Change Your Room or Apartment

At UB, we will work with you to try and accommodate requests to change your housing assignment. However, these changes may take time, and are not always possible due to room availability and other considerations.

If you are looking to change your assignment prior to your arrival on campus, you may do so during the Open Room Change Period by logging in to the Housing Portal. Students will be notified by email when room changes processes become available. 

Assignment changes are accommodated on space availability and eligibility requirements. Assignment changes are final; it is not possible to be returned to your original assignment after a change has been made. 

What If I Don't Get Along With My Roommate?

Many issues can be resolved by talking about concerns as they arise and by setting reasonable expectations for living together. If you and your roommates are still having challenges, talk to your resident assistant or community assistant, who can help you resolve roommate issues. Learn More: Roommate Relations

Request a Room Change

If you would like to change your housing assignment, you must submit a request on the housing portal and meet with the hall/complex director from your residence hall or apartment to talk about why you want to switch rooms. Efforts to resolve the concern, such as roommate mediation, will be explored before a decision is made on a move. 

Timing for Room Changes

Please note that room changes will only be granted:

  • After all housing vacancies are verified at the start of the semester
  • If space allows

This room change process will open on the housing portal two weeks after the first day of classes.

If you switch rooms without following these procedures you will be asked to move back into your assigned room and/or charged with a violation.

Mutual Room Switches

A mutually agreed-upon room switch between students will be permitted at the discretion of the Campus Living staff. Students requesting a mutual switch are required to meet with the hall/complex director.

Campus Living reserves all rights regarding the assignment and reassignment of room and apartment accommodations for reasons of health, safety, security or conduct. 

Request a Room Change

If you are looking to change your assignment prior to your arrival on campus, you may do so during the Open Room Change Period by logging in to the Housing Portal. Students will be notified by email when room changes processes become available. 

Assignment changes are accommodated on space availability and eligibility requirements. Assignment changes are final; it is not possible to be returned to your original assignment after a change has been made.