Winter 2025 Tuition and Fees for Online Academic Programs

In addition to tuition and fees, other charges may be assessed on your account, such as meal planshousing or course fees. When determining your cost of attendance, please take these charges into account. University tuition and fees are subject to change.

If you are not enrolled in one of these approved online academic programs, you are not eligible for a Comprehensive Fee Waiver or the Non-Resident Online tuition rate.

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Resident Online Non-Resident Online

Winter 2025 Non-Resident Online Per Credit Hour

The Non-Resident online tuition rate only applies to students who are enrolled in online academic programs.  Students who are enrolled in online academic programs are eligible for a Comprehensive Fee waiver and the Non-Resident Online tuition rate.  If you are a Non-Resident taking classes remotely, in-person or hybrid and are not enrolled in an online academic program, please view the Non-Resident tab on the Winter tuition and fees website for your tuition and fee rates.

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Career Tuition: Non-Resident Online Per Credit Hour Fees*: Non-Resident Online Per Credit Hour Total**: Non-Resident Online Per Credit Hour
Undergraduate $353.00 $76.16 $429.16
Graduate (includes Certificates) $565.00 $76.16 $641.16
MBA $762.00 $74.08 $836.08
Master of Social Work $654.00 $76.16 $730.16
Doctor of Nursing Practice $1,281.00 $76.16 $1,357.16
Doctor of Social Work $1,092.00 $76.16 $1,168.16

*Fees Include:

** Additional Fees

In addition to the per credit hour tuition and fees listed above, all students will be charged a $5.00 transcript fee.

Non-Resident Online Tuition Rate

Effective Fall 2020, the non-resident online tuition rate will be charged to students taking courses in exclusively online academic programs that have been previously approved by the Provost’s Office and registered by the New York State Education Department.  These programs are in distance education format, consistent with the student’s intention to take courses exclusively online at the time of application and matriculation toward the degree. Students who are non-residents whose intent is to be on campus learning, but may be studying remotely, will be charged the nonresidential rate. Students who are enrolled in online academic programs are eligible for a Comprehensive Fee waiver. 

Note: New York State residents enrolled in online academic programs will be charged the tuition rate for resident students.

Review the list of the approved online academic programs offered at UB.

SUNY Legal Counsel Guidance

 Based on the legislative history of the online rate, which is set forth in NYS Education Law §355(2)(h)(4), it is clear such rate was intended only for those online courses in programs that are exclusively online. The legislative intent was to apply such rate to courses in programs that are exclusively online for students with no intention of coming to learn on a campus.

Winter 2025 Course Fees

Winter 2025 Course Fees
Course # Section Course Description Fee ($)
EVS 493LAB GEF Ecology of Unique Environ. $435.00
EVS 493LAB HEN Ecology of Unique Environ. $404.00