What: Grants up to $35,000 in direct costs for projects of one year or less
For: Interdisciplinary projects in areas: Next-generation materials for energy, environment & water; Freshwater coastal ecosystems and blue economy; Environmental exposures, genomes and health; Sustainable urban environments; and Climate change and socio-economic impacts
Who: RENEW affiliated faculty
Due: Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017, by 5 PM
Send to: renew@buffalo.edu
The institute’s overarching goal is to advance energy, water and environmental sustainability as a foundation for a regenerative economy. We will accomplish this via research and education in focus areas of:
These cut across the areas of energy, environment & water. Further details on RENEW focus areas can be found on the RENEW website. We seek proposals in topics related to all RENEW focus areas. A description of previously funded RENEW seed projects can also be found on the RENEW website.
UB’s Institute on Research and Education in Energy, Environment and Water (RENEW) seeks to promote interdisciplinary research activities to position UB as a global leader in select areas of energy, environment and water. The institute’s interdisciplinary focus — involving the faculties of the School of Architecture and Planning, College of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Law School, School of Management, School of Public Health and Health Professions and the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences — is designed to foster new collaborations and produce new ideas. The initiative taps the leadership and vision of deans and faculty at these seven UB schools and colleges.
Proposals at the nexus of energy, environment and water are of interest. Proposals that focus on the interplay between social, economic and policy aspects in any of the above mentioned areas are of interest. We highly recommend partnering with RENEW research professors with backgrounds in policy & planning, database & visualization and environmental & ecological economics. (please refer to RENEW website for details on staff specialists).
We are soliciting interdisciplinary research proposals based on innovative and transformational concepts to enable thriving working groups within the institute by providing glue funding to bring faculty together to engage in multidisciplinary work.
We expect all PI’s and co-PI’s of successful proposals to actively participate in monthly meetings of focus area groups. A key goal is to use these seed projects to bring appropriate faculty from seven schools and colleges together in working groups for achieving defining impact. This could include planning for and developing large grant proposals, developing strategic positioning, and enabling true interdisciplinary collaborative research and educational offerings.
Award amount: Awards will not exceed $35,000.00 in direct costs (no overhead allowed) for projects of one year or less.
Scope of awards: Funding can support a variety of expenses, including but not limited to salaries to support graduate students, prototype development costs, materials and supplies, and equipment usage. Faculty salaries are not allowed. Award recipients must submit a proposal for competitive external funding, based on the project, within 24 months of the award start date.
Eligibility: All RENEW affiliated faculty* whose appointments allow them to submit external proposals through UB SPS are eligible to apply. Proposals must involve at least three to five (3-5) faculty co-PI’s from different disciplines (departments and preferably different schools/colleges).
Review process: Ad-hoc panels of faculty members will review the proposals and make recommendations to the RENEW Director. The RENEW office will make the final recommendation to the VPRED’s office for approval. Reviewers will consider the following:
In addition to these general criteria, proposals will be evaluated based on quality and the extent to which the project truly employs interdisciplinary and collaborative strategies. We will review budgets for reasonableness in relation to the proposed project. We highly encourage you to leverage current resources or departmental/school cost-sharing to ensure the success of the project.
*Affiliated faculty are shown on the RENEW website. UB faculty can become affiliated by joining on the website.
Award terms:
Proposals must be submitted as a single PDF to renew@buffalo.edu. Applications (5-page limit, single spaced, 12pt font, 1 inch margins) should provide:
Submission deadline: Submit via email in a single PDF to the RENEW offices at renew@buffalo.edu by 5 PM, Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2017.
Submit via email in a single PDF to RENEW offices at renew@buffalo.edu
Learn more about RENEW or check the affiliated faculty list.