Date Established: 8/19/2019
Date Last Updated:
Responsible Office:
Financial Management
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Finance and Administration
This policy provides guidelines for the financial management of departmental events fees to support:
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) establishes and maintains departmental event rates in accordance with the State University of New York (SUNY) Fees, Rentals, and Other Charges Policy. A departmental event is a departmentally sponsored function (e.g., conference, banquet, retreat, outing, fair) for which a fee is charged to participants.
These general principles govern the development of new rates or changes to existing rates:
The cost of an event is charged to participants through a rate. Rates are developed to cover the cost of operations, including but not limited to salaries, benefits, supplies, catering, and speakers. All costs included in developing the rate must be:
The department must:
Expense Type |
Purpose |
Description | Allowable State | Allowable UBF |
Salary and Wages | Administrative Staff | Actual anticipated percentage of effort by the staff and work should be directly related to the rate being charged (current salary and fringe) | Yes | Yes |
Salary and Wages | Faculty | Cost of instruction for academic staff and technicians who perform duties in conjunction with a credit-bearing or required course leading to a degree (tuition and State support are provided for this purpose) | No | No |
Food and Beverage | Student or Participant Food or Beverage | All students or participants receive the food and beverage and it must be a necessary component of the event rate | Yes | Yes |
Food and Beverage | Faculty and Staff Food and Beverage | The food and beverage is part of a group meal where the faculty or staff members presence is needed and other separate food and beverages are not available | Yes | Yes |
Food and Beverage | Faculty and Staff Food and Beverage | The food and beverage is separate to the student or participant, but is related to the specific departmental event | No | Yes |
Food and Beverage | Alcoholic Beverages | When there is any alcoholic beverage related to event rate | No | Yes |
Travel | Student or Participant Travel costs | Any student or participant travel costs that are a necessary component of the event rate | Yes | Yes |
Travel | Student or Participant Lodging | Any lodging that is a necessary component of the rate | Yes | Yes |
Travel | Faculty and Staff Travel | The travel is separate from group, but is related to the specific departmental event | No | Yes |
Travel | Faculty and Staff Lodging | The lodging is required of the participants and the staff and they are staying at the same location | Yes | Yes |
Printing and Postage | Printing and postage | The printing and postage charges are reasonable and a necessary component of the event rate | Yes | Yes |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Materials and supplies specific to the event | Can result in a tangible product retained by the participant or where a special service is provided | Yes | Yes |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Supplementary text, software and resource materials | These are not available through the university bookstore but are required for departmental event | Yes | Yes |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Scientific chemicals and laboratory waste | Required part of event and necessary component of rate as proper disposal is also required | Yes | Yes |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Equipment expense is less than $5,000 | Cost of $1-$999 – expense total cost in the year purchased | Yes | Yes |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Classroom equipment | Typical classroom furniture, used for multiple instructional purposes and part of a regular instructional budget | No | No |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Computer equipment or software maintenance | The equipment usage, primary software, computer maintenance, and related supplies or any other expense is covered by the Technology Fee | No | No |
Materials, Supplies, Equipment | Computer equipment or software maintenance | The computer equipment and software expenses (including maintenance) are unique to the charge, and are not covered by regular instructional budget or the Technology Fee | Yes | Yes |
Other Expenses | General University Service Fee (GUSF) | The administrative costs associated with revenue collected as part of the event rate | Yes | Yes |
Other Expenses | Donations and contributions | This can include cash, property and services, made by the university to other entities | No | Yes |
Other Expenses | Volunteer personnel | Volunteer costs are less than the calculated rate of hiring facilities or outside agencies to service the event | Yes | Yes |
Other Expenses | Student or Participant Admission cost | The admission costs for trips are required for the departmental event | Yes | Yes |
Other Expenses | Professional Services | Speakers, lecturers, or presenters that are a required component of the rate | Yes | Yes |
Other Expenses | Bad Debt | Any losses from previous year or deficit in related event account | No | No |
Other Expenses | Advertising, promotional material, start-up | Any costs for advertising, sending out promotional material, or expenses related to the start-up of the departmental event | No | Yes |
Other Expenses | Fundraising | Any fundraising costs associated with the event rate | No | Yes |
Departmental event rates must be developed so that revenues offset costs for each event. A surplus is not allowed for rates charged to internal participants.
Amounts charged to external users in excess of the internal rate should be excluded when calculating the surplus or deficit.
Internal university participants should be charged the same rate. However, if some users are charged a reduced rate or are not charged a rate, the standard (non-subsidized) rate must be imputed in calculating the rate’s annual surplus or deficit. This is necessary to avoid having some users pay a higher rate to make up for the reduced rate charged to other participants.
Subsidized Users
The university may choose to charge some users a lower rate or no rate; however, the fee rate must be calculated for all users based on total expenses.
The cost used by the subsidized user group must be recorded to ensure that they are not inappropriately charged to other users.
University Provided Subsidy
Departmental event rates must be fully costed (i.e., the rates should include all allowable costs associated with the activity or service provided); however, the university may choose to subsidize the costs of a rate. When rates are lower than cost, the resulting deficit cannot be carried forward as an adjustment to future fee rates. In instances when subsides are required to cover costs, the source of funding and account must be identified.
Rates for External Participants
The university allows external participants to be charged a higher rate than the rate charged to internal users. However, revenues and costs associated with external users must be tracked separately to avoid the perception of overcharging.
Participant | Payment Type |
Internal Participant | • Student billing system (HUB) • Campus Cash • Interdepartmental Invoice (IDI) • Purchase Order (eReq) • Revenue Transfer |
External Participant | • Wire Transfer (ACH) • Electronic payment (ePay, UBF Checkout) • Paper Check • Credit card (requires prior approval) |
Payment types not listed in table must be approved prior to collection from Financial Management.
Departments may elect not to accept internal methods of payment for the event.
The waiver and refund policy must be documented in the Departmental Event Fee Approval, as applicable.
Departments collecting revenue should ensure that the appropriate segregation of duties is maintained to safeguard funds and the university’s reputation, as required in the Safeguarding Cash and Cash Equivalents Policy. For instance, a person who receives payments should not be the person who deposits payments or reconciles the account.
When staffing resources make segregation of duties difficult, compensating controls must be implemented to provide the appropriate checks and balances to detect errors, deter fraud, and prevent concealment of irregularities. Read about compensating controls in the Safeguarding Cash and Cash Equivalents Policy.
All newly established departmental event fees must be deposited in a separate account. The preferred funding source is a State Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR) account. However, it may be necessary to establish a UB Foundation (UBF) account with payment through the UBF checkout system based on the nature of the fee. This requires prior approval from Financial Management and the University Controller.
The department must maintain rate development documentation. Documentation includes the actual costs of providing the event, number of participants, billings, collections, and the annual surplus or deficit.
These records are subject to SUNY external audit and internal review.
In the event that a fee is imposed upon students without following the guidelines in this policy, funds collected will be refunded to the payee in full upon request made to the campus or by directive from SUNY System Administration. Requests for refunds must be made within three years of collecting the fee.
The SUNY Board of Trustees established levels of authority and requirements for university charges, as described in the SUNY Fees, Rentals and Other Charges Policy. This policy provides a framework for consistent operational guidelines to:
This policy applies to all departmental event rates administered through State and UBF accounts that are not related to service centers.
Fundraising through University Advancement and Office of Alumni Engagement events are excluded from this policy.
The amount determined when costs exceed revenues for a given fiscal year.
Departmental Event
An event hosted by a UB department, either on or off campus, where revenue is collected. Events include, but are not limited to a conference, banquet, retreat, outing, or fair.
An item of tangible personal property having a useful life exceeding one year.
External Participant
Organization or individual whose ultimate source of funds is outside the university. External participants include faculty, staff, and students acting in a personal capacity. Affiliated hospitals and other individuals are also considered external users unless the university has subcontracted with them as part of a grant or contract, in which case they are an internal participant.
Referring to the event, program, service, or product as a whole. There can be multiple rates for each fee.
Fiscal Year
The 12-month period used for accounting purposes; the university’s fiscal year is July 1 to June 30.
General University Service Fee (GUSF)
Fee charged against external revenue. The service fee is a flat rate charged across all entities on funds generated through the use of university faculty or staff time or use of university facilities.
Internal Participant
An academic, research, administrative, or auxiliary unit whose ultimate source of funds is within or flows through the university, including State and UB Foundation funds).
The individual prices paid or charged (internal, internal +GUSF, external) for all the different pricing options under a fee. There can be multiple rates associated with one fee.
Subsidized User
User who is charged at a lower rate or not charged at all.
Additional funding provided by a department or the university that assists in covering the costs.
Personal property that is expendable with a useful life of less than one year, and that cannot be classified as equipment.
The amount determined when revenues exceed costs for a given fiscal year.
Unallowable Costs
Costs that cannot be included in calculating the cost of a service or activity.
Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)
Taxes that result from income produced by the sale of goods or services to external users not substantially related to the university’s tax-exempt purpose.
Useful Life
The period of time over which a piece of equipment is expected to provide service.
Contact | Phone | |
Financial Management | 716-645-2640 | |
Satish K. Tripathi, President