Diverse viewpoints make for a lively exchange between faculty and graduate students.
New / early career faculty and late postdoctoral researchers can search these targeted funding opportunities. Please check each program's site for current program information and due dates, which can change without notice.
If you are interested in applying for a program, the Office of Research Advancement is here to help develop your proposal. You can also search for additional opportunities through our SPIN Funding Database.
Application Deadline: Varies by funding area
Funding Amount: No Specific Set Aside
The Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants component of this program includes funding for new investigators. A new investigator is defined as an individual who is beginning his/her career, does not have an extensive scientific publication record, and has less than five years postgraduate, career-track experience. The new investigator may not have received competitively awarded Federal research funds with the exception of pre- or postdoctoral research grants or USDA NRI or AFRI Seed Grants.
Contact: AFRI Coordination Team | Institute of Food Production and Sustainability | Afri@nifa.usda.gov
Application Deadline: White papers due in May 2022, FOA still TBA
Funding Amount: $450,000
The Air Force YIP supports scientists and engineers who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees in the last five years and show exceptional ability and promise for conducting basic research. The objective of this program is to foster creative basic research in science and engineering; enhance early career development of outstanding young investigators; and increase opportunities for the young investigator to recognize the Air Force mission and related challenges in science and engineering.
Application Deadline: Open
Funding Amount: $100,000 year for three years
ARO's Young Investigator Program (YIP) seeks to identify and support academic scientists who have received Ph.D. or equivalent degrees within the last five years and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research. This program is in addition to a YIP Program described in the open ARO BAA.
Applicants contemplating submission of a whitepaper or proposal are strongly encouraged to contact the appropriate Technical Point of Contact (TPOC). TPOCs are listed immediately after each research area of interest (see ARO document).
Application Deadline: March 22, 2022
Funding Amount: $500,000 24-month base period with 12-month $500,000 optional period.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award (YFA) program aims to identify and engage rising stars in junior faculty positions in academia and equivalent positions at non-profit research institutions and expose them to Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security challenges and needs. In particular, this YFA will provide high-impact funding to elite researchers early in their careers to develop innovative new research directions in the context of enabling transformative DoD capabilities. The long-term goal of the program is to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers in the research community who will focus a significant portion of their future careers on DoD and National Security issues. DARPA is particularly interested in identifying outstanding researchers who have previously not been performers on DARPA programs, but the program is open to all qualified applicants with innovative research ideas.
PI Eligibility: Tenure Track Assistant/Associate Professors or their equivalent at non-profit research institutions. By the full proposal deadline, proposers must be within 8 years of their tenure-clock/appointment start date at a U.S. Institution, excluding any personal leaves of absence. Previous YFA Award recipients are not eligible for this or any future YFA program.
Application Deadline: 10/29/2021
Funding Amount: $170,000 per year for 3 years
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) YIP seeks to identify and support academic scientists and engineers who are in their first or second full-time tenure-track or tenure-track-equivalent academic appointment, and who show exceptional promise for doing creative research. The program's objectives are to attract outstanding faculty members of Institutions of Higher Education (hereafter also called "universities") to the Department of Navy's (DoN's) research program, to support their research, and to encourage their teaching and research careers.
Application Deadline: Pre-applications: 10/21/22; Full Proposals: 1/20/22
Funding Amount: $750,000 over five years
The Early Career Research Program supports the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science. Opportunities exist in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and Environmental Research (BER); Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES); High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP).
PI Eligibility: The Early Career Research Program supports the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science. The Principal Investigator must be an untenured Assistant Professor on the tenure track or an untenured Associate Professor on the tenure track at a U.S. academic institution as of the deadline for the application. No more than ten (10) years can have passed between the year the Principal Investigator's Ph.D. was awarded and the year of the deadline for the application.
Application Deadline: Multiple
Funding Amount: Varies
NIJ is the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. As part of accomplishing its mission, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for various research, development, and evaluation projects; and fellowship programs.
NIJ annually releases competitive solicitations calling for research, development, testing, and evaluation proposals. Many solicitations have a new or early-career investigator component
Unsolicited Proposals. Although you may submit unsolicited proposals, you are discouraged from doing so unless you have discussed the concept with NIJ staff and been asked to submit a proposal that does not fit into a specific solicitation. Unsolicited proposals may receive either an external peer review or an internal review. If the proposal fits into an already established solicitation category, it will be returned with a recommendation to resubmit it under that solicitation.
Application Deadline: Varies; check current open FOAs on website
Funding Amount: $400,000 over three years
EPA often has an Early Career component to their STAR Program funding opportunities. Topics Vary.
Application Deadline: Varies, Biannually
Funding Amount: $80,000 to $120,000 per year, up to three years
This program funds research to promote and increase the use of Earth remote sensing for scientists and engineers at the early stage of their professional careers.
Application Deadline: February 2022; full FOA TBA
Funding Amount: $200,000 per year up to three years
The Early Career Faculty (ECF) component of the Space Technology Research Grants Program awards grants to accredited U.S. universities on behalf of outstanding faculty researchers early in their careers. ECF challenges early career faculty to examine the theoretical feasibility of ideas and approaches that are critical to making science, space travel, and exploration more effective, affordable, and sustainable. Awards result from successful proposals to the ECF Appendix to the SpaceTech-REDDI NASA Research Announcement. The ECF Appendix is expected to be released at least biannually and will feature specific topics.
PI Eligibility: The PI must be an untenured Assistant Professor on the tenure track at the sponsoring U.S. university at the time of award. If the PI’s appointment is scheduled to change to Associate Professor (either tenure-track or tenured) on or before the award date, he/she is not eligible for an ECF award. At the time of selection, the university must provide, on behalf of a selected PI, confirmation that he/she will remain untenured in a tenure-track Assistant Professor position until at least the award date (date the funding instrument is effective).
Application Date: Feburary 12th, June 12th, October 12th, Anual Cycle
Funding Amount: $90,000 direct costs per year.
This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) solicits individual Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development (K08) grant applications from applicant organizations. The overall goal of AHRQ-supported career development programs is to help ensure that a diverse pool of highly trained health services researchers are available in adequate numbers and in appropriate research areas to address the mission and priorities of AHRQ.
PI Eligibility: Candidates for the K08 award must have a clinical doctoral degree. Such degrees include, but are not limited to, the MD, DO, DDS, DMD, OD, DC, PharmD, ND (Doctor of Naturopathy), and DVM. Individuals with the PhD or other doctoral degree in clinical disciplines such as clinical psychology, nursing, clinical genetics, speech-language pathology, audiology or rehabilitation are also eligible.
Application Deadline: FY 2022 TBD
Funding Amount: $1.5 million in direct costs disbursed in first year of 5-year project period
Part of the Common Fund's High-Risk, High-Reward Research program, the New Innovator Award supports exceptionally creative, early-career investigators who propose innovative, high-impact projects with no preliminary data required.
Early stage investigator with no R01 or equivalent NIH grant
• Within 10 years of doctoral degree or medical internship/residency
• No preliminary data required
NIH New Investigator policies are designed to counter advantages enjoyed by well-established investigators and to encourage early transition to independence. Applications from New and Early Stage Investigators are identified at the time of receipt using the definitions described and applying the classification for each of the PD/PI(s) that appear in the NIH eRA Commons profile. Under this policy, applications from New Investigators are segregated to the extent possible so that they can be reviewed in relationship to applications from other New Investigators. After review, NIH Institutes and Centers are required by policy to maintain comparable award rates for new (type 1) applications from both Experienced and New Investigators. Further, approximately half of the awarded New Investigators should be Early Stage Investigators.
Application Deadline: Standard Dates Apply
Funding Amount: Funding Amount: Up to 7 years support in 2 phases: K99 2 years. Salary Support: Conditions Apply; Research Support: up to $25,000 per year. R00 3 or 5 years. (R00) Total cost may not exceed $249,000 per year.
The purpose of the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NIH-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding postdoctoral researchers with a research and/or clinical doctorate degree from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions. The program will provide independent NIH research support during this transition in order to help awardees to launch competitive, independent research careers.
PI Eligibility: Applicants must have no more than 4 years of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the initial or the subsequent resubmission application. The K99/R00 award is intended for individuals with significant research experience, but who require at least 12 additional months of mentored research and career development (K99 phase) before transitioning to the independent R00 award phase of the program.
Application Deadline: Standard Dates Apply
Funding Amount: $400,000 in direct costs over 3 years
This Trailblazer Award is an opportunity for New and Early Stage Investigators to pursue research programs of high interest to the NIBIB that integrate engineering and the physical sciences with the life and behavioral sciences. This FOA invites applications from researchers who are at the early stage of their independent careers or those who have not had substantial prior NIH funding. A Trailblazer project may be exploratory, developmental, proof of concept, or high risk-high impact, and may be technology design-directed, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven. Importantly, applicants are expected to propose research approaches for which there are minimal or no preliminary data.
Application Deadline: Rolling dealines through 2023
Funding Amount: $499,000 per year over 5 years
The Lasker Clinical Scholars Program supports research activities during the early stage careers of independent clinical researchers. This FOA offers the opportunity for current Lasker awardees (Si2) to apply for the transition phase (R00) of the program. In the R00 phase, sucessfulSi2 scholars will receive up to 5 years of NIH support for their research at an extramural research facility.
Application Deadline: 02/03/2021; 10/22/2021; 10/21/2022 (LOI due 30 days prior)
Funding Amount: Award budgets are limited to $225,000 in direct costs in any year. The total project period may not exceed 5 years.
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites early-stage physician and other health professional investigators with a commitment to aging and/or aging-related diseases to apply for this award to advance their research and leadership skills in their specialty and in the broader field of aging and geriatrics research
Application Deadline: 02/03/2021; 10/22/2021; 10/21/2022 (LOI due 30 days prior)
Funding Amount: $225,000 direct costs per year
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites early-stage physician and other health professional investigators with a commitment to aging and/or aging-related diseases to apply for this award to advance their research and leadership skills in their specialty and in the broader field of aging and geriatrics research.
Application Deadline: 09/19/2022
Funding Amount: $175,000 for up to 24 months
With the goal of encouraging research independence immediately upon obtaining one's first academic position after receipt of the PhD, the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) will award grants to initiate the course of one's independent research. Understanding the critical role of establishing that independence early in one's career, it is expected that funds will be used to support untenured faculty or research scientists (or equivalent) in their first three years in a primary academic position after the PhD, but not more than a total of five years after completion of their PhD. One may not yet have received any other grants or contracts in the Principal Investigator (PI) role from any department, agency, or institution of the federal government, including from the CAREER program or any other program, post-PhD, regardless of the size of the grant or contract, with certain exceptions noted below. Serving as co-PI, Senior Personnel, Postdoctoral Fellow, or other Fellow does not count against this eligibility rule. Grants, contracts, or gifts from private companies or foundations; state, local, or tribal governments; or universities do not count against this eligibility rule.
It is expected that these funds will allow the new CISE Research Initiation Initiative PI to support one or more graduate students for up to two years. Faculty at undergraduate and two-year institutions may use funds to support undergraduate students, and may use the additional RUI designation (which requires inclusion of a RUI Impact Statement) -- see http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5518 for additional information. In addition, submissions from all institutions may use funds for postdoctoral scholars, travel, and/or research equipment.
Application Deadline: 07/25/2022
Funding Amount: $500,000 over five years ($400,000 for Biological Sciences or the Office of Polar Programs) Recommend speaking with program officer.
CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. Hold a doctoral degree in a field supported by NSF by proposal deadline; untenured by Oct. 1st following proposal deadline; employed in a tenure‐track (or equivalent) position at an eligible institution as an Assistant Professor Professor (by Oct. 1st following deadline); have not previously received a CAREER award; and have not had more than two CAREER proposals proposals reviewed.
Application Deadline: Proposals Not Accepted at this time.
Funding Amount: $40,000 over two years.
The MSP supports self-directed, unclassified research in the areas of Algebra, Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics. The program does not support research in cryptology. The Research Grants program offers two possible types of grants: the Young Investigators Grant and the Standard Grant. More details about the grants being offer this year are available on the MSP proposal submission website. Investigators must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Proposals must be annually submitted electronically, beginning on September 1, via the Proposal Submission Website. Awards are made in the fall of the following year. Questions about the program may be directed to MSPgrants@nsa.gov.
Application Deadline: Open, **Early Career Track no longer available**
Funding Amount: Open
**The Early Career Award (ECA) Track is no longer available. The Mid-Career Track is available; submissions must conform to IOS Core Programs requirements.**
The PGRP continues to advocate for broadening the participation of scientists in plant genomics. Although well-integrated education and training efforts are expected of all proposals, the PGRP recognizes there are times when a career trajectory would benefit from focused training or mentoring in plant genomics. One important transition is when early career investigators first establish research programs in tenure-track, or equivalent, positions. Another transition is at a mid-stage (post-tenure or equivalent and pre-retirement) when research efforts would benefit from new technologies and genomics approaches. For these reasons, the PGRP offers two career funding opportunities: early career awards (ECA-PGR) to launch careers in plant genomics and mid-career awards (MCA-PGR) to revitalize a research program in state-of-the-art genomics approaches. ECA investigators are strongly encouraged to contact a PGRP Program Director for further guidance.
Application Deadline: 2022 FOA TBA
Funding Amount: two years, up to $225,000
IES established the Early Career Grants to encourage a new generation of education researchers to address methodological issues and challenges and to develop statistical and methodological products that will benefit the education sciences.
Applicants to the Early Career Grants topic must have received their doctorate on or after April 1, 2016. Applicants eligible for Early Career Grants may apply to either the Early Career or the Regular Grants topic. Applicants who apply for the Early Career Grants topic must include the required research mentor or advisory panel who will collaborate on the research.
Early Career grants are intended for applicants proposing high-quality work of the type discussed in the Overview section but that can be done over a shorter period and with less funding. The maximum duration of an Early Career Methods Grant is 2 years
IES strongly encourages you to contact the program officer for this competition if you have questions regarding the appropriateness of a project for submission under a specific topic.
Application Deadline: 2022 TBD
Funding Amount: $75,000 per year for two years.
The Empire Clinical Research Investigator Program (ECRIP) was created in 2000 upon the recommendation of the New York State Council on Graduate Medical Education to promote training of physicians in clinical research in order to advance biomedical research in New York State. These awards will promote development of clinician researchers by funding physician ECRIP fellows to train in clinical research under a classic paradigm of one-on-one mentoring. Sponsor/mentors must have been a Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI or Co-Investigator of a federal research or Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) grant within three years of the abstract deadline. There will be one two-year award made per teaching hospital at $75,000 per year. Institutions are encouraged to train two fellows at the same time in a team-based collaborative training model using additional in-kind or other grant funds. In no event will an institution receive more than $150,000 for an Individual award during the two-year period. The institution is expected to provide whatever additional funding and resources may be needed for support and training of the research fellows.
Application Deadline: 02/17/2022 (Anticipated)
Funding Amount: Up to $1.5 million over 5 years
The NYSCF Investigator Program builds on the success of the NYSCF Fellowship Program and provides five years of critical seed funding to outstanding early career scientists, supporting them as they move beyond their postdoctoral training to establish their own, independent research.
NYSCF's Investigator Program includes two separate programs:
Application Deadline: The application for 2023-24 fellowships will open in late spring 2022.
Funding Amount: $5,000 per month stipend plus partial accomodations
The American Academy offers residential fellowships to emerging as well as established scholars, writers, and professionals who wish to engage in independent study in Berlin. Around two dozen Berlin Prizes are conferred annually. Past Berlin Prize recipients have included historians, economists, poets, art historians, journalists, legal scholars, anthropologists, musicologists, public policy experts, and writers, among others. The Academy does not accept project proposals in mathematics and the hard sciences.
Application Deadline: TBD, check the Jobs and Fellowships page.
Funding Amount: $60,000 per year for two-years for postdoctoral scholars
The Academy’s Visiting Scholars Program provides residential fellowships to postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. The fellowship program offers a collaborative work environment and the opportunity to interact with Academy members. It also creates a national network for these scholars, assisting them in their research and professional development.
Housed at the headquarters of the Academy in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Visiting Scholars participate in Academy-sponsored conferences, seminars, and informal gatherings while advancing their scholarly research. The Academy provides office space and computer services as well as library privileges in cooperation with the Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard University.
Application Deadline: Various for Multiple Fellowships; check website for more information
Funding Amount: Depends on Position. Ranges from $40,000 to $75,000
The ACLS Fellowship program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.
ACLS Fellowships are intended as salary replacement to help scholars devote six to twelve continuous months to full-time research and writing. ACLS Fellowships are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for research. (1) An ACLS Fellowship may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay, up to an amount equal to the candidate's current academic year salary.
The fellowship stipend is set at three levels based on academic rank: up to $40,000 for Assistant Professor and career equivalent, up to $50,000 for Associate Professor and career equivalent; and up to $75,000 for full Professor and career equivalent. ACLS will determine the level based on the candidate's rank or career status as of the application deadline date. In 2019-20, the program will award up to 81 fellowships. Approximately 28 fellowships will be awarded at the Assistant Professor level, approximately 28 at the Associate Professor level, and approximately 25 at the full Professor level. It is ACLS’s expectation that the growth of the program in the past couple years allows for the fellows selected to be even more broadly representative of the variety of humanistic scholarship across all fields of study. We also believe that demographic diversity enhances scholarship, and aspire to recognize academic excellence from all sectors of higher education and beyond.
PI Eligibility: US Citizen. Have a PhD that was conferred at least two years before the application deadline. (An established scholar who can demonstrate the equivalent of a PhD in publications and professional experience may also qualify.) Have had a lapse of at least two years between the last "supported research leave" and September 1, 2020. Please see FAQ about the definition of supported research leaves and how the timing of such leaves affects eligibility.(Supported research leave is defined as the equivalent of one semester or more of time free from teaching or other employment to pursue scholarly research or writing supported by sabbatical pay or other institutional funding, fellowships and grants, or a combination of these. This definition applies to independent scholars as well as those with institutional affiliations.)
Application Deadline: September 2022 - check website for FOA in June 2022 (opens July)
Funding Amount: Varies
For advanced professionals in all fields (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, creative arts), except the performing arts, to further the development of scholars and artists by assisting them to engage in research in any field of knowledge and creation in any of the arts.
Application Deadline: TBD, email kjff@kauffman.org with questions
Funding Amount: Up to $400,000 annually for project teams, up to $150,000 annually for individual researchers and up to $30,000 annually for students, student teams, and/or doctoral researchers.
We invite proposers to submit white papers for research activities aimed at improving our basic understanding of entrepreneurs and the levers, tools and methods that can advance entrepreneurship in the United States. The Knowledge Challenge is open to proposers conducting research in universities and academic institutions, laboratories, companies, nonprofit organizations and as individuals. Collaborations between academic researchers and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship support programs and other entrepreneurial ecosystem builders are welcome.
Application Deadline: Various
Funding Amount: Depends on Position. Ranges from $40,000 to $75,000.
The ACLS Fellowship program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.
ACLS Fellowships are intended as salary replacement to help scholars devote six to twelve continuous months to full-time research and writing. ACLS Fellowships are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for research. (1) An ACLS Fellowship may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay, up to an amount equal to the candidate's current academic year salary.
The fellowship stipend is set at three levels based on academic rank: up to $40,000 for Assistant Professor and career equivalent, up to $50,000 for Associate Professor and career equivalent; and up to $75,000 for full Professor and career equivalent. ACLS will determine the level based on the candidate's rank or career status as of the application deadline date. In 2019-20, the program will award up to 81 fellowships. Approximately 28 fellowships will be awarded at the Assistant Professor level, approximately 28 at the Associate Professor level, and approximately 25 at the full Professor level. It is ACLS’s expectation that the growth of the program in the past couple years allows for the fellows selected to be even more broadly representative of the variety of humanistic scholarship across all fields of study. We also believe that demographic diversity enhances scholarship, and aspire to recognize academic excellence from all sectors of higher education and beyond.
PI Eligibility: US Citizen. Have a PhD that was conferred at least two years before the application deadline. (An established scholar who can demonstrate the equivalent of a PhD in publications and professional experience may also qualify.) Have had a lapse of at least two years between the last "supported research leave" and September 1, 2020. Please see FAQ about the definition of supported research leaves and how the timing of such leaves affects eligibility.(Supported research leave is defined as the equivalent of one semester or more of time free from teaching or other employment to pursue scholarly research or writing supported by sabbatical pay or other institutional funding, fellowships and grants, or a combination of these. This definition applies to independent scholars as well as those with institutional affiliations.)
Application Deadline: Anticipated for September 2022
Funding Amount: Varies
APA and its affiliate organizations provide a diverse range of scholarships, grants and awards with the aim of advancing research in psychology. Using our specialized search tool, you can find funding by type, sponsor, topic area, recipient type and deadline date.
Application Deadline: 11/15/2021
Funding Amount: $90,000 over two years plus $5,000 per year for mentor fee.
Grants awarded to investigators at or below the level of assistant professor. These grants must allocate $10,000 ($5,000 per year) of their award for an established suicide researcher to mentor the Young Investigator. AFSP is available to assist you in identifying a suitable mentor.
AFSP defines priorities for funding every two years to stimulate research in understudied areas. AFSP also encourages applications that address the priorities set out by the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Research Prioritization Task Force. Priority area research applications are reviewed along with the general pool of grant applications, with priority given to strong grants in the designated areas.
Application Deadline: Applications open Fall 2021 (check website for updates)
Funding Amount: $52,500
The American Political Science Association Congressional Fellowship Program is a highly selective, nonpartisan program devoted to expanding knowledge and awareness of Congress. Since 1953, it has brought select political scientists, journalists, federal employees, health specialists, and other professionals to Capitol Hill to experience Congress at work through fellowship placements on congressional staffs.
The nine-month program begins each November with an intensive one-month introduction to Congress taught by leading experts in the field. After orientation, fellows work in placements of their choosing and also participate in ongoing seminars and enrichment programs.
Through this unique opportunity, the American Political Science Association enhances public understanding of policymaking and improves the quality of scholarship, teaching and reporting on American national politics.
Application Deadline: Anticipated late March 2022
Funding Amount: $70,000 over two years
The NARSAD Young Investigator Grant provides support for the most promising young scientists conducting neurobiological research. Two-year awards up to $70,000, or $35,000 per year are provided to enable promising investigators to either extend research fellowship training or begin careers as independent research faculty. Basic and/or clinical investigators are supported, but research must be relevant to serious brain and behavior disorders such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders or child and adolescent mental illnesses.
A few NARSAD Young Investigator Grantees are selected each year to present at the foundation's annual Scientific Symposium in New York City.
*Assistant Professors with an NIH R01 Grant are now eligible to apply for the NARSAD Independent Investigator Grant.
NARSAD Young Investigator Grants enable early career scientists to garner pilot data for innovative ideas before they have “proof of concept” for their work. Once their NARSAD Grant project is complete, Investigators usually go on to receive sustained grant support from other sources that has proven to equal as much as 50 times the original research grant amount. NARSAD Grants offer the first critical backing of these young scientists' work.
Application Deadline: LOI: anticipated due June 2022; Full: anticipated due October 2022.
Funding Amount: $180,000 to $225,000 over 2-3 years depending on project type
The Young Scholars Program (YSP) supports scholarship for early career researchers. The program funds implementation research that is policy and practice-relevant and that examines the preparation, competency, compensation, well-being, and on-going professional learning of the early care and education (ECE) workforce.
The Foundation regards diversity as an asset for building a strong and productive society and is committed to diversity and equity in scholarship and through our grantees. To increase the diversity of research perspectives, the Foundation encourages applications from:
For more information please download the complete 2021 guidelines.
PI Eligibility: Eligible researchers must have received their doctoral degrees (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D., Psy.D., M.D., J.D., etc) within one to eight years of application submission . Ten years for physician applicants
Application Deadline: RFP announcement for 2022-2023 in summer 2022
Funding Amount: 50% salary support for three years and $5,000 each year for limited project support and travel
The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics is a career development award to enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research. Each year around three Greenwall Faculty Scholars are selected to receive 50 percent salary support for three years to enable them to develop their research program. The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics supports research that goes beyond current work in bioethics to help resolve pressing ethical issues in clinical care, biomedical research, and public policy. Scholars and Alumni/ae attend twice-yearly meetings, where they present their work in progress, receive feedback and mentoring from the Faculty Scholars Program Committee and other Scholars, and have the opportunity to develop collaborations with other researchers. The ongoing involvement of Alumni/ae with the Program provides them ongoing opportunities for professional development and feedback and engages them in mentoring of younger Scholars. The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program creates a community that enhances future bioethics research by Scholars and Alumni/ae. The Faculty Scholars Program Committee provides oversight and direction for the program and is involved not only with selection of the Scholars but with mentoring and faculty development activities.
Application Deadline: Currently not accepting Future Leader Awards, check website for other opportunities.
Funding Amount: $30,000 over two years.
The ILSI North America Future Leader Award, given annually to promising nutrition and food scientists, allows new investigators the opportunity to add to an existing project or to conduct exploratory research that might not receive funding from other sources or add to an existing project. Consideration will be given to individuals proposing research in the areas of experimental nutrition, nutrition and toxicology, and nutrition and food science. Grants extend for a period of 2 years at a funding level of $15,000 USD per year. Funds may not be used for overhead or to support the investigator's salary.
PI Eligibility: Doctoral degree. Within 5 years of first tenure track position, or stable employment at a reputable research institute. Permanent resident of Canada or the United States. Show potential for future scientific leadership in nutrition, nutrition and toxicology, or nutrition and food science, based on the recommendations of 3 senior colleagues.
Application Deadline: Anticipated early summer 2022
Funding Amount: $150,000 for two years (10% indirect costs)
Named for the first March of Dimes chairman and president, the Basil O’Connor Starter Scholar Research Award (BOC) is designed to support young scientists embarking on their independent research careers. Applicants’ research interests should be consonant with those of the March of Dimes’ mission: The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. The March of Dimes defines a birth defect as any abnormality of structure or function, whether inherited or acquired in utero, and presenting in infancy or early childhood. Reproductive health of women and men as an underlying basis of birth defects, i.e. preconceptional events, perinatal course, and premature births are appropriate subjects for research support. Relevance is interpreted broadly to include fundamental cell biology (embryogenesis, cell lineage, organ differentiation), genetics and genomics, molecular and clinical pathogenesis of disorders of importance to mothers and infants, biomedical engineering and imaging, and social and behavioral aspects. Each application should be accompanied by a Letter of Support from a Nominator.
Application Deadline: By Invitation Only, visit https://chnfoundation.org/ for details
Funding Amount: Varies
The goal of Spinal Cord Injury Medicine Fellowships (SCIMF) is to support clinical training and to ensure that a sufficient number of physicians are attracted to the field to meet the needs of patients with spinal cord injury. The SCIMF portfolio awards grants annually to training programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Only sites in the United States with this accredited subspecialty program are eligible to apply.
Application Deadline: Anticipated summer 2022
Funding Amount: $250,000
The goal of HES4A is to support the career development and academic advancement of researchers from historically underrepresented backgrounds who conduct health equity research. Grants will be awarded to address the challenges that underrepresented researchers experience; help them overcome obstacles to earning tenure; and make progress toward acquiring independent research funding. Grants will support three aspects of career development: research, mentorship, and connection with a community of support.
Application Deadline: Anticipated June 2022
Funding Amount: $60,000
The Smith Richardson Foundation sponsors an annual Strategy and Policy Fellows grant competition to support young scholars and policy thinkers on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, military policy, and diplomatic and military history.
The purpose of the program is to strengthen the U.S. community of scholars and researchers conducting policy analysis in these fields.
The Foundation will award at least three research grants of $60,000 each to enable the recipients to research and write a book. Within the academic community, this program supports junior or adjunct faculty, research associates, and post-docs who are engaged in policy-relevant research and writing. Within the think tank community, the program supports members of the rising generation of policy thinkers who are focused on U.S. strategic and foreign policy issues.
Applicants must be an employee or affiliate of either an academic institution or a think tank. Have a Ph.D. by the time of the application deadline. A professional terminal degree (e.g., J.D. or MBA) will not be accepted as a substitute. Must be affiliated with and sponsored by a U.S. organization (e.g., university or think tank). If applying from an organization outside the United States, that organization must have a properly incorporated U.S. 501(c)3 entity and a cover letter of sponsorship for the applicant must come from the U.S. 501(c)3 organization.
Please note that the Fellowship program will only consider single-author book projects. It will not consider collaborative projects (e.g., edited or multi-authored books, conference volumes or reports, or a collection of previously published articles, chapters or essays.)
Application Deadline: Junior Faculty: October 2022
Funding Amount: $30,000 plus $1,500 for research, travel or publication support
The Career Enhancement Fellowship Program seeks to increase the presence of minority junior faculty members and other faculty members committed to eradicating racial disparities in core fields in the arts and humanities. The Fellowship, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, supports the Mellon Foundation's mission to strengthen, promote, and, where necessary, defend the contributions of the humanities and the arts to human flourishing and to the well-being of diverse and democratic societies.
Application Deadline: TBD - check website for future calls.
Funding Amount: $296,437.50 over three years.
The Fellows Award supports the best and brightest early career scientists and clinicians as they establish their independence.
We support researchers, from all disciplines, around the world who are asking challenging questions that will contribute to transformative advances in mental health research. Research can be based in the laboratory, clinic or field, and may involve experimental, clinical, theoretical, social science or medical humanities approaches. It must be relevant to the cause, treatment or prevention of mental illness.
In supporting early career investigators, MQ aim to complement on-going efforts to nurture the academic research leaders of tomorrow. We are seeking Applicants who are establishing their independence. Awardees will join a community of MQ supporters and friends who are championing research progress across all sectors of mental health research.
MQ is committed to catalysing interdisciplinary approaches to transforming mental health research. Consequently, awardees will demonstrate their commitment to interdisciplinary research.
PI Eligibility: Early career researcher establishing their independence: With a PhD, DPhil, DClinPsy, MBBS, MD or equivalent. By end of 2017, have accumulated 3-7 years (whole-time-equivalent) research experience equivalent in nature to postdoctoral research, Be able to show that this award will help establish your independence relative to your current position, Be able to demonstrate in their submitted application: That their proposed project addresses a question relevant to mental health, such as the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of mental illness, Consideration of interdisciplinarity. Be eligible to enter the UK for an interview and to participate in annual meetings, if (s)he is not a British national. Applicants are responsible for obtaining their own visa, if required. Complete and submit their application in English.
Application Deadline: TBD - check website for updates.
Funding Amount: $350,000 over five years
The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand junior researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas. We recognize that early-career researchers are rarely given incentives or support to take such risks, so this award includes a mentoring component, as well as an emphasis on community and collaboration.
The Scholars Program funds research that increases understanding in one of our two focus areas:
WTGSP seeks research that builds stronger theory and empirical evidence in these two areas. WTGSP intends for supported research to inform change. While it is not expected that any one study will create that change, the research should contribute to a body of useful knowledge to improve the lives of young people.
Application Deadline: Currently open, as of 10/15/21
Funding amount: up to $15,000
The program provides awards of $10,000 or $15,000, depending on the program, for research by fellows or junior faculty related to child health promotion, health services research, teaching, or patient care. Projects must be consistent with the goals of the APA; preference is given to projects that have the potential to lead to further studies. The categories include: APA Young Investigator Program, APA Bright Futures Young Investigator Program supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau in Partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics, APA Young Investigator Award Program for Primary Care Strategies for the Promotion of Early Literacy and School Readiness Supported by Reach Out and Read, and Nutrition in Underserved Communities Young Investigator Award Program.
Application Deadline:
Funding Amount:
Attracting and retaining the best and brightest early career scientists is critical to the future of childhood cancer research. Funding at this stage will encourage and steer promising researchers toward long-term careers in pediatric oncology investigation. Applicants must have their M.D., Ph.D. or dual M.D., Ph.D. and must not have achieved an appointment higher than Instructor (Assistant Professor level faculty, including Adjuncts at this level, will not be considered). In addition: Applicants from accredited clinical fellowship programs are automatically eligible for the duration of their training and during their first three years at the Instructor level. All other applicants must be within five years from the granting of the last doctoral degree.
Application Deadline: For application information, policies, procedures, and general information, please contact Barbara Lavery, chief program officer at blavery@acgtfoundation.org. To receive grant announcements, please sign up for our mailing list.
Funding Amount: Maximum $250,000 over two to three years (10% indirect costs)
Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy, Inc. (ACGT) funds research aimed at furthering the development of cell and gene therapy approaches to the treatment of cancer. To this end, ACGT offers its Young Investigator Award to qualified scientists at the Tenure Track Assistant Professor level.
Application Deadline: Varies
Funding Amount: Varies
The Fellowships Program includes several programs for new investigators.
PI Eligibility: Both non-profit and small for-profit agencies are eligible. Open to International Applicants. Small for-profit agencies must submit documentation of net assets and annual earnings during the letter of intent process as a part of the review process. Not-for-profit organizations must submit documentation verifying status during the letter of intent process.
Application Deadline: Varies with program
Funding Amount: Varies
AACR offers an array of support mechanisms for cancer researchers at various stages in their careers, from fellowships to career development awards to grants for independent investigators. Multiple grant programs are offered. Eligibility is limited to junior faculty who have held a tenure-eligible appointment at the rank of assistant professor for no more than three years. The proposed research must represent a highly innovative approach to a major contemporary challenge in cancer research. The research can be in any area of basic, translational, or clinical science
Application Deadline: FOA anticipated in spring 2022
Funding Amount: $10,000 (no overhead allowed)
An eligible applicant must have an earned terminal degree (Pharm.D., Ph.D., or equivalent) and have a regular full-time faculty appointment at the assistant professor level at a U.S. college or school of pharmacy that is accredited by ACPE (either candidate or full accreditation status). The applicant's institution must be a regular institutional member of AACP, and the applicant must also be a current individual member of AACP. The applicant’s initial appointment to a full-time faculty position, whether at a previous or the current institution, must not be earlier than July 1, 2015. A faculty member who has been a principal investigator on an AACP NIA or equivalent starter grant, on a professional (e.g. ACCP, ASHP, AAPS, PhRMA, etc.), organizational (e.g. American Heart Association, American Cancer Association, American Brain Tumor Association, etc.) or federal grant (e.g. NIH, NSF, AHRQ, DOD, CDC, etc.) as a faculty member is not eligible to apply.
Application Deadline: Bi-annual, April 1st and October 15th. Solicitations updated in January 2022.
Funding Amount: $165,000 per year (direct costs), plus 20% allowable indirect costs for up to four years; $400,000 per year (direct costs), plus 20% allowable indirect costs for up to five years**
Research Scholar Grants support investigator-initiated projects across the cancer research continuum. Independent investigators in the first six years of an independent research career or faculty appointment are eligible to apply.
Exceptions: 1) RSG applicants to the Cancer Control and Prevention Research Program ONLY may be at any career stage provided that the focus of their project is either: a) health policy/health services research or b) achieving cancer health equity;
**RSG applicants to the Cancer Control and Prevention Research Program (limited to psychosocial and behavioral studies or health policy and health services research) that are population based and focused on achieving health equity may be up to 5 years with a maximum budget of $400,000 per year (direct costs), plus 20% allowable indirect costs.
PI Eligibility: Research Scholar Grants support investigator-initiated projects across the cancer research continuum. Independent investigators in the first six years of an independent research career or faculty appointment are eligible to apply.
Two solicitstions: Leveraging Nutrition and Lifestyle for Diabetes Prevention Across the Life Span Junior Faculty Award & Leveraging Precision Medicine to Improve the Lives of People with Diabetes
Application Deadline: LOI: November 22, 2021; Application: March 7, 2022
Funding Amount: $138,000/year, plus optional student loan repayment ($10K/year) for up to two to four years.
These awards support early investigators as they establish independence as diabetes researchers. Eligible applicants must be full-time independent faculty with less than 10 years of research experience since their terminal degree who do not have previous or current NIH support (R00, R01, U01 or equivalent). Applicants may not hold concurrent awards of similar intent (NIH K awards, foundation or non-profit career development awards), however they can have completed previous NIH K or other career development funding. Applicants must dedicate at least 75% total effort to research activities.
Application Deadline: January 14, 2022
Funding Amount: $50,000
Junior Investigator Research Awards supports basic, translational, or clinical epilepsy research by recently independent investigators and are intended to facilitate successful competition for subsequent longer term support from the NIH or other sources. Proposals are welcome across the spectrum of basic, translational, and clinical epilepsy research, including studies of disease mechanisms or treatments, epidemiologic or behavioral studies, the development of new technologies, and health services and outcomes research. This award provides up to $50,000 for one year to support the direct costs of research. The number of awards granted each year is contingent upon available funds.
Application Deadline: Required LOI due December 15, 2021
Funding Amount: $125,000 up to two years
AFAR provides up to $125,000 for a one- to two-year award to junior faculty (M.D.s and Ph.D.s) to conduct research that will serve as the basis for longer term research efforts. AFAR-supported investigators study a broad range of biomedical and clinical topics.
PI Eligibility: Junior faculty (M.D.s and Ph.D.'s) to conduct research that will serve as the basis for longer term research efforts. The applicant must be an independent investigator with independent research space as described in a form completed by the Dean or Department Chair, and must be no more than 10 years beyond start of postdoctoral research training. Exceptions to the ten year rule may be requested for unsuual circumstance.
Application Deadline: 12/6/2021
Funding Amount: $231,000 (10% indirect costs)
AHA funds research broadly related to cardiovascular disease and stroke and supports research in clinical and basic sciences, bioengineering, biotechnology and public health. Scientist Development Grant applicants should have no more than four years since his/her first faculty/staff appointment at the assistant professor level or its equivalent and must not be funded (extramurally) for more than one year at a level greater than $95,000 per year in direct costs. Beginning Grant-In-Aid applicants must hold a faculty/staff rank up to and including assistant professor (or equivalent), but may not have more than seven years of experience at the assistant professor level.
Application Deadline: Paused due to COVID-19
Funding Amount: $225,000 over three years
The Liver Scholar award is a basic science award that encourages early career investigators to pursue a career in liver related research. The goal is to provide the scientists with support at an early stage of their careers to bridge the gap between completion of research training and attainment of status as an independent research scientist. The additional research experience provided by this award is intended to enable them to successfully compete for research grants from national sources, particularly the National Institutes of Health.
PI Eligibility: Applicant must apply within the first three (3) years of his/her first faculty appointment (including prior appointments in universities outside of North America) and commence the award within the first four (4) years of faculty appointment. If the applicant does not have a faculty appointment at the time of application, a letter signed by the department chair confirming that the applicant will have a faculty appointment (a) no later than the Liver Scholar Award start date and (b) for the full award cycle must be submitted.
Application Deadline: Opens 2022
Funding Amount: $10,000
The New Investigators Research Grant competition is designed to help further new investigators' research activities by funding preliminary studies that could launch larger-scale research investigations. Research, while not limited in topic, should be focused to match the one-year scope and should have clinical relevance to audiology and/or speech-language pathology. The investigator must not have received prior external funding for research; internal university funding is accepted
PI Eligibility: The investigator must have completed a PhD or equivalent research doctorate within the past five years. The investigator must not have received prior external funding for research; internal university funding is accepted.
Application Deadline: LOI required; anticipated due date early August 2022
Funding Amount: Up to $600,000 over the term of the project
The Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Program provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. The BYI program is open to those within the first three years of a tenure-track position, or an equivalent independent research appointment, in an academic or non-profit institution that conducts research in the chemical and life sciences. Projects are normally funded for a period of four years. Grants are in the range of $750,000 over the term of the project, contingent upon demonstrated progress after the second year of the award
Application Deadline: Anticipated deadline June 2022
Funding Amount: $10,000-$50,000
The Foundation funds exceptional scientific research projects submitted by early-career investigators of clinical nutrition and metabolic support in alignment with the priorities outlines in the ASPEN Research Agenda.
Applicants to the ASPEN Rhoads Research Foundation must be Early Career Investigators. The definition of Early Career Investigator is modeled after NIH's guidelines for New Investigators.
Application Deadline: Rolling; required LOI available on website
Funding Amount: $80,000
This award is intended to facilitate the development of clinical and research expertise in the field of hemophilia for applicants who have completed medical training and have an interest in pursuing a career as a hemophilia clinician. The award will support a mentored physician for one year, who will be expected to undertake a research project as well as clinical training.
Application Deadline: TBD for 2022
Funding Amount: $50,000
These grants fund researchers who work in basic, translational, clinical, epidemiologic, bioengineering or any other scientific or research field, but are also working in a research environment capable of supporting transformational bladder cancer research.
PI Eligibility: At the time of submission, the applicant must be within six years following completion of a professional degree such as MD, PhD, MD-PhD, MPH, or equivalent or clinical training such as residency or fellowship. The applicant may hold the title of Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor or equivalent. At the time of the start of the grant, the applicant cannot hold the title of Associate Professor.
Application Deadline: Anticipated open period: mid-February - late March 2022. Check website for updates.
Funding Amount: $70,000 over two years
NARSAD Young Investigator Grant provides support for the most promising young scientists conducting neurobiological research. Two-year awards are provided to enable promising investigators to either extend research fellowship training or begin careers as independent research faculty. Basic and/or clinical investigators are supported, but research must be relevant to serious brain and behavior disorders such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders or child and adolescent mental illnesses.
PI Eligibility: Applicants must have a doctoral level degree, an on-site mentor or senior collaborator who is an established investigator in areas relevant to psychiatric disorders. The mentor/sponsor role is usually extensive for fellowship extension (mentor), and more senior colleague/advisor (sponsor) for an applicant prepared to initiate independent science. Applicants may only apply twice for an initial NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.
Application Deadline: LOI anticipated to be available December 2021, due January 2022
Funding Amount: up to $58,000 per year
CTF’s longest running program, the YIA provides two-year salary support to young scientists early in their careers, bringing them into the NF field and helping to establish them as independent investigators. Towards this, we are very happy to announce that we have significantly increased the amount of funding for the YIA program for the upcoming 2020 cycle. We expect that this increased allocation of funds will allow us to support several more early-stage researchers than we could in the recent past.
A significant difference from the recent award cycles is that the scope of the YIA program will once again be expanded to include all manifestations of all types of NF (NF1, NF2, schwannomatosis). Furthermore, a subset of the available funds will be dedicated exclusively to funding NF2 and schwannomatosis-focused studies, and such proposals will be evaluated separate from the NF1-focused proposals to ensure that a minimum number of NF2/schwannomatosis studies can be initiated. We hope that these changes will encourage all early-stage NF researchers, especially those interested in NF2 and schwannomatosis, to consider applying to the YIA program!
Application Deadline: Anticipated July 2022
Funding Amount: up to $800,000 over 4 years
The Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award is designed to provide support for the next generation of exceptionally creative thinkers with “high-risk/high-reward” ideas that have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of and/or approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer.
The Innovation Award is specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers who have an innovative new idea but lack sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding. It is not designed to fund incremental advances. The research supported by the award must be novel, exceptionally creative and, if successful, have the strong potential for high impact in the cancer field.
Awards are made to institutions for support of the Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Investigators. All awards are approved by the Board of Directors of the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation acting upon the recommendation of the Innovation Award Committee.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2022
Funding Amount: Up to $30,000 per year
DTRF seeks applications from young investigators (at the rank of Associate Professor or below) who are new to desmoid tumor research and need seed funding to gather preliminary data to enable the applicant to applyfor funding to support a more fully developed line of research in the future. MD, PhD, or equivalent degree. Individuals with an academic rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor or Associate Professor who have not previously received funding for independent research directed at desmoid tumors are encouraged to apply.
Application Deadline: By invitation only
Funding Amount: TBD
In response to COVID-19, the Vera and Joseph Dresner Foundation will continue its realigned grantmaking strategy to address basic needs as well as consider requests from nonprofits that support vulnerable youth and families. Grant proposals are by invitation only. Please review the news update for additional information.
The Dresner Foundation is dedicated to transforming lives in profoundly positive ways through grants focused on health, youth, and animal welfare.
Application Deadline: By invitation only; limited to one submission per institution, deadline is August 1
Funding Amount: $100,000 per year over four years for Scholars; $60,000 award for Grants
The mission of the Foundation is to support early state investigators engaged in basic biomedical research that has the potential to significantly advance the understanding, diagnosis, or treatment of disease.
Mallinckrodt Scholars
Each year thirty institutions are invited to submit one or two candidates to compete for the Mallinckrodt Scholar Award. The institutions are selected by the Mallinckrodt Board based on their history of quality grant applications and award selection. Candidates should be in their fifth to eighth year of a tenure track faculty position. From these nominations, four are chosen for direct interviews in St. Louis and one to two of these are selected to be Mallinckrodt Scholars. These individuals receive $100,000 annually for four years beginning October 1 of the year they received the designation.
This competition is by invitation only
Mallinckrodt Grants
Any domestic biomedical institution, whether solely research or educational, is invited to submit one candidate for the Mallinckrodt Board's consideration.
Each institution is allowed to submit one proposal. Applicants should be in the first to fourth year of their tenure track faculty position and not have current R01 funding. Grants are usually $60,000 and funding commences on October 1. No indirect costs are allowed. Salary is acceptable.
Effective April 20, 2016, only one applicant per institution will be accepted.
Scholars: (By invitation only)Candidates should be in their fifth to eighth year of a tenure track faculty position. Grants: (1 per institution) Applicants should be in the first to fourth year of their tenure track faculty position and not have current R01 funding.
Application Deadline: Spring (Feb) and Fall (August) cycles for LOI
Funding Amount: $50,000 for one year (direct costs)
Junior Investigator Research Awards supports basic, translational, or clinical epilepsy research by recently independent investigators and are intended to facilitate successful competition for subsequent longer term support from the NIH or other sources. Proposals are welcome across the spectrum of basic, translational, and clinical epilepsy research, including studies of disease mechanisms or treatments, epidemiologic or behavioral studies, the development of new technologies, and health services and outcomes research. This award provides up to $50,000 for one year to support the direct costs of research. The number of awards granted each year is contingent upon available funds. Additional programs may be available.
Application Deadline: 06/15/2022
Funding Amount: $25,000
The international Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology is awarded annually to one young scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years. The award is worth $25,000
PI Eligibility: Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology is an international research prize. Entrants must be a neurobiologist with an advanced degree received in the last 10 years and not older than 35 years of age.
Application Deadline: February 1, 2022
Funding Amount: $375,000 over 5 years
The Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) is soliciting applications for Career Development Awards (CDA) from clinical research scientists of superior dedication and talent. The award is for junior investigators to pursue vigorous research programs to drive the research to find the therapies and cures for retinal degenerative diseases (RDDs), i.e., inherited orphan retinal degenerative diseases and non-exudative age-related macular degeneration. The goal of this Program is to facilitate advances in laboratory and clinical research, to elucidate the mechanisms for the etiology and pathogenesis of RDDs and to develop innovative strategies to prevent, treat and cure these diseases.
Application Deadline: Varies by program - check website for updates
Funding Amount: Varies by program
The Program provides financial support to 3 junior faculty researchers for a 2-year period. Each award is funded up to $130,000, to be paid in annual installments of up to $65,000 per year for 2 years. Funding for the second year is contingent upon submission of a progress report and approval by the Scientific Review Committee Chair. Recipients of these competitive awards are selected by Committees comprised of leaders in the fields of pulmonary arterial hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cystic fibrosis, hematology/oncology, HIV, and liver disease.
PI Eligibility: Junior faculty who are in the early stages of their career; specifically, the Applicant may be the recipient of a career development (K) award, or another mentored research award, but not an RO1 grant or equivalent. Hold an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree at time of award. Be within 7 years of a faculty appointment, as an Instructor, Assistant Professor, or equivalent, in association with an academic research institution in Canada or the United States at the time of application.
Application Deadline: TBD for 2022
Funding Amount: $50,000 (10% indirect costs)
This program seeks to support the best science that addresses the grant objectives. Attempts will be made to support young investigators who do not yet have independent funding (such as NIH R series awards that are likely to progress to RO1 research awards), Young investigators who are senior fellows with a committed faculty appointment or early faculty members within a maximum of 5 consecutive years of his/her first faculty appointment (appointments must be in the United States) are eligible. Applicants must be interested in understanding the health benefits of probiotics or microbiota and the relationship between probiotics, gastrointestinal microbiota and the body. Candidates must be part of an established research program with the capacity to do research on microbiota and its role in health and disease. Applicants are limited to one submission per investigator.
Application Deadline: RFP announcement summer 2022
Funding Amount: Varies
The Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program in Bioethics is a career development award to enable junior faculty members to carry out innovative bioethics research. Each year about three Greenwall Faculty Scholars are selected to receive 50 percent salary support for three years to enable them to develop their research program. Applicants must be junior faculty members holding at least a 60% appointment in a tenure series or its equivalent at a university or non-profit research institute that has tax-exempt status in the United States. Priority will be given to applicants who have not yet been considered for tenure, who have not received a comparable career development award, and whose work will have an impact on public policy, biomedical research, or clinical practice.
Application Deadline: Preliminary application due date anticipated mid-March 2022; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $500,000
The purpose of this award is to bring new, creative investigators into active research on the health effects of air pollution. It provides three years of funding for a small project relevant to HEI’s research interests to a new investigator with outstanding promise at the Assistant Professor or equivalent level. Please refer to the Funding Opportunities on how to apply. Provides funding for 1 or 2 studies.
PI Eligibility: Scientists of any nationality holding a PhD, ScD, MD, DVM, or DrPH degree or equivalent are eligible to apply. At the time of application the candidate should have two to six years of research experience after obtaining the highest degree and must be in an assistant professor or equivalent position at an academic or research institution.
Application Deadline: One page summary can be emailed at any time.
Funding Amount: $25,000-$50,000
Hope for Vision supports research aimed at developing treatments and cures for retinal degenerative diseases. Grants are awarded annually, generally for a period of one-year. Awards range from $25,000 to $50,000, and the grant amount is based on the current or potential value of the research to the field of retinal degeneration. Please email a one page or less summary statement that expresses the goals and objectives of your proposal. M.D., Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), D.Sc., or other equivalent degree relevant to their research (D.V.M., etc.). Be a member of a research team at an accredited medical, educational, or research institution.
Application Deadline: LOI anticipated to be due end of March 2022; full proposal on invitation only
Funding Amount: $250,000 to $450,000 depending on team size
Research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories. Emphasis is placed on novel collaborations that bring together scientists preferably from different disciplines to focus on problems in the life sciences. Young Investigators’ Grants are awarded to teams of researchers, all of whom are within the first five years after obtaining an independent laboratory (e.g., assistant professor, lecturer or equivalent)
Application Deadline: Varies
Funding Amount: Varies
The IDSA Education and Research Foundation and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases have joined forces to offer awards to support needed research by promising young researchers who may not otherwise find funding as federal and other institutional research support becomes more difficult to obtain. Multiple Programs may be available
Application Deadline: April 1st; solicitation available in January. Check website for updates.
Funding Amount: 1 to 3 years, with an average of $120K/year, and may be renewed
Institutional Research Grants are block grants averaging 120,000 per year for three years given to institutions as "seed money" for the initiation of projects by promising junior investigators.
Application Deadline: Anticipated mid-April 2022; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $22,000
Up to $20,000 for research in the area of early intervention and treatment for serious emotional disturbance in children.
PI Eligibility: Be a psychologist with an EdD, PsyD or PhD from an accredited university. Be no more than ten years postdoctoral.
Application Deadline: Anticipated September 2022; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $150,000 per year for up to five years (10% indirect costs)
JDRF fosters the development and productivity of the best and the brightest established independent researchers who will bridge the gap between the bench and bedside. The primary purpose of the Career Development Award is to attract qualified and promising scientists early in their faculty careers and to give them the opportunity to establish themselves in areas that reflect the JDRF research emphasis areas. Although JDRF is especially interested in fostering careers in clinical investigation, Career Development Awards may emphasize either basic or clinical topics.
PI Eligibility: Researchers who have received their first faculty-level appointment less than 3 years before the submission date are eligible to apply for this award. The applicant must hold an academic faculty-level position (including assistant professor or equivalent) at the time of submission of the proposal, at a university, health science center, or comparable institution with strong, well-established research and training programs for the chosen area of interest.
Application Deadline: February 15
Funding Amount: $225,000 over three years
This award supports young investigators in the early stages of their careers engaged in basic or clinical research that may lead to a better understanding of neurological and psychiatric disorders.
PI Eligibility: To qualify for an award investigators must hold the Ph.D. and/or M.D. degrees, and have completed all research training, including post-doctoral training. Applications will be reviewed, and selections made by an Advisory Committee of distinguished neuroscientists. The candidate must be an independent investigator at a university or medical center and be within 4 years of completing postdoctoral training and the start of his/her first tenure track appointment
Application Deadline: LOI: 02/04/2022 (full proposal on invitation only)
Funding Amount: $100,000
The Foundation provides one year grants to selected New Investigator researchers to allow innovative scientists to act on their ideas and try new procedures and experiments that will hopefully lead to significant breakthroughs. New Investigators are considered
Application Deadline: Various opportunities; applications open summer 2022, close in early September; check website for updates.
Funding Amount: Varies
The Lymphoma Research Foundation announces Requests for Proposals on a regular basis each year. In calendar year 2019, LRF is accepting applications for its 2020 Early Career Grant programs: the Clinical Investigator Career Development Award (CDA), Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant, and Lymphoma Clinical Research Mentoring Program (LCRMP). Disease Focus Area Grants will not be offered in this application cycle.
Applicants should review the b RFPs, sample policy documents, and FAQs for assistance in identifying which program is most appropriate for their project. Additional questions about these RFPs may be directed to researchgrants@lymphoma.org. To receive an email notification when future RFPs are released, please click here to subscribe to research grant announcements.
Application Deadline: Anticipated July 2022. Involves nomination process; see website for more info
Funding Amount: $150,000 for 2 years (10% indirect costs)
This award is designed to support young scientists just embarking on their independent research careers in areas consonant with those of the March of Dimes mission to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Applicants may not be recipients of a major grant (e.g., an R01, or other grant exceeding $200,000 a year) at the time of the application. The award is $150,000 for two years, including 10 percent indirect costs to sponsoring institutions
PI Eligibility: PhD applicants should be four to eight years past their degree and must hold a full-time faculty position at their current institution. For MD or MD/PhD applicants, the same 4-8 year timeline applies, but begins upon completion of the last year of clinical training required for medical specialty board certification. Applicants may not be recipients of a major grant (e.g., an R01, or other grant exceeding $200,000 a year) at the time of the application.
Application Deadline: January 10, 2022
Funding Amount: $75,000 per year for three years (no indirect costs)
The McKnight Scholar Awards encourage neuroscientists in the early stages of their careers to focus on disorders of learning and memory. Each year, up to six scholars are selected to receive three years' support.
PI Eligibility: Be in the early stages of establishing an independent laboratory and research career and are in tenure-track faculty positions. Have completed formal postdoctoral training and have a record of meritorious research in areas pertinent to the interests of the Endowment Fund. Have no more than four years of experience in an independent, tenure-track faculty position. (Traditionally, successful candidates have held faculty positions for at least one year; non tenure-track research faculty are ineligible.) Show evidence of a commitment to a career in neuroscience. Have a U.S.-based sponsoring institution, to which awards will be paid.
Application Deadline: Eligibility Checklist due - November 3, 2021; Full Proposal due - November 17, 2021
Funding Amount: $225,000
Young Investigator Awards aim to attract early career scientists with novel ideas into the field of melanoma, thereby recruiting and supporting the next generation of melanoma research leaders. Awardees will be provided up to $75,000 per year for three years (up to $225,000 total) to accomplish innovative and creative, preclinical, translational, and/or early clinical research projects.
Applicants must be within four years of their first independent, full time academic faculty appointment at the time of application at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent position). Applicants need not be on a tenure-track; however, fellows or others who are in training are not eligible to apply. Those who are in research support positions are not eligible to apply. Applications from those who have secured an independent full-time faculty position commencing by July 1, 2018 will be considered; in this case, a letter from an institutional official or department chairperson confirming the planned date of faculty appointment is required at the time of application.
Application Deadline: Anticipated July 2022
Funding Amount: $75,000 per year for 2 years
NASPGHAN Foundation/NASPGHAN George Ferry Young Investigator Development Award This two-year grant is available to junior faculty (see eligibility requirements) to support research activities that have the potential for evolution to an independent research career in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition. This grant is awarded to support a meritorious research project in the clinical, quality improvement, translational or basic sciences to study diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas or nutritional disorders of children.
NASPGHAN Foundation/Nestlé Nutrition Research Young Investigator Development Award This two-year grant is available to junior faculty (see eligibility requirements) to support research activities that have the potential for evolution to an independent research career in pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition. This grant, generously supported by Nestlé Nutrition Institute, is awarded to support meritorious basic, quality improvement, translational or clinical research relating to nutrition in infancy, childhood or adolescence.
NOTE: Investigators may apply for more than one of the above grants, as long as the proposed studies adhere to all criteria for each grant.
PI Eligibility: Be a NASPGHAN member in good standing for at least one full year. Have completed training in pediatric gastroenterology after 1/1/2012 or plan to complete subspecialty residency (fellowship) training by June 30, 2017. Hold a full time faculty position in an academic institution within the United States of America, Mexico or Canada. Not be the principal investigator for an RO1, P01 (or similar) or CIHR operating grant at the time of application. Recipients of US mentored grants such as a K08, K23, or equivalent Canadian and Mexican and National Foundation grants are eligible to apply, if application does not have scientific overlap. Not have received a multi-year career development award from another Foundation (or equivalent) outside of their institution. Not currently hold another NASPGHAN Foundation grant.
Application Deadline: LOI due date anticipated September 2022
Funding Amount: $50,0000 for one year
Young Investigator (YI) Award: One-year grants* of $35,000 to encourage young investigators to pursue a career in the field of any form of ataxia research.
Young Investigator (YI-SCA) Award for SCA Research: One-year grants of $50,000 will be awarded to encourage young investigators to pursue a career in spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) research.
For both Young Investigator award programs, candidates must have attained an MD or PhD degree, and have an appointment as a junior faculty member, senior post-doc or clinical fellow. Individuals at the Associate Professor level are not eligible. Clinicians must have finished their residency no more than five years prior to applying. PhDs must be no more than five years from end of the completion of their post-doc training.
Application Deadline: Anticipated fall 2021 for FY2022
Funding Amount: $35,000
The National Kidney Foundation plans to award three, one-year, $35,000 awards in support of junior faculty.
PI Eligibility: Individuals who have completed fellowship training in an ACGME accredited training program and who hold junior faculty positions (Instructor or Assistant Professor) at university-affiliated medical centers in the United States are eligible to apply. Applications will be considered from individuals who will have completed training in nephrology prior to the start of the grant award and who intend to pursue research directly related to these areas. At the time funding begins, the applicant must hold a full-time appointment to a faculty position at a university or an equivalent position as a scientist on the staff of a research oriented institution, e.g., National Institutes of Health (NIH) or other research organization, in the United States.Young Investigator Grants will be awarded to individuals no later than four years after initial appointment to a faculty (or equivalent) position or after appointment to a staff scientist (or equivalent) position in a research organization.
Application deadline: Anticipated October 2022
Funding Amount: $50,000 over two years
Early Investigator Grant Program provides financial support for early investigators studying any or all disciplines involved in Marfan syndrome or a related disorder in basic or clinical research. Three grants are awarded each cycle.
PI Eligibility: The principal investigator must hold an MD, DO, PhD, ScD, DDS, DVM, or equivalent degree. The investigator must have proven ability to pursue independent research as evidenced by original research publications in peer-reviewed journals. Applicants must have less than seven years experience in a faculty position and have never received an NIH R-01 grant award. Appointments associated with clinical house staff/fellowship training positions are excluded from the seven-year faculty limit. Award winners cannot hold concurrent NIH K award, or similar training grant. Work can be performed in the U.S. or internationally.
Application Deadline: Preapplication anticipated due August 2022
Funding Amount: 75% salary support and $30,000-$40,000 per year for research support
This award supports candidates who have begun academic careers as independent investigators in an area related to multiple sclerosis. Maximum funding is 75% salary support and $30,000 for research in the first year, increasing to $40,000 by the last year of the five-year award.
Application Deadline: 11/01/2021
Funding Amount: $50,000
The NREF Young Clinician Investigator Award supports junior faculty who are pursuing careers as clinical investigators. Applicants must be neurosurgeons, no more than two years from having completed their neurosurgical residency training, and/or clinical fellowship, who are full-time faculty in North American teaching institutions. This award requires a 50% research time commitment.
Open to residents only, the NREF Research Fellowship Grant provides funding for neurosurgeons preparing for academic careers as clinician investigators. Applicants must be physicians who are currently accepted into an approved residency training program in neurological surgery within North America. One-hundred percent of the research grant applicant's research efforts must be devoted to this project.
The NREF does not pay for any indirect costs related to our grant awards.
Application Due: By nomination only; anticipated due dateearly March 2022
Funding Amount: $200,000 per year.
With the New Innovator in Food and Agriculture Research Award, FFAR will support up to 10 early-career scientists with up to $200,000 per year. The award is designed to give recipients three years of financial support to pursue highly innovative research in one or more of FFAR’s seven focus areas and to act as mentors to the next generation of standout scientists in food and agriculture.
Only faculty who have been nominated by their institution and have received an invitation to submit an application are eligible. These nominees are members at eligible institutions with the creative ideas, skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research program as Principal Investigator. Faculty member must have been hired on or after date listed in the solication, for his or her tenure-track or equivalent position and may work in any discipline or any department within the organization. Preference will be given to individuals near the onset of their independent research career and who are within eight years of receiving a Ph.D. or equivalent degree. Individuals with significant research experience prior to obtaining their faculty position will not be considered.
Application Deadline: TBD; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $300,000 over three years
The goal of the PBTF’s Early Career Development grants program is to support talented researchers in the field of pediatric brain tumors who are in the first five years of their first faculty position. The expectation is that this funding will facilitate awardees’ transition to becoming fully independent investigators.
Application Deadline: OPEN. Must be nominated by institution; one nomination allowed per institution
Funding Amount: $75,000 per year over four years
The Pew program invites one nomination from selected institutions and supports basic and clinical research relevant to the advancement of human health, carried out by investigators with full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor.
PI Eligibility: Candidates must have been awarded a doctorate in biomedical sciences, medicine or a related field. As of Oct. 17, 2019, nominees must hold full-time appointments at the rank of assistant professor. (Appointments such as Research Assistant Professor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor Research Track, Visiting Professor or Instructor are not eligible.) On June 14, 2019, candidates must have been in such an appointment for less than three years (not appointed before June 14, 2016), whether or not such an appointment was on a tenure track. Time spent in clinical internships, residencies, or in work toward board certification does not count as part of this three-year limit. Candidates may be nominated by their institution two times in total. ALL applicants must be nominated by their institution and must complete the 2019 online application. If an applicant’s university has more than one eligible nominating institution or campus, that applicant may only apply from one institution; they may not reapply in a subsequent year from a different one.
Application Deadline: Multiple
Funding Amount: Varies with program
The PIDS Foundation is pleased to offer fellowship and research awards to fellows and faculty annually. The goal of the PIDS awards is to help increase the pool of highly trained pediatric infectious disease clinical scientists and to stimulate scholarly basic and clinical research in areas pertinent to Pediatric Infectious Diseases including innovative research to improve or develop new vaccines and immunotherapeutics for children.
The Young Investigator Award is presented to a physician who has completed pediatric infectious diseases fellowship training seven years or less from the award date and whose independent and productive research during and after fellowship represents outstanding contributions in pediatric infectious diseases.
Nominations are accepted from current PIDS members.
Application Deadline: Check December 2021 for FY2022 application cycle
Funding Amount: $100,000 for one year
The PhRMA Foundation Research Starter Grants help promising young scientists advance their research projects. Research Starter Grants offer financial support to individuals beginning independent research careers at the faculty level.
This program provides a research grant of $100,000 for one year.
The “starter” aspect of the program strives to assist individuals who are establishing careers as independent investigators. The program is not offered as a means to augment an ongoing research effort. Funds must be used to conduct the proposed research.
Research Starter Grants support individuals in academia who do not have other substantial sources of research funding. Applicants will be judged on the scientific merit of the proposed research, and on the degree of financial need.
Funds may not be used for salary support of the grantee (except in Health Outcomes Research). Funds may be used to support technical assistance. The support of technical assistance may include hourly wages of a technician or stipend support of a graduate student; however, funds may not be used to provide fringe benefits or cover indirect costs. No more than $1,500 per year may be used by the grantee for travel to professional meetings.
Indirect costs to the institution will not be covered, and grant funds may not be used for this purpose.
Application deadline: Annual November (LOI) February (Full) (must be invited to submit full proposal)
Funding Amount: $50,000 over two years
Awards support projects that offer a high likelihood of improving the understanding of pulmonary fibrosis in the following areas: basic science, transnational research, clinical medicine/research, and social science/quality of life.
Application Deadline: LOI anticipated September 2022; full proposal by invitation only
Funding Amount: Up to $100,000 over 2 years
Rally funds research in the following areas:
Application Deadline: Varies - check website for more info.
Funding Amount: $225,000 to $375,000 depending on award type
Scientist Development Award (SDA)
This award is designed for individuals in the early stages of their career (typically Fellows) or those without significant prior research experience who plan to embark on careers in biomedical and/or clinical research in rheumatic diseases. The purpose of this award is to provide support for a structured research training program for rheumatologists or health professionals in the field of rheumatology.
To be eligible, applicants must be a member of the American College of Rheumatology or the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals at the time of submission and for the duration of the award. ACR members must have earned a D.O., M.D., or M.D./Ph.D. degree or currently be enrolled in an ACGME-accredited clinical training program and have completed at least one year of training by the start of the award term. ARHP member must have earned a Ph.D., D.Sc., or equivalent doctoral degree and must propose patient-oriented research projects related to rheumatic disease.
Investigator Award
This award is intended to support junior investigators (with a faculty appointment) during the period that they are developing a project that will be competitive for NIH funding. It is not intended to be a second postdoctoral fellowship. The purpose is to provide support for basic science, translational, and clinical investigators engaged in research relevant to the rheumatic diseases for the period between the completion of post-doctorate fellowship training and establishment as an independent investigator.
For complete program guidelines, see the Rheumatology Research Foundation Web site.
Application Deadline: Anticipated April 2022
Funding Amount: $250,000
Application Deadline: FY2022 cycle TBD
Funding Amount: $110,000 per year
St. Baldrick's funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any other private foundation.
PI Eligibility: Applicants should hold a Ph.D., M.D., or D.O. degree in a field of research specialty by the date the award becomes effective. Applicants must be within the first seven (7) years of their initial independent full faculty appointment at the time the award begins. This is an early-career award. The Scholar award is intended to develop the independent pediatric cancer research careers of highly qualified investigators, not to support well-established or senior investigators. Scholars may receive funding from other sources to support their research. However, no other comparable or higher (monetary value) career development award may be held prior to or at the time the award begins. Scientific or budgetary overlap with other funded projects is not allowed. Applicants holding or awarded R01s at the time of the LOI are not eligible to apply. Applicants cannot hold a NIH K-award at the time that they apply (institutional K12 funding is allowable).
Application Deadline: LOI 03/15/2022
Funding Amount: $30,000 over two years.
This grant is targeted at new investigators in spinal pathology research. A new investigator is defined as someone who is either a fellow or within 10 years of completion of fellowship or equivalent specialist training in their country and has not previously been awarded funding from a major funding organization. However, this grant is available to candidates who have received a Small Exploratory grant. The maximum award is $25,000 and the duration of research may extend up to two years. Preliminary data is suggested although not absolutely required, and the application should be limited to seven pages.
Application Deadline: Anticipated September 2022. By invitation.
Funding Amount: $100,000 per year for three years
The Searle Scholars Program makes grants to selected universities and research centers to support the independent research of exceptional young faculty in the biomedical sciences and chemistry.
Application Deadline: 1/6/22
Funding Amount: $25,000
Mitzi & William Blahd, MD Pilot Research Grant
The pilot research grant is designed to help a basic or clinical scientist in the early stages of their career conduct research that may lead to further funding. This grant may be used for salary support of the principal investigator, as well as direct costs of supplies and equipment. Support is not provided for salaries of other research personnel, or for indirect costs.
This grant provides $25,000 for one year and is made possible by support from the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Molecular Imaging Research Grant for Junior Academic Faculty
The objective of this program is to support one junior faculty member in an academic/research setting, and to enable them to engage in Molecular Imaging research related to diagnostic or therapeutic applications. Grants can be used for research support of the principal investigator, as well as direct costs of supplies and equipment. Support is not provided for salaries of other research personnel, or for indirect costs.
This $105,000 grant provides $52,500 annually for two years and is made possible through a grant from the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. Applicants must be a member of the SNMMI.
Application Deadline: Anticipated March 2022
Funding Amount: $600,000 over four years
The foundation is looking for early career scientists with the potential to create new waves across the brain cancer field. Proposed research should demonstrate potential to generate new knowledge relating to causes, cure or treatment of primary brain tumors/brain cancer.
The Distinguished Scientist Award (DSA) seeks to provide career and research support to early career scientists who demonstrate outstanding promise for making scientific and medical breakthroughs in the field of brain cancer research. The award provides up to $600,000 in funding over a four-year period. Over that time, recipients also receive additional support from the Foundation through its vast network of scientists in the field and annual alumni conference.
PI Eligibilty: Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in a discipline which can be brought to bear on the intractable disease, brain cancer. At the time of application, applicants must hold their first independent full-time faculty appointment at the level of assistant professor, independent researcher or equivalent position at a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) academic, research or medical institution within the United States or an equivalent institution in Canada, appointment must have been made no earlier than March 1, 2014. If the institution grants tenure, the qualifying appointment must be on the tenure track.
Application Deadline: By invitation only
Funding Amount: TBD
These three Komen Training and Career Development awards seek to bridge the funding gap faced by recently graduated PhDs and early faculty as they start their careers in breast cancer research.
PI Eligibility: These three Komen Training and Career Development awards seek to bridge the funding gap faced by recently graduated PhDs and early faculty as they start their careers in breast cancer research. Must have a doctoral degree, including MD, PhD, DrPH, DO, or equivalent
• Must currently hold a faculty appointment or have a formal offer letter from the Institution that confirms position and start date at the time of Full Application submission (November 9, 2015), verified by the Letter of Institutional Support
• Must not have held any faculty appointment, including non-tenure and tenure track appointments combined, for more than a total of 6 years at the time of Full Application submission
Application Deadline: Concept paper: anticipated March 2022, Full Proposal: Anticipated May 2022 (if concept is accepted)
Funging Amount: $25,000
The Fund is open to a wide variety of research topics. We do not focus on a paticular disease, but all our funded projects deal directly with children's health. In the Early Career Award Program, the Fund is particularly interested in applicants that show great potential to impact that field of children's health through medical research. Both an applicant's aptitude and inclination toward research are considered. The quality of the mentor and the mentoring relationship are also considered to be important predictors of success.
PI Eligibility: Physicians who are in a residency/fellowship training program, or who completed that program no more than one year before the date of submission of the Concept Paper. Post-doctoral researchers who received the doctoral level degree no more than three years prior to the date of submission of the Concept Paper. A new investigator who holds a National Institutes of Health (NIH) K award (including a K12 award) or a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) is not eligible to apply for the Early Career Award.
Application Deadline: TBD; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $50,000
The Vilcek Foundation will award three prizes of $50,000 each to young foreign-born biomedical scientists who demonstrate outstanding early achievement. Eligible work may be in basic, applied, and/or translational biomedical science.
PI Eligibility: Applicant must have been born outside the United States. Applicant must not be more than 38 years old as of December 31, 2019. Applicant must: be a naturalized citizen of the United States; or be a permanent resident (green card holder) of the United States or be a holder of an H1B or O-1 visa and have been living and working in the United States for at least 5 years; or have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Applicant must have earned a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, or equivalent). Applicant must hold a full-time position at an academic institution or other organization. Eligible positions include the following: assistant or associate professor, research scientist, or equivalent. The applicant must be directly responsible for the design and execution of the work submitted for consideration. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working under the supervision of a mentor are not eligible. Applicant must intend to pursue a professional career in the United States. Applicant must not be a past winner of the Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise
Application Deadline: Three deadline cycle
LOI: January 15, April 15, October 1.
FULL: August 15, December 1, May 15.
Funding Amount: $30,000 for one year
The Grants-in-Aid program is designed for researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Funds researchers at the assistant professor level in the life sciences. The Foundation is currently interested in basic research in neurobiology.
Application Deadline: June 2022 (Mentor and Reference Letter Deadline); July 2022 (Full Proposal)
Funding Amount: $350,000 over five years
The William T. Grant Scholars Program is for early-career researchers in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. We encourage Scholars to tackle important questions that will advance theory, policy, and practice for youth. Applicants identify new methods, disciplines, or content they want to learn, and propose five-year research plans that foster their growth in those areas. Four to six William T. Grant Scholars are selected each year.
PI Eligilbility: The Grants-in-Aid program is designed for researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Funds researchers at the assistant professor level in the life sciences.
Application Deadline: 03/15/2022
Funding Amount: $1,000
The Early Career Research Grant supports the research of outstanding early career members of Div. 7 who have not yet received any federal funding for research as a principal investigator or co-investigator (pre-PhD training funds or F31 grants are not counted). One or two of these $1,000 grants will be awarded each year, as possible.
Winners do not need to attend the APA convention to receive awards.
PI Eligilbility: Eligible assistant professors (pretenure as of Oct. 1, 2016) and postdoctoral scholars (within five years past receipt of the doctoral degree) may apply. The proposed or in-progress research must significantly advance content knowledge, methodology and/or theory in developmental psychology. Criteria include the project's importance, innovation, feasibility, funding needs, likely contribution to the field and the applicant's record.
Application Deadline: March 11, 2022
Funding Amount: $110,000 over two years
Doctoral New Investigator (DNI) grants provide start-up funding for scientists and engineers in the United States who are within the first three years of their first academic appointment at the level of Assistant Professor or the equivalent. Applicants may have limited or no preliminary results for a research project they wish to pursue, with the intention of using the preliminary results obtained to seek continuation funding from other agencies. The DNI grants are to be used to illustrate proof of principle or concept, to test a hypothesis, or to demonstrate feasibility of an approach in the petroleum field. Estimated number of awards: ~ 75 each year
Application Deadline: 12/06/2021
Funding Amount: $231,000
Funding research is a cornerstone of the American Heart Association’s lifesaving mission, a pillar upon which the AHA was founded, and a key to our future. As the largest private not-for-profit funding source for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease research next to the federal government, the AHA facilitates new knowledge and advances that result from our funding benefit millions of lives in every corner of the U.S. and around the world. AHA-supported findings are often translated into guidelines that help providers improve care for their patients.
The AHA is committed to funding cutting-edge science and building careers in science and research. Our new research vision focuses on 12 Essential Elements that ensure our program is at the forefront of global changes, emphasizing collaborative and team research, accelerating discovery, and driving groundbreaking research outcomes.
Application Deadline: November 30th annually
Funding Amount: $35,000 annually
Open to academic scientists within four years of joining the tenure track faculty or equivalent in a North American university. Applicants may not have previously received an award under this program. Applicants must be members of ASMS. Two awards are fully sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific and Waters Corporation. The Research Awards were originated by Robert Finnigan in 1985. The awards are intended to promote academic research in mass spectrometry by young scientists.
Application Deadline: Anticipated LOI deadline August 2022
Funding Amount: $600,000 over the term of the project
The Beckman Young Investigator (BYI) Program provides research support to the most promising young faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers in the chemical and life sciences, particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments and materials that will open up new avenues of research in science. The BYI program is open to those within the first three years of a tenure-track position, or an equivalent independent research appointment, in an academic or non-profit institution that conducts research in the chemical and life sciences. Projects are normally funded for a period of four years.
Application Deadline: Nominations close Novemeber 17, 2022
Funding Amount: $250,000
The Blavatnik National Awards honor America’s most innovative young faculty-rank scientists and engineers.
These awards celebrate the past accomplishments and future potential of young faculty members working in three disciplinary categories of science and engineering. Every year, one nominee in each category will be named a Blavatnik Laureate and awarded $250,000 in unrestricted funds:
· Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Life Sciences
· Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Physical Sciences & Engineering
· Blavatnik National Award for Young Scientists in Chemistry
Candidates for the 2019 Blavatnik National Awards must be nominated by their institutions. Each institution may submit up to three nominations, one in each disciplinary category of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemistry.
Application Deadline: 02/02/2022 for Camille Dreyfus SAP; Henry Dreyfus SAP anticipated August 2022
Funding Amount: $100,000 and $75,000
The Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences. Based on institutional nominations, the program provides discretionary funding to faculty at an early stage in their careers. Criteria for selection include an independent body of scholarship attained in the early years of their appointment (see below), and a demonstrated commitment to education, signaling the promise of continuing outstanding contributions to both research and teaching.
The Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program supports the research and teaching careers of talented young faculty in the chemical sciences at undergraduate institutions. Based on institutional nominations, the program provides discretionary funding to faculty at an early stage in their careers. The award is based on accomplishment in scholarly research with undergraduates, as well as a compelling commitment to teaching, and provides an unrestricted research grant of $75,000.
Application Deadline: Anticipated early July 2022
Funding Amount: $100,000 over three years
Eligible applicants are tenure-track faculty members whose primary appointment is in a department of astronomy, chemistry or physics. Eligibility is limited to faculty in the third year after their first tenure-track appointment.
Application Deadline: By invitation
Funding Amount: $875,000 over five years
Candidates must be faculty members at one of the 50 Invited Institutions. Candidates must be eligible to serve as principal investigators engaged in research in the natural and physical sciences or engineering and must be within the first three years of their faculty careers. Disciplines that will be considered include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering. Candidates engaged in research in the social sciences will not be considered.
Application Deadline: Nominations anticipated to be due September 2022
Funding Amount: $100,000 per year for three years
The Searle Scholars Program supports research of outstanding individuals who have recently begun their appointment at the assistant professor level, and whose appointment is their first tenure-track position at a participating academic or research institution. Today, 161 institutions are invited to participate in the Program.
The Program was established at The Chicago Community Trust in 1980 and has been administered by Kinship Foundation since 1996. The Program is funded from the estates of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Searle. Mr. Searle was the grandson of the founder of the world-wide pharmaceutical company, G.D. Searle & Company. It was Mr. Searle's wish that certain funds be used to support "...research in medicine, chemistry, and the biological sciences."
Each year 15 new individuals are named Searle Scholars. Awards are currently set at $100,000 per year for three years.
Application Deadline: TBA; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $75,000 for two years
Fellowships support fundamental research by early-career faculty. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in chemistry, computational or evolutionary molecular biology, computer science, economics, mathematics, neuroscience, ocean sciences, physics, or a related field. Candidates should be no more than six years from completion of their most recent Ph.D. (or equivalent) as of the year of their nomination.
Funding Deadline: 2022 deadline TBD; check website for updates
Funding Amount: $10,000
Universities Research Association, Inc. (URA) makes an award for outstanding work conducted by an early career researcher at Fermilab or benefiting the Fermilab scientific program. The award is presented during the annual Users Meeting held at Fermilab in June. The work for which the award is made must directly benefit a Fermilab experiment or accelerator project, or be performed in conjunction with Fermilab staff. The work may be experimental, theoretical, or a contribution to instrumentation, computing, or accelerator technologies
We work with SUNY Research Foundation (RF) to manage research and grants through Click.