Comprehensive Fee Components

Services supported by the Comprehensive Fee are detailed below. Review the full report which includes,  student benefits and impact, student access, contact information, actual expenditures, usage statistics and frequently asked questions.

Employees of the university are not eligible for a Comprehensive Fee waiver.

  • Athletics
    The Intercollegiate Athletics component is vital to the university community’s strong commitment to and support for intercollegiate athletics.
  • Campus Life
    The Campus Life Fee supports programs and facilities that enhance the student experience and promote the quality of campus life. The university is dedicated to providing quality campus life programs and services that support student academic success and personal development. Service and program opportunities in the Student Life area assist UB in recruiting and retaining top students, positioning them for life success after graduation and nurturing a connectedness to UB, resulting in enhanced alumni relations.
  • Career Services
    The Career Services Fee, a component of UB’s Comprehensive Fee, is charged to all UB undergraduate, graduate and professional students (with some exceptions) and supports the staff, services and programs provided by UB’s Career Design Center, which are available to all UB students regardless of major.
  • College
    The State University of New York instituted the College Fee in order to provide funds, which would guarantee payment of bonds that the Dormitory Authority borrowed to build residence halls on State University campuses. In 1997-98, the SUNY Board of Trustees distributed debt service obligations and College Fee revenue to individual campuses. SUNY also gave campuses authority to allocate College Fee revenue at their discretion.
  • Health
    The Health component of the Comprehensive Fee was instituted by the SUNY Board of Trustees in an effort to provide student health services to SUNY campuses. Supported services include health care, health promotion, mental health counseling, and accessibility resources.
  • Recreation
    The Recreation fee supports recreation programs and services. A wide variety of programs and activities can be found on both campuses under the headings informal recreation, structured recreation, intramural sports, recreational instruction, group fitness and aquatics.
  • Technology
    The State University of New York (SUNY) instituted the Technology Fee as part of a comprehensive plan to build and maintain fundamental facilities and services in order to offer its students the highest quality learning environment. Information technology  (IT) is at the heart of the student experience, and faculty depend upon students having access to all IT resources offered—from online registration to virtual learning systems and academic library resources. 
  • Transcript
    The $5 per semester Transcript Fee allows students to request and receive as many official transcripts as they would like without additional charges.
  • Transportation
    The Transportation Fee component was instituted in support of parking and transportation services for the university. The fee provides busing and shuttle services to all students for intra- and inter-campus transportation.