Suicide Intervention

Even when problems seem overwhelming and too difficult to handle, there is always someone here to listen, offer support and help you through a crisis.

Thinking about suicide?

If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, get help immediately — even if there’s reluctance to get help.

Immediate threats
On-Campus: Call University Police (716-645-2222)

Off-Campus: Call 911

You can also call Crisis Services of Erie County (716-834-3131)

Need Help?

On-campus emergencies and crime prevention, 24/7

Bissell Hall, North Campus

Phone: (716) 645-2227; Emergencies: (716) 645-2222

Short-term on campus mental health support

University at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quadrangle, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14261

Phone: (716) 645-2720; Fax: (716) 645-2175

University at Buffalo
1st Floor Michael Hall, South Campus
Buffalo, NY 14214

Phone: (716) 829-5800

After Hours Counseling — Call University Police

For after-hours emergencies that require counseling, call University Police at 716-645-2222 and ask for the counselor on call.

Additional Resources


This information is designed to provide self-help resources for mental health. This website is not psychotherapy treatment. If you have questions, need help or just want someone to talk with, please contact Counseling Services.