Group of young business people meeting working with new startup project idea presentation analyze plan marketing and investment.
Group of young business people meeting working with new startup project idea presentation analyze plan marketing and investment.
UPlan: A financial management process and tool for the University at Buffalo.
Group of young business people meeting working with new startup project idea presentation analyze plan marketing and investment.






In progress...


Summer 2024



  • UPlan: June 2024 Update
    Thank you to those who attended our Conference Room Pilots (CRPs) on June 12 and June 13. Each CRP was recorded and is available on our website. We appreciate the comments and feedback received during the sessions and via the questionnaire.
  • UPlan: May 2024 Update
    Thank you to those who attended our Conference Room Pilots (CRPs) on May 8 and May 9. Each CRP was recorded and is available on our website. We appreciate the comments and feedback received during the sessions and via the questionnaire. They are beneficial to building our comprehensive system. Please note that a second round of CRPs will take place in June.
  • UPlan: April 2024 Update
    We are currently refining the Solution Design Document, which is provided to the Huron developers to create our system. We aim to commence Conference Room Pilots (CRPs) at the beginning of May, allowing users to experience the system firsthand and provide valuable feedback. We are excited to start diving into our system.

What is UPlan?

UPlan is a multi-phased initiative to develop a fully integrated, all-funds budgeting, planning and forecasting system.

The goals of UPlan are to:

Cyclical arrows with a plus symbol overlayed in the corner.

Enhance current unit-based processes.

A dotted circle with a filled circle within and an arrow pointing down overlayed.

Decrease manual data gathering, verification and formatting

Three circles arranged in a triangle. The uppermost circle contains a plus symbol.

Adopt best practices in budget and finance operations and reporting.

Building blocks arranged neatly with a new building block descending to slot in with the others.

Integrate the budgeting process with current systems and databases.

An outstretched hand with an arrow rising from the palm.

Provide consistent data to support strategic decision-making.

Line chart with an increasing line and a plus symbol overlayed on the corner.

Improve forecasting, reporting and scenario planning.

A piece of paper with a folded corner and an asterisk in the adjacent corner.

Create a system to respond to reporting needs and information requests.


For general questions:

For other inquiries: