Step 2: Submit Immunization Records

Photo of a room inside Student Health Services building.

Proof of immunization is required for all new students. 

How to Meet Immunization Requirements

You must provide an official record of your measles, mumps and rubella immunity and meet the requirements for meningitis. Submit your records to UB as soon as possible.

Choose ONE of the following ways to comply:

  • Submit a copy of your immunization records from a previous school or your health care provider. (Must be on official letterhead; copy from doctor must be signed and include office address and phone. Many medical practices or previous schools have an online portal you can use to print an official copy to send to UB.)
  • Submit the Health Background Form after having it completed by your health care provider.
  • Submit copies of bloodwork proving positive IgG immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. You will still need to provide proof of meningitis vaccine or decline through the HUB Student Center. 
  • For residents of New York State, you can contact the state immunization registry. Call (518) 473-2839 or email NYSIIS at to request a copy of your immunization history.
Submit your records via the Patient Portal.

Submitting your immunization records via the Student Health Medical Records (Patient Portal) is the easiest way to comply with the requirement, and you can easily track when UB processes your records.

Submitting Your Records
Upload  By Mail (USPS) By Fax
Upload your own
immunization records
to the Patient Portal.
Need help?
Student Health Services
4350 Maple Rd
Amherst, NY 14226
Transfer Students

Tip: Have your previous school fax Student Health Services your immunization records.


  • Step 3: Register for Classes
    Once you have completed Steps 1 and 2, academic advisors will help you register for classes.

Need help?

Helping new students transition to life at UB:

University at Buffalo
112 Student Union, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260

Phone: (716) 645-6125