New funding is available through the Collaborative Research Grant Program (CRGP).
What: 150% match up to $40,000 for one year
For: Preparation, planning and research activities leading to center-scale, interdisciplinary grant proposals
Who: UB faculty teams
Due: Rolling applications
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The University at Buffalo’s aggressive research expenditure growth goals will be achieved, in part, through faculty pursuing new funding opportunities and teaming together on interdisciplinary projects. The OVPRED will be proactive in significantly growing its research portfolio by supporting faculty-led efforts to create large inter-disciplinary research programs that have the ability to attract significant extramural funding (e.g., DOE – EFRC; NSF – ERC, STC, CEMRI; NIH – P Awards; DoD – UARC, MURI; NEH Challenge Grant; or other large center-type or institutional award mechanisms).
These faculty teams will be distinguished by intellectual excellence and driven by a clear vision that could lead to fundamental advances, new discoveries, or technological developments of national impact. In addition, the areas of scholarship should be such that multiple agencies may be expected to support the work.
This program recognizes that the preparation of winning center-scale grant proposals will require significant investments of time, networking and new partnerships with colleagues from other disciplines within UB, other universities, national laboratories or industry.
The OVPRED will help support these activities through a planning grant program, the Collaborative Research Grant Program. These funds will be used to nucleate and grow collaborations and partnerships and provide teams with the resources needed to successfully compete for significant extramural funding.
Planning grant funds must be used for new opportunities and to lay the groundwork for large scale proposals. The OVPRED’s expectation is that, if successful, these planning grants will eventually lead to the creation of new interdisciplinary programs that will have a transformational impact on campus.
Faculty members, researchers, and interdisciplinary innovators are encouraged to submit concept proposals that respond to the pressing issues and research challenges – regionally, nationally and globally – that face us today. Teams should include all the expertise needed to be competitive for external support within the following one to two years and can be comprised of UB faculty, staff, students and external partners.
To be eligible, teams must have a commitment of partial institutional funding in place to support the project. These funds, derived from IFR, ICR (Indirect Cost Recovery), school or department funds or other discretionary funds available to the investigators, will receive a 150% match of OVPRED funds (e.g. $20,000 in applicant funds will be matched with $30,000 of OVPRED funds for a total project budget of $50,000 for one year). The maximum OVPRED awards will be $40,000 for one year. A second year of funding will be considered depending on the progress made during the first year.
CRGP proposals will be administratively reviewed, and funding priority will be given to proposed projects that are aimed at program areas of federal or other funding agencies such that they address priority area(s) for that agency. Priority will also be given to research teams that have demonstrated success at obtaining external awards.
All faculty and staff whose appointments allow them to submit external proposals are allowed to apply. A minimum of three faculty members from different campuses, schools, or departments, or different disciplines from the same campus must collaborate on the proposed project.
Concept proposals can be submitted to the OVPRED at any time and will be reviewed administratively.
Successful proposals will have the following characteristics:
Proposals must be submitted as a single PDF to Applications (5-page limit, single spaced, 12pt font, 1 inch margins) should provide:
Questions about this program should be addressed to Kenneth Tramposch at 645-3321 or via email