Guide to Campus Living

To create a safe, respectful and welcoming community for all residents, you are required to follow the rules, policies and procedures included in this guide.

Sections of the Guide to Campus Living

Links to Important Related Resources

Standards and Practices - for Community Living

In this section:

The Community

A community is defined by its common purpose and the interdependence of its members. To be successful, a community must share responsibility for meeting reasonable standards for behavior, respect and consideration of the individuals who make up the community. In UB’s residence halls, community comes first.

Statement of Promotion of Diversity

 The University at Buffalo and Campus Living are committed to practices that value diversity of people and ideas, and by the open exchange of diverse views. We encourage students to develop skills and attitudes that make them positive, productive members of society — including the skills to appreciate, value, and celebrate diversity. The staff and students in our residence halls come from diverse backgrounds and social groups. We encourage acceptance and appreciation of people regardless of race, gender, gender identity or expression, age, ethnicity, skin color, national origin, marital status, veteran status, ability/disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religious affiliation. We believe that each person has worth and should be treated with dignity and respect. In a community that values diversity, acts of bigotry cannot be tolerated.

Statement of Civility

 Students are expected to act with civility. Hostile or inappropriate language or gestures that destroy relationships rather than sustain them are not welcome in or conducive to a civil residential community. If you are disturbed by the activity of another resident, you should confront that resident before involving your Resident Assistant. This confrontation should be done in an open, non-threatening manner and you should expect to be treated in the same manner. Acts of harassment - whether verbal, written, or physical - will not be tolerated. This civility statement is a declaration of the values and beliefs of University at Buffalo Campus Living and is not intended to and does not provide grounds for disciplinary action against any student of the University.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Your residence hall or apartment community provides an atmosphere conducive to social interaction and personal growth, as well as study. The residential program endeavors to be enriching socially, culturally, educationally, and in community services, for all students. As a member of the residence hall or apartment community, you have the following rights and responsibilities:

  1. You have the right to live in a safe, clean, well-maintained facility, and you are responsible to ensure the same.
  2. You have the right to a high-quality learning environment conducive to your academic and social pursuits, and you are responsible to take part in maintaining such an environment.
  3. You have the right to directly formulate or influence policy that affects you through participation in floor meetings, Residence Hall Council, student government, and university organizations.
  4. You have the right to freedom from discrimination on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, and veteran status. You retain the rights afforded you as a resident of New York.
  5. You are asked to always consider the rights of fellow residents. Your actions should not interfere with another’s rights as stated above, nor should your actions interfere with the university’s attempt to manage and maintain Campus Living facilities.
  6. You are expected to directly participate in community meetings. Each resident shares responsibility for adhering to and enforcing community rules.
  7. You are responsible for knowing and adhering to the rules outlined in the Guide to Campus Living and the University Student Code of Conduct.
  8. You are responsible for your own actions and the actions of your guests, and for accepting consequences associated with rule violations.
  9. Uncivil behavior does not include any speech or expressive activity which is protected by the United States Constitution and/or the Constitution of the State of New York.


While the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) generally requires the university to ask for written consent before disclosing a student’s personally identifiable information, it also allows colleges and universities to take key steps to maintain campus safety. In an emergency, FERPA permits the university to disclose without student consent education records to protect the health or safety of students or other individuals. FERPA also permits the university to disclose information from education records to parents if a health or safety emergency involves their son or daughter. Schools may disclose education records to parents if:

  • the student is a dependent for income tax purposes
  • if a health or safety emergency involves their son or daughter
  • if the student who is under age 21 has violated any law or its policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Violations of Campus Living Rules

“What Happens If I Get Documented?”

“Documented” (often referred to as “written up”) is the term we use to describe the process that occurs when a Campus Living staff member witnesses and/or reports an incident that may include a violation of the UB Student Code or a Campus Living Rule. In most cases, when observing a student who may be violating a rule, the staff member, usually a resident assistant (RA) or community assistant (CA), will identify themselves, communicate which rule may have been violated, and request identification of the student(s) involved. If you find yourself in such a situation, you should remember two things:

If you find yourself in such a situation, you should remember two things:

  • Don’t panic — The Community Standards Program or “conduct system” is a component of the overall educational process and is considerate of your rights.
  • Always cooperate — Produce your ID promptly upon request and cooperate with the University staff involved. Failure to do these things may only complicate your situation – and in some situations, lead to additional rule violations. Residents are expected to comply with all reasonable requests of Campus Living Staff, as well as University Police.

The staff member will submit an incident report stating the circumstances surrounding the alleged rule violation and the students involved. This incident report is then forwarded to a member of the Campus Living Residential Life Staff, who will notify you via email to your account regarding how to schedule a Conduct Meeting. At the meeting with the Campus Living staff member, you can discuss your involvement in the incident. During this meeting, you are encouraged to be honest and to ask questions.

Important Definitions

Community Standards Program

These are the processes by which the Campus Living Rules are enforced. Students are provided a conduct meeting with Campus Living staff to resolve alleged violations. This program validates appropriate community standards and provides a valuable educational opportunity for positive student/staff interaction.

Conduct Meeting

A meeting is convened by a Campus Living staff member to adjudicate alleged violations of Campus Living Rules.

Campus Disciplinary Action

Students referred for violations of the Student Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action through the Office of Student Conduct, located in 9 Norton Hall. The Director of Student Conduct will decide on the appropriate process for resolution. A student may be referred to the Student-Wide Judiciary (SWJ), or to an Administrative Hearing.  For more information, contact the Office of Student Conduct at 716-645-6154 or visit their website.

Community Standards Program

The Campus Living Community Standards Program is designed to reinforce the Campus Living rules throughout the residence halls and apartments while maintaining educational principles. This program functions cooperatively with the Office of Student Conduct.

Students living in the residence halls and on-campus apartments sign a housing agreement that stipulates Campus Living’s responsibilities as well as individual resident responsibilities. Resident responsibilities include complying with all Campus Living Rules, as written in this Guide to Campus Living. These rules apply to all residents and their guests. Some violations of the rules, particularly those impacting community safety, can result in the temporary suspension or termination of a resident’s Campus Living Housing Agreement, as well as restriction from entering Campus Living buildings.

Conduct Meeting with a Residence Hall/Complex Director

The “conduct process” commences when Campus Living Staff receive an Incident Report. They review the report and will email a notice to the student to schedule a Conduct Meeting to discuss the incident. At this meeting, the student will be provided with a description of the incident and the alleged violations. Students will be given an opportunity to resolve the incident, which may include taking “responsibility” for the violations. If a student accepts responsibility for the violations, they will be a sanction assigned by the residence hall/complex director. The student can request that an outcome or a sanction be reviewed by a Campus Living Area Director.  At the conclusion of a Conduct Meeting, a student might also be found “not responsible” for rule violations. In situations where a student disagrees with any finding of responsibility, they may ask for an Administrative Review with an Area Director. If a student ignores the residence hall/complex director’s written notice to schedule a Conduct Meeting, the case may be adjudicated in the student’s absence.

Preliminary Interview

Prior to attending a Conduct Meeting, a resident may request that the residence hall/complex director set up a Preliminary Interview for the resident with the Assistant Director for Residential Student Conduct. At the Preliminary Interview, the resident can learn more about Community Standards Program, review the incident report, review Campus Living Rules relating to the incident, and discuss possible outcomes and sanctions.

Administrative Review

In certain situations, an Administrative Review or may be conducted by an Area Director or the Assistant Director for Residential Student Conduct.  In an Administrative Review, students have the opportunity to explain their involvement in an incident. The administrator may find the student in violation of Campus Living Rules and assign a sanction or find the student not responsible. An administrator has authority to utilize all sanctions, including, Campus Living Probation, Restitution for damages or cancellation of a student’s housing agreement.

  • At an Administrative Review, a student has the right to be assisted by an advisor of their choosing.
  • To appeal an Administrative Review decision, a student must submit a written statement to the Director of Residential Life explaining the reasons for the appeal. The written statement must be submitted within a designated timeframe.

University Suspension and Hearing

Under certain circumstances a student may suspended from UB as a “clear and present danger” to the University community.  While suspended, residents do not have access to their housing assignment. At a subsequent meeting to review a student’s suspension, a determination may be made to permit the student to return to campus or to terminate a resident’s Campus Living Housing Agreement.


Students have the right to request an appeal of an Administrative Review, including a decision to terminate a resident’s housing agreement, based on the following circumstances:

  • The sanction is substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation.
  • A procedural defect in the process had a significant effect on the outcome.
  • The discovery of new information which was unknown or unavailable at the time of the hearing and would have a significant effect on the outcome.

Types of Sanctions

Behavioral Contract

A student may be asked to sign a behavioral contract if he/she engages in behavior(s) that are disruptive to the community. Such behaviors may include roommate conflicts, high-risk alcohol or drug, and harm caused to oneself.

Community Service Hours

Community Service is a primary sanction for students found in violation of Campus Living Rules.  The number of hours depends on the severity of the violation and any prior violations. Students sanctioned to community service are referred to the Office of Student Conduct and given a reasonable amount of time to complete their hours.

Cancellation of Agreement and Dismissal from Campus Living

Students found responsible for any of the items listed in section 2.35 of the Campus Living Rules (Appendix A) and or the “Termination of Agreement” section of the Campus Living Housing Agreement may be dismissed from Campus Living, their housing agreement will be terminated, their visitation privileges will be revoked, and they will be ineligible to live within or visit Campus Living facilities for a period of one year. After one year, students must submit a letter to the Office of Residence Life requesting consideration of the reinstatement of housing privileges.

Educational Sanctions

Students may be assigned other sanctions that provide opportunities to learn, including but not limited to reflection papers or short research papers on a given topic, hall or village council meeting attendance or creating a bulletin board that provides information and resources to the community.

Loss of Privileges

Depending on the type of violation, specific privileges of a Campus Living resident may be revoked. For example, a student may be denied the option to have visitors in the halls, or an over-21 student may be denied the option of possessing alcoholic beverages in the residence halls.

Nonrenewal of Campus Living Housing Agreement

Students found in repeated violation of Campus Living Rules may have their housing agreement deemed to be nonrenewable. Living on campus is not a requirement at the University at Buffalo; therefore, any student who is continually disruptive to the community will be considered for housing agreement nonrenewal. This includes, but is not limited to, students who commit acts of vandalism, students found responsible for multiple violations of the rules and regulations, students on probation for any violation, students who hinder the studying or sleeping of other members of the community, and students who are found to have endangered the health and safety of themselves or others. The ‘non-renewed” student will be ineligible to live on campus or visit Campus Living buildings, typically for a one-year period.

Campus Living Probation

Campus Living Probation outlines more severe consequences for misconduct during the probationary period. Probation may also include restricted housing privileges, such as the right to visit a particular building, the right to host guests, or the right to possess alcohol if over 21. Violation of Campus Living Rules while on Campus Living Probation may result in dismissal from Campus Living.

Counseling Assessment

Referral to UB Counseling Services

A student respondent can be required to undergo an assessment with a counselor at UB Counseling Services. These situations usually involve indications of high-risk alcohol or substance use or need for a more general mental health assessment. Residential Life Staff can request a referral, but a counseling referral can only be mandated by the Director of Residential Life, or their designee.

Campus Living Warning

If a minor violation has occurred or it is the resident’s student’s first violation, a warning may be issued.


If a student has damaged university property, the student can be required to compensate Campus Living or UB for such damage. In addition, it may be required, as a sanction, that the student issue a formal/informal written/verbal statement regarding their conduct (e.g., an apology, a retraction). When appropriate, restitution may be accessed in conjunction with other sanctions such as community service hours.


Students found in violation of Campus Living Rules relating to alcohol, cannabis, or other drugs, may be mandated to attend UB Students Avoiding Further Exposure to Risk (UB SAFER). This program is provided to educate students about the choices they make regarding alcohol, cannabis, or other drugs and to promote harm reduction strategies. Students may be required to meet with the Health Promotion staff for an assessment as part of this sanction.

Fire Safety Workshop

Students found responsible for fire-safety related violations may be required to attend a workshop facilitated by Campus Living staff and UB’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety.

Your Room or Apartment

In this section:

Residence Hall Room Condition Report & Room Inspections

Whenever you move into a room, you will be given a Room Condition Report form. Carefully survey your room and review the check-in portion of the form. If you have roommates, do this together. Both you and your RA will need to sign this form and your RA will turn it in to the hall office. Your hall director uses this form to determine damages the room may sustain during your occupancy. Campus Living staff assess any appropriate charges for damages. Each semester your room will undergo “health and safety” inspections by the Campus Living staff. These inspections also occur at every break.

If you are billed for room damages, damage charge appeals are accepted in writing. Appeal letters are due 60 days from date of billing. Since Residential Building Services is not authorized to remove late fees on your student account, it is recommended that the bill be paid by the deadline. A refund will be issued if the appeal is successful. Please include the student name, residence hall address, person number, contact information and a detailed reason for the appeal in your letter and address it to: University at Buffalo, Residential Building Services, 451 Evans Quad, Buffalo, NY 14261-0052.

Apartment Condition Report & Inspections

Whenever you move into an apartment, you will be given an Apartment Condition Report form. Carefully survey your apartment and complete the check-in portion of the form. Your complex director uses this form to determine damages the apartment may have received and assess the appropriate charges. Each semester your apartment will undergo health and safety inspections by the residence hall staff.

If you are billed for room damages, damage charge appeals are accepted in writing. Appeal letters are due 15 days from date of billing. Since Residential Building Services is not authorized to remove late fees on your student account, it is recommended that the bill be paid by the deadline. A refund will be issued if the appeal is successful. Please include your name, apartment and room address, person number, contact information and a detailed reason for the appeal in your letter and address it to the complex director in the village office. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.

Personalizing Your Space and Things Not Permitted

We want your room or apartment to be your home away from home. We encourage you to personalize your space. Many students have lived in your room or apartment before, and many more will live there after you. Therefore, we have developed some guidelines for you to use in personalizing your space:

  • You cannot remove any furnishings from the room/apartment or create a potential health and safety hazard through furniture placement, such as placing furniture against heating units or blocking doors.
  • Beds may not be lofted or bunked if not initially configured upon move-in.  Use of cinder blocks or commercially available bed risers is prohibited.
        > Residence hall beds can be requested to be put in a “raised” position (only utilizing the provided notches in the bed posts) but are not allowed to be bunked, lofted, or raised in any other manner to a height exceeding 34" from the floor. For safety reasons, only Campus Living staff may raise or lower beds.
        > In apartments, beds are raised or lowered only by exception. See your Area Office Manager to request this.
  • Feel free to add to your room — carpet, TV, a chair, etc. However, do not take lounge furniture to furnish your room.
  • You may affix items to the wall using materials that will not damage the walls. Do not use nails, tacks, certain tapes, contact paper, wallpaper, etc. as you will be billed for any damages. Campus Living recommends removable mounting tapes (3M kind), white “Poster Putty” or “Plasti-Tak”
  • Residents are not permitted to add curtains or draperies.  Additionally, any wall hangings, or other combustible materials of more than 10% of the aggregate wall area as they are prohibited and are considered fire hazards. Nothing is permitted to be hung from the ceiling, nor is anything permitted to be hung or attached to sprinkler piping and sprinkler heads.
        > By Code, a “10% coverage rule” applies. Residents may be required to remove excessive wall decorations (such as posters, tapestries, flags, or pictures) to comply with New York State Fire Codes.
        > Decorations or furnishings may not obstruct or obscure the visibility of an exit door.
        > Nothing may be hung on the walls within 2 feet of the ceiling, including strings of lights.
  • Extension cords are not permitted. If additional outlets are necessary, surge protected outlet adapters and power strips with circuit breakers may be used. Each power strip must be individually plugged into a wall outlet; they may not be daisy chained (plugged into another power strip). Electrical power cords may not be placed under carpets or rugs.
  • It is critical that no items are placed in direct contact with the heating units in your spaces (radiators, in-wall heaters, etc.) at any time.  It is important for you to take a few minutes to ensure your living spaces are safely arranged. Regarding the heating units, it is strongly recommended that no items are placed within 12” of the units on all sides.  This is important to ensure that the heaters receive adequate air flow for proper function.
  • Refrigerators must be plugged directly into wall outlets. To conserve space and resources, refrigerators are limited to two per quad or triple and one per double or single - and can be no larger than 4.5 cubic feet.
  • Air conditioning units - both window and portable units - are not permitted.
  • Halogen (torchiere) floor lamps, microwaves, and hot plates are not permitted in student rooms. Keurig-type appliances are permitted.
    • You are permitted to rent a MicroFridge, if you would like a microwave in your room*MicroFridge's are the only permitted microwaves in Campus Living.
  • Items that produce open flames or burning (e.g., candles and incense) and plug-in type air fresheners are not permitted in residents' rooms. 
  • Electronic self-balancing boards and scooters (i.e. Hoverboards) are not permitted on campus.
  • When checking out of your room it is important that you take all personal items with you to avoid additional charges to your student account.

Keeping Your Room, Area, or Apartment Clean

The Campus Living custodial staff cleans the common areas of your building— the corridors, communal bathrooms, lounges, and stairwells. You must take your personal belongings from the bathroom after use, clean up spills in lounges and other areas, keep the kitchens clean, and always place trash and recyclables in the cans and “all-in-one” recycling containers. Your building will not be clean unless you do your part. Residents in Campus Living Apartments, Clement, Goodyear and Greiner Halls, and in Ellicott’s four-person rooms with bathrooms, must clean their own bathrooms.

Recycling in the Residence Halls and Apartments

Campus Living advocates for the reduction of waste and the recycling of all reusable materials in all its facilities. Campus Living staff utilize environmentally sound practices while keeping our buildings clean.  Likewise, students are expected to recycle.  The University utilizes an “All-In-One” Recycling program. Members of the UB community do not have to sort recyclables by type. Mix the following recyclable items into the same recycling bin: paper, cardboard, books, magazines, plastic bottles and containers (numbers 1-7; no STYROFOAM), metal cans and food containers, glass bottles and jars.

Specific expectations for residents:

  • All paper that can be recycled (including magazines and newspapers) should be recycled.
  • All glass that can be recycled should be recycled.
  • All metals (including tin and aluminum) that can be recycled should be recycled.
  • All batteries that can be recycled should be recycled. All batteries, old cell phones and similar small products with rechargeable batteries can brought to Area and Village Offices for recycling or proper disposal.
  • Reduce trash by using reusable utensils, plates, and drinking glasses.

Recycling information is provided to all residence hall and apartment students through floor meetings and information dissemination. Recycling bins will be strategically located throughout Campus Living residence halls and apartments.

Common Area Damage

Malicious damage and vandalism undermine the residential community— everyone bears the costs of such behavior. The Common Area Damage Program is designed to make fair assessments of vandalism, cleanup, and repair costs when the individuals responsible for the damage are unknown. When damage and vandalism are identified, the situation is appraised and an amount is determined students will be charged, based on the cost of the repair. When a student comes forward and accepts responsibility for damage, that student is billed individually.

There are steps students can take to lower their chances of being assessed common area damage charges:

  • Do not let strangers into buildings. If a student belongs in your hall/village, they have an access card to enter.
  • If you see strangers in the building, contact Campus Living staff or University Police (716-645-2222).
  • If you see someone creating a mess or causing damage, confront them about it and report it to your RA/CA or Residence Hall Director/Complex Director.
  • Clean up after yourself in bathrooms and lounges. Students are more likely to clean up after themselves in a room that is clean, but they tend to add to a mess if one existed when they arrived.
  • Appeals to Common Area Damage charges must be submitted to your Hall Director/Complex Director.
1.20 Care and Use of Facilities

The university requires proper care and use of Campus Living facilities at all times. Assigned residents of each room are financially responsible for keeping their room and its contents in good order and free from damage by themselves and others. Students may not engage in any activity that can damage Campus Living facilities or property. 

Learn more about your responsibilities for keeping our spaces free from damage

Abandoned Property Procedure & Policy

This procedure will be used when a student leaves personal property in a room or apartment after the student has moved out to determine if the student’s property will be considered abandoned. The University assumes no liability for the loss or damage of students’ personal property that is left behind by the student. Campus Living staff will inventory the student’s possessions, dispose of all perishable food and garbage, and pack up the remaining property, retaining the property for 10 business days.  After 10 business days, Campus Living will consider the property to be abandoned and may choose to donate the property to UB ReUSE or local charitable organizations or discard the property. Students who leave possessions behind may be found in violation of section 1.10 of the Campus Living rules for an improper checkout. If you accidently or inadvertently left something behind, call 716-645-2173 to see if it has been retained.

Keys and Lock Change Requests

Campus Living staff will not issue keys to anyone who is not a resident, or to a resident not providing identification. If a resident is locked out of their apartment/room, a staff member will unlock the door for them. However, staff will not unlock doors for guests. For safety reasons apartment residents are required to meet the staff member at the community building.  Residence hall students will meet the staff member at the hall office.

If you lose or misplace your key and need to gain entrance to your apartment/room, contact the appropriate office during office hours.  If after office hours, call the RA/CA duty cell phone, and we will assist you. Proof of identification is required for lockouts and the issuance of any keys. Staff will strive to provide timely service.

Residence Halls

In the residence halls, each student is provided with a room key, a mailbox combination, and building access on your UB Card via the Card Access System. Always carry your key and always lock your room. If your key is lost or stolen, you must immediately request a lock change at your area office. Your key cannot be duplicated. When you move out, your key must be returned. You will be charged if you do not return your Campus Living issued key or attempt to return a duplicated key. There is also a charge for a lost or non-returned temporary building-access card.


One apartment/room and mailbox key, where applicable, will be issued for each resident, along with building access on your UB Card via the Card Access System if you live in the Flint, Hadley or South Lake Villages. In the event of a lost or stolen key, go to the office within your village. Costs associated with changing locks and issuing new keys vary and are available at Residence Hall Area Offices and Apartment Villages Offices. These costs will be billed to the responsible party’s student account.

Renter's Insurance Strongly Recommended

Campus Living is not responsible for theft of or damage to personal property. Additionally, Campus Living is not liable for damages that occur accidentally or as the result of natural causes or an “act of God”; nor liable for damages which occur because of the actions of others. The University does not carry insurance covering the loss or damage (due to water, fire, etc.) to residents’ personal effects. Therefore, Campus Living strongly recommends that every resident obtain a renter insurance policy or be covered by your family’s homeowner’s or renter’s policy.

Room Change Requests

The Campus Living staff works hard to help students feel comfortable in their rooms. At times a student is assigned to a room that does not meet their preferences of location or room size. In order to help accommodate these students and others desiring to move, there is a room change request process.

It is important to keep in mind that Campus Living often operates in a full-capacity situation, particularly at the beginning of the fall semester. Therefore, there may be very limited options for students to move.

Campus Living reserves all rights regarding the assignment and reassignment of room accommodation for reasons of health, safety, security, conduct, or necessity.

Computer and Study Centers

Student Study Centers, located in each residential area, serve various functions for students living on campus. They are quiet locations for individual or group study when there are too many distractions in your room and the library is too remote. There are resource materials and informational items related to the campus available for your use.

Ellicott Complex

  • Blake Academic Success Center (167 Academic Complex) is a quiet place to study and provides free academic tutoring and support to help students with transitional issues.
  • Study areas are also located in Wilkeson and Evans Quads.
  • The Fargo Study Center is available for small group study, computing and printing.

South Campus

  • Quiet study areas are located on the first floor of Goodyear and Clement Halls. 
  • Free academic tutoring is provided in the Goodyear Academic Success Center. 
  • The South Campus Computer Center is also located on the first floor of Clement Hall and offers several terminals.


  • Jones Academic Success Center (located in Clinton Hall lower level) is a quiet study area, which also provides free academic tutoring. 
  • There is also a Computer Center on the first floor of Clinton Hall.

Community Rooms

  • Each apartment village has a community room that can be reserved by residents of that village through the village office.

Business Centers

Most apartment villages and Greiner Hall have a business center located in the community building. These business centers have been designed to support the academic needs of our residents.

Computing and printing equipment is available during posted hours. Refer to the Village Office for these details. Please adhere to the following policies surrounding the use of the business centers:

  • No food and beverages are permitted in the business centers.
  • Be courteous to your fellow residents while using the work stations. If you are not actively using the equipment, please allow someone else the opportunity to complete their work.
  • Established hours are limited at each complex due to demand. Please adhere to these times.
  • Residents are not permitted to make any configuration changes to the PCs; download or install software; or perform any computing activities that are deemed a violation of University policy. For IT policies please visit

Safety and Security on Campus

In this section:

It’s always important for students to take responsibility for their own safety and well-being. Crime prevention starts with being aware of your environment and avoiding situations that could make you vulnerable to crime.

The safety and security of our students is a primary concern for Campus Living staff. UB has numerous safety programs to provide the most secure living and learning environment possible. As a student within our residential community, you can help ensure a safe and secure environment.

University Police

Bissell Hall, North Campus, adjacent to Alumni Arena 
Emergencies: 716-645-2222 
Non-Emergencies: 716-645-2227 

Campus Emergency Response and Text Messaging

UB Alert

University Police are the first to respond to all medical, fire and criminal emergencies on campus. For details about any on-going campus emergency, as well as campus safety bulletins, and tips for emergency planning and preparedness, visit: Emergency - UB Alert Information and Resources - University at Buffalo. Note: Students living off campus should call their municipal emergency authorities (Buffalo, Amherst) at 911.

Every UB community member should be registered with Emergency Text Messaging - it could be the difference between life and death in a campus emergency. UB’s emergency personnel use the system to immediately text-message warnings or advisories to registered users’ cell phones. Registering is FREE and EASY at

Students should call University Police for all on-campus emergencies at 716-645-2222 or utilize any emergency blue light phone to be immediately connected to campus police. The University Police serve the UB community 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year.

Crime/Violence Prevention

The University Police provide a wide array of programs and services. While some of these programs and services are detailed here, more information about emergency and safety programs at UB can be found at

Sexual Violence Prevention and Reporting

Students’ Bill of Rights

UB is committed to ensuring that victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking can obtain assistance and redress. Comprehensive information about options if you or someone you know is a victim of sexual violence is available at  This includes safety tips, reporting options including anonymous reporting, and resources for victims. Residential Life staff is always available to assist.

More information about UB resources is available at

New York State has established a comprehensive, system-wide, uniform set of sexual assault prevention and response practices at all SUNY campuses. Accordingly, students are required to seek "affirmative consent" from partners when engaging in sexual activity.

“Affirmative consent is a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions create clear permission regarding willingness to engage in the sexual activity. Silence or lack of resistance, in and of itself, does not demonstrate consent. The definition of consent does not vary based upon a participant's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.” (Definition of consent used by the University in the resolution of Title IX/VAWA/sexual misconduct cases)

You can always report the incident to UB's Title IX Coordinator - the Director of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). EDI investigates reports of discrimination and harassment, and can also assist with coordinating academic, housing or other accommodations. EDI may be contacted through the EDI web site at Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - University at Buffalo or by calling: 716-645-2266.

Obtaining Assistance for Others

UB’s "Good Samaritan" Approach

The health and safety of UB students is always of our highest priority. However, students or others may be reluctant to report sexual violence and interpersonal violence or get immediate medical or other professional assistance, because of concerns that their own behavior may be a violation of University at Buffalo rules or regulations. To minimize any hesitation students or student organizations may have in obtaining help for themselves or others due to these concerns, Student Conduct and Advocacy has developed the "Good Samaritan" approach.

Emergency Blue Light Phones

Emergency Blue Light Phones are located conveniently around campus in over 80 locations. You will find these phones around all residence halls and apartments.

Bicycle Registration

Biking is the transportation alternative that infuses fun and healthy energy into getting to your destination. UB has bike racks for more than 800 bicycles on its campuses. You can register your bike online for free with Parking and Transportation.

Additional Safety Tips

University at Buffalo Police provide safety and crime prevention information for residence hall and apartment residents, as well as every member of our campus community.

Safety in Campus Living - Residence Halls and Apartments

In this section:

UB’s emergency plans and procedures are fully at work in Campus Living. Campus Living staff, along with University Police, University Facilities, Environmental Health & Safety and many other UB offices, have been trained and continually test emergency processes.

Securing the Building

Exterior building doors of residence halls and apartments, except for Creekside Village, and Flickinger Court, are locked by the Card Access System. Your UB Card will only open certain doors. Duplication or loaning of these cards or your key is strictly prohibited. If you lose your card or your card doesn’t work, you will need to request a new UB Card in the UB Card Office, located at 1 Capen, or 1 Diefendorf on South Campus. Your old card will be deactivated and you’ll be issued a new card. There is a $23.50 fee for new UB Cards. Students must maintain the security of the building as well as their room. Repeated “lock out” service may result in a mandatory lock change and/or sanctioning.

  • Do not prop doors open. Propped doors invite entry by nonresidents and possible criminals. If you see a propped door, close it!
  • Lock the door to your room while you are out or sleeping. Locking your door whenever you are gone or asleep is the single most effective action you can take to reduce theft. In past years, most reports of items stolen from rooms involved unlocked doors.
  • Be careful about leaving windows open in first-floor rooms. Thefts can occur through open windows. Screens should always remain in place.
  • If you see unknown people in the halls who don’t have an escort, report it to the University Police at 716-645-2222, then contact a residence hall staff member.
  • Always escort guests in and out of the building. If you are hosting a group, keep tabs on everyone. Even if you trust your guests, strangers wandering around the hall can disturb others.
  • Report all security-related maintenance problems to Campus Living staff and to custodial services at 716-645-5440. Locks, doors, windows, and lights that need repair or replacement and foliage that needs trimming should be reported immediately; after 5 p.m. on weekdays or on weekends or holidays, call your residence hall area office.

Personal Property Liability

Although UB places a high priority on building security, there are a number of incidents each year involving theft or damage to personal property. The University does not provide insurance covering the loss and/or damage (due to water leak, fire, etc.) to residents’ personal effects and will not assume responsibility for personal property losses (including items lost in the mail) in residence hall rooms or apartments unless negligence of the University is the cause of the loss. We encourage residents to make sure that their belongings are covered by either their family’s homeowner’s or renter’s policy or an individual renter’s insurance plan.

Lost And Found

Lost and found services at UB are provided by the University Police.  Items found anywhere on campus are taken to Bissell Hall, where each item is logged in, tagged with an ID number, and stored in a secure place. An attempt to contact the owner is made if the item bears identification. If you found something, please turn it in to the University Police. If you have lost an item on campus, please call the University Police at their non-emergency number 645-2227, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Emergency Preparedness for Residents

As Universities are not immune from emergencies and disasters, Campus Living has plans in place to respond. However, it is everyone’s responsibility to prepare for emergencies. Contained in this guide are some emergency procedures that students are expected to follow in the event of an emergency. Always comply with the instructions from Campus Living staff and University Police.

Emergency Procedures

Campus Living has extensive plans in place in the event of an emergency. Depending the scope of the emergency as well as the area(s) of campus affected, specific campus responses are in place with regard to student/parent communications, evacuation and relocation procedures and resources available to students.

Communicating to Students

For the health, safety and emotional well-being of students living on campus, it is important that students and parents are kept informed of the status of any emergency. The following methods of communication to students may be utilized during an emergency:

  • e-mail messages utilizing university email accounts
  • announcements on the Campus Living website 
  • posting of notices
  • floor meetings
  • door-to-door announcements by Campus Living staff or University Police
  • public address systems
  • emergency text messages

Depending on the emergency, students will be expected to act in accordance with instructions communicated by Campus Living and University Police staff. Instructions include but are not limited to the following:

  • No specific action necessary
  • Limited facility or utility usage
  • Evacuation
  • Temporary relocation
  • “Shelter in place” (stay in your room or lounge)
  • “Lock down” (stay where you are and lock and/or barricade the door)
  • Access to food and water


In the event an evacuation is necessary, immediately proceed to the nearest exit door and leave the building. Assemble in an area designated by Campus Living staff or University Police. If no Campus Living staff member is in the immediate area, go the nearest open grass area or parking lot. Evacuation/fire drills will be conducted throughout the academic year.

Medical Emergencies/Injuries

For any medical emergency, including serious injury, contact both the University Police at 716-645-2222 and a Campus Living staff member. You should inform University Police of the nature of the problem. If you feel the situation is critical and an ambulance should be called immediately, tell University Police. Be sure to identify yourself and the exact location of the emergency and arrange for someone to meet the police when they arrive.

Mental Health Emergencies

Where there is an immediate concern that someone poses a risk of harm to themselves or others, call University Police immediately (716-645-2222). Notify an RA, CA, or other Campus Living staff member as soon as possible.

Fire and Safety Equipment

Campus residences have both passive and active fire protection systems to protect residents in the event of a fire.

  • Smoke and fire doors are strategically positioned in each building for the purpose of limiting the travel of fire and smoke.
  • Fire detection systems in the form of smoke and heat detectors are provided throughout the residence halls and each student room.
  • Graphics are provided in each residence hall showing appropriate exit routes and all exits are clearly marked with lighted signs.
  • Sprinkler systems are located in various locations. Portable fire extinguishers are located on every floor. Fire alarm pull stations are readily accessible throughout the residence halls

New York State Education Law §6438 requires notification of fire safety standards and measures in all college-owned or college-operated housing. To facilitate compliance, the following excerpt from UB’s Annual Security & Fire Safety Report is provided. The table below describes the fire safety system for each on-campus student housing facility:

Facility Name Fire Alarm System Full Sprinkler System Partial Sprinkler System
Creekside Village Yes Yes No
Ellicott Complex Yes No Yes
Governors Complex Yes Yes No
Flickinger Court Yes No Yes
Flint Village Yes Yes No
Greiner Hall Yes Yes No
Hadley Village Yes Yes No
South Lake Village Yes Yes No
Clement Hall Yes No Yes
Goodyear Hall Yes Yes No

Additional fire safety information may also be found in the University at Buffalo’s Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, located on the University Police website.

In the event of an actual fire, activate the alarm with one of the red pull stations located on every floor in the halls, as you evacuate the building. It is important to note that in case of fire, elevators are out of service, and you must exit the buildings via stairways.

If you are in your room and discover a fire in the hallway, making it difficult or impossible to leave the room, close your room door and call University Police at 716-645-2222, then go to your window and call for help. Until help arrives, try to seal off your room by stuffing towels or clothes in the space between the bottom of the room door and floor.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

AEDs have been placed in designated cabinets throughout the residence halls and apartments. These are for the sole use of trained personnel to assist in the medical aid of those experiencing a true medical emergency.

Bomb Threats

If someone calls saying that there is a bomb, try to get as much information from the caller as you can, such as where and at what time is it supposed to go off. Immediately call the University Police (716- 645-2222) and your RA, CA, or any other Campus Living staff member. Give your name and the exact information you received. Do not investigate, but rather be alert to unfamiliar objects along exit routes.

Do not touch anything and never pull the fire alarm!

Gas Leaks

If you smell natural gas in the residence halls or apartments:

  • Stop what you are doing immediately
  • Do not switch lights, appliances, or electronics on or off
  • Evacuate the building or area as soon as possible
  • Notify University Police at 716-645-2222 from a safe location

Elevator Emergencies

In the event of a malfunction in an elevator during non-business hours, notify your Resident Assistant (RA) on duty or call University Police at 716-645-2222.  Activating the elevators “help button” will notify the University Police. If this problem occurs on a Monday through Friday during the day, Residential Building Services should be called at 716-645-5440 (North Campus) or 716-829-2250 (South Campus). No one other than employees of the elevator maintenance company should attempt to rescue someone caught in malfunctioning elevator.

Closing the University

If the University officially closes for emergency purposes (such as a snow emergency), the area offices and/or individual residence hall offices will usually remain open during normal business hours. To find out if the campus is closed due to weather or other emergencies, please call the campus hotline at 645-NEWS (6397) for closures or tune to 1620 AM, the Campus Advisory radio station and look for a text message from the UB text messaging system.

Important Reminders

During any emergency it is important to remain calm. Do not argue with police, fire, or residence hall personnel called to handle the emergency. Cooperating with University officials will decrease the potential danger during an emergency. Failure to comply with reasonable requests of Campus Living or University Police officials is a sanctionable offense. Questions and/or concerns about what has happened should be directed to your residence hall director or apartment complex director.

Health and Wellness

In this section:

UBreathe Free: UB’s Smoke-Free Policy.

The University at Buffalo became a smoke-free campus in 2010. Smoking tobacco products, including use of e-cigarettes, is prohibited everywhere on campus, at off-site UB locations and in university-owned vehicles. The UBreathe Free policy applies to all students, employees, visitors, and vendors. The University offers a wide variety of support services to help people who want to quit smoking, including access to nicotine replacement therapy. Thank you for respecting our smoke-free campus environment!

Student Wellness Team

UB provides health and wellness services through the Student Wellness Team, a cooperative group of professionals whose goal is to enhance individual health and cultivate an environment supportive of life-long healthy behaviors. The Student Wellness Team is composed of:

  • Counseling Services
  • Health Services
  • Health Promotion

Counseling Services

You can always contact Counseling Services for any mental health issues, including dealing with stress, handling a crisis, or coping with the transition to the university. Counseling, which is provided individually, in groups, and through workshops, can deal with such concerns as:

  • Couples counseling
  • Crisis intervention
  • Evaluation for and monitoring of psychiatric medications
  • Relationship problems
  • Academic concerns
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Poor body image
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Homesickness or loneliness
  • Problems with alcohol and other drugs
  • Cross-cultural identity concerns
  • Sexual identity concerns
  • Sexual or physical abuse/assault

Student Health Services

Health Services should be your first call for any non-emergency medical concern. The team includes physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, and medical support staff.  Services include general medical appointments, chronic illness management, health screenings, men’s and women’s health clinics, chiropractic services, immunization and travel clinics, and more. Physicians also provide referrals to specialty care as appropriate.

In an emergency situation, students should always call:

  • On Campus: University Police, 716-645-2222
  • Off Campus: Municipal emergency authorities, 911

After Hours Care: For urgent medical concerns at times when UB Student Health Services is CLOSED, please call 716-829-3316 and listen to the phone message; you will be given instructions for how to reach the after-hours nurse. This nurse will provide medical care advice and assistance over the phone.

If you need urgent (but NOT EMERGENCY) medical care when UB Student Health Services is closed, you may want to visit a local urgent care facility. Find locations and additional information

You should check with your insurance company regarding coverage before you go to an urgent care center, as you are responsible for any costs not paid for by your health insurance company.

Health Promotion

Health Promotion offers students information and services needed to manage personal wellness. Programs focus on:

  • Self-Care and Stress Management
  • Alcohol, Drug & Tobacco Harm Reduction
  • Sexual Violence Prevention
  • Healthy Eating