/1976). You will see an error message if you attempt to enter it in any other format, including using hyphens instead of forward slashes.
RF employees can use the Self Service portal to:
UBF employees can login to the Accufund portal to:
Please use the instructions below to access the portal and establish a login.
You may change your withholding online through the SUNY portal or download a PDF copy to complete and submit to HR.
Currently active New York state (NYS), Research Foundation (RF) and UB Foundation (UBF) employees can typically access their W-2 reports online by the end of January each year.
W-2 Wage and Tax reports are available at Accufund:
Has your mailing address changed? Be sure to update it prior to the end of December to ensure delivery of the current year's W-2 in the following January. Choose your pay source below for instructions.
1. Log in to RF Employee Self Service
a. Click Access Self Service
b. Log in using your RF employee username and password
2. Click Employee Self Service to expand the menu
3. Click My Contact Information
4. Click Update in the Main Address section
a. Select Enter a new address if you have moved
b. Note: You cannot select Correct or amend this address
5. Click Next to follow the steps to input your new address
6. Click Submit to finalize your address change
Please contact a payroll expert for assistance.
For last names A-CQ
Karin Rafter
State Payroll Services
Phone: 645-4446
For last names CR-HD
Kathy Pohlman
State Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-5202
For last names HE-LT
Roseann Brzozowiec
State Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4449
For last names LU-PQ
Suzie Lesswing
State Payroll Services
Phone: 645-4425
For last names PR-TG
Erin Reese
State Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4450
For last names TH-Z
Melissa Barone
State Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4445
Angela Kuc
State Appointment Processing & Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4427
Lisa Battle
State Appointment Processing
Phone: 716-645-8156
Kara Gregoire
State Appointment Processing
Phone: 716-645-4424
Alexandra Brousse
State Appointment Processing
Phone: 716-645-4428
Katie Cartwright
State Appointment Processing
Phone: 645-5347
Denise Katus
RF Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4453
Joelle Tyler
RF Payroll
Phone: 716-645-4474
Sarah Lipczynski
RF Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4355
Sonia Cravatta
RF Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4473
Stephanie Gruarin
RF Payroll Services
Phone: 716-645-4479
Alissa Brayley
Payroll Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8754
Rakesh Shrestha
Payroll Associate
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8734
Kate Fisher
Payroll Manager
UB Foundation
Phone: 716-645-8735
Payroll Manager
Payroll Manager
UB Foundation