Trademark Materials Request

You can submit a trademark materials request in ShopBlue.

How to Submit a Trademark Materials Request

Trademark Materials Request [1:52]

1. Go to Special Requests

When you are ready to begin filling out your Trademark Materials Request form, return to the ShopBlue “Shopping Home” page and look for the Special Request tab in Showcases (Figure 1).

2. Click Trademark Materials Request

In the Special Request tab, click Trademark Materials Request (Figure 2).

3. Search and Select Supplier

The first step of the form is to search for and select your desired supplier (Figure 3).

4. Enter Required Information

After the supplier has been selected, continue to the form field sections. There are five required fields, once completed, you will add this form to your cart and proceed to checkout (Figures 4, 5, 6).

Note: if selecting NO, be prepared with the Name, Department and Email of the person who should be contacted with any questions (Figure 4).

Note: if you are selecting YES, be prepared with the Name, Address, Phone Number and Email of the vendor who is doing the Imprinting. Be prepared with an electronic file of all proposed designs or you will not be able to complete this section (Figure 6).

5. Enter Description of Item/Material

Enter item Description, the Unit Price and Quantity. Add attachments to be sent to Supplier, supplier quote or supporting documentation.

Note: if more than three lines are needed, select “Save to Cart and Add Another” from the drop-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of the form. Then select “Go”. This will save all information on the form and allow you to create another form to your cart. Delete the items that you previously entered and add your additional line items (Figure 7).

6. Acknowledge the Product

When you have completed sections 1-5, scroll to section 6 and select Yes or No to acknowledge this product is of satisfactory quality to represent the university (Figure 8).

7. Complete Form and Go to Cart

When you have completed the form, scroll to the top of the page and click “go” next to “Complete Form and Go to Cart” (Figure 9). 

Note: A form cannot be added to a cart with either catalog or non-catalog items, so make sure your active cart is empty. Please select “Add to New Cart” from the available actions dropdown if your active cart is not empty.

8. Proceed to Checkout

After you have submitted the form to your cart you will be able to proceed to checkout (Figure 10).