UB strives to maintain safe workplaces. In spite of best efforts, you may suffer a work-related injury, illness or disability at work that makes you eligible for workers' compensation benefits. We can help you get started with your accident report.
If you're wondering if you should report an incident, file a report.
Customer Service
Human Resources
Townsend Hall, South Campus
Phone: 716-645-7777
Zachary Jenney
Research Foundation Benefit Services
Phone: 716-645-4439
Email: zjenney@buffalo.edu
UB Foundation Human Resources
103 Center for Tomorrow
North Campus
UB Foundation Human Resources
P.O. Box 900
Buffalo, NY 14226-0900
Campus Dining and Shops
146 Fargo Quad
Phone: (716) 645-7308
On North, South and Downtown Campuses
Call 716-645-2222 or
Use a blue light phone
Off Campus — Call 911
UB Guardian — download the safety app