State PCard September Statement Ready to Reconcile

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Published October 17, 2022


Complete your September 2022 Procurement Card reconciliation by Friday October 28, 2022. 

Required Tracking of COVID-19 Purchases

Purchases for Academic and Business Continuity or Shipments to Remote Locations

  • When certifying your future statements via the SUNY Portal for any transactions related to COVID-19:
    • Refer to Step 5 of the SUNY Web Reconciliation Instructions
      • Click Edit button located next to the transaction
      • Click Edit Funding
      • Enter the following information within Funding Description Field: "COVID-19, [state the business purpose, brief item description]"
      • Enter the additional information if essential item has been shipped to a remote location: "Items shipped to [enter NAME and ADDRESS of recipient]."
      • Click Save and Return and Save
      • Proceed with certification as usual
      • The description you enter will display in SIRI in the Procurement Card tab of the Procurement dashboard
  • Under normal circumstances, all shipments must be sent to a UB address. However, if shipping essential items off campus during this crisis is necessary, include the following statement within your documentation: 

Due to COVID-19, this purchase is being delivered to a remote address for purposes of academic and business continuity. We recognize that this is an exception to the university’s procurement policy, and will only exercise this activity during our response to COVID-19 as necessary. In all cases, purchases remain the property of the University at Buffalo. Goods must be consumed for university purposes and/or be returned to the university for further use.

COVID-19 Guidance


Faculty and staff should consult with their unit leadership regarding any large purchases needed for the continuation of services. Ensure a plan is in place to track credits from any purchases (i.e. conference registrations) which are cancelled due to COVID-19. Responses to commonly asked questions are available at FAQs About State PCards or you may email us with any questions related to one-time limit increases for emergency purchases.

Certify Your PCard Statement

This will be your last Citibank monthly certification,  next month will be with JP Morgan Chase

Complete the reconciliation and certification for the September 2022 billing cycle in the SUNY Finance and Management System (FMS) on the employee services portal at The September billing cycle covers transactions from 09/07/22 — 10/06/22.. 

Using CitiManager

File Retention Dates

PCard paperwork and receipts must be kept on file for a period of six (6) fiscal years plus the current year. You should have the following fiscal years on file:

  • 2022-23 (Current)
  • 2021-22
  • 2020-21
  • 2019-20
  • 2018-19
  • 2017-18
  • 2016-17

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