University at Buffalo Crest.

Policy Information

Date Established: 1/1/2000
Date Last Revised: 9/16/2011
Category: Information Technology
Responsible Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer
Responsible Executive: Chief Information Officer

Policy Contents


UBITName Policy


A UBITName is a digital identity issued to a person affiliated with the University and provides access to University at Buffalo Information Technology (UBIT) services. This policy defines who is eligible for a UBITName, what happens when a person’s affiliation to the university changes, conditions that allow for a UBITName to be changed, and how a UBITName can be created for administrative purposes.

Policy Statement


Faculty, staff, and students who are currently affiliated with the University at Buffalo are eligible for a UBITName. Affiliation with the University at Buffalo is verified against university records and defined as:

  • Employees current in their appointments, including faculty, staff, and volunteers
  • Students who are currently enrolled
  • Persons who have applied for admission to the University at Buffalo (applicants)
  • Senior auditors
  • Participants in certain pre-collegiate programs

The set of UBIT services granted to a UBITName varies by the type of affiliation with the University at Buffalo. Persons may have multiple affiliation types.

Appropriate Use of University at Buffalo Information Technology Services

A UBITName and password is required to access the University at Buffalo Information Technology services such as email, MyUB, HUB, UB_Secure, computers in public computing areas, etc. Persons with UBITNames have the responsibility to use the university's services in an effective, efficient, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with the Computing, Network and Telecommunications Usage Policy. UBITNames may be deactivated for inappropriate use.

UBITName Creation

Employee UBITNames

  • Employee UBITNames are created automatically when an official appointment has been fully processed by Human Resources.

Student UBITNames

  • UBITNames for non-international undergraduate students are created automatically when an application for admission to the University at Buffalo has been submitted.
  • UBITNames for graduate, professional and international students are created when they have been accepted into a University at Buffalo academic program.

Affiliation Changes

Notice of Affiliation Change

A notice will be automatically emailed to UBITNames whose affiliation has changed, indicating access to services will change. Persons no longer affiliated with the university will lose access to all UBIT services with the exception of the following:


  • Students retain full access to UBIT services for six months following degree conferral from the University at Buffalo
  • Students enrolled at the University at Buffalo after January 2011 retain access to MyUB and HUB indefinitely
  • In addition to retaining access to MyUB and HUB indefinitely, students with degree conferrals after January 2008 may preserve access to UBmail through an opt-in program offered by the Alumni Association

Leave of Absence

  • Affiliation does not change while a person is on an official leave of absence, including sabbatical leave


  • Retired faculty and staff retain access to a limited set of services, including UBmail
  • CIT reserves the right to issue a new UBITName to the retiree when retention of the original name is integral to administrative operations of the university  

File removal

  • When a person is no longer affiliated, files (documents, emails, etc.) on the central servers associated with their UBITName are deleted

Conditions for UBITName Change

  • UBITNames are assigned permanently and never reused. UBITNames are generated automatically based on an algorithm that incorporates various aspects of a person’s name and may include numbers. A request to change a UBITName will be considered for an individual only under the following circumstances:
  • Legal name change processed through the appropriate University at Buffalo administrative office
  • Auto-generated UBITName is agreed to be objectively obscene or seriously offensive
  • Newly appointed faculty or staff’s auto-generated UBITName is confusing or doesn’t coincide with the person’s identity at a former institution or in a professional field

Administrative UBITNames

Administrative UBITNames are available to affiliated staff and faculty (in addition to their personal UBITNames) to conduct university business, such as departmental correspondence. Administrative UBITNames must have an employee listed as a sponsor and may be shared. Appropriate use of the Administrative UBITName is the responsibility of the sponsor.

Administrative UBITNames may be requested by sending mail to CIT will send renewal notices annually to verify continuing use of this type of UBITName.

Departmental UBITNames

Persons that are not eligible for UBITNames, but who are collaborating with a department may be granted a Departmental UBITName. Departmental UBITNames do not have access to UBIT services such as UBmail, public labs or file space.

Contact Information

Contact An Expert
Contact Phone
Office of the Chief Information Officer 716-645-7979

Related Information

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Chief Information Officer Approval

Signed by Chief Information Officer Voldemar A. Innus

Voldemar A. Innus, Chief Information Officer

