If you are working remotely or off-campus, you may need to connect to the UB virtual private network (UBVPN) to access these systems.
Expert buyers are organized into teams, each specializing in one or more categories of goods and services.
Carmen Gonzalez
Assistant Vice President
Purchasing and Contract Services
Phone: 716-645-4778
Email: cg222@buffalo.edu
Linda Deni
Director of Procurement Operations
Phone: 716-645-4501
Email: lindaden@buffalo.edu
Lauren Fenush
Phone: 716-645-4526
Email: lfenush@buffalo.edu
Linda Ferry
Phone: 716-645-4559
Email: lferry@buffalo.edu
Penny Jenkins
Phone: 716-645-4561
Email: pennyjen@buffalo.edu
Marie Colella
Director of Campus Services Procurement
Phone: 716-645-4564
Email: mariecol@buffalo.edu
Alex Borichevskiy
Phone: 716-645-4570
Email: aboriche@buffalo.edu
Dylan Lambert
Phone: 716-645-4513
Email: dl43@buffalo.edu
Timothy Odell
Phone: 716-645-4572
Email: tjodell@buffalo.edu
Jennifer Russo
Phone: 716-645-4549
Email: jrrusso@buffalo.edu
Kate Schaal
Phone: 716-645-4547
Email: kschaal@buffalo.edu
Bethany Scibetta
Phone: 716-645-4512
Email: bmscibet@buffalo.edu
Tricia Kandler
Director of Facilities and Construction Procurement
Phone: 716-645-4544
Email: tkandler@buffalo.edu
Shannon Beaton
Phone: 716-645-4558
Email: smprevit@buffalo.edu
Tina Conrad
Phone: 716-645-2613
Email: tinaconr@buffalo.edu
Cathy Hansen
Phone: 716-645-4562
Email: chansen@buffalo.edu
Jordan Kayes
Phone: 716-645-2595
Email: jkayes@buffalo.edu
Karen Mecca
Phone: 716-645-6072
Email: karenmec@buffalo.edu
Jessica Smith
Phone: 716-645-1833
Email: smith68@buffalo.edu
Marty Spence
Phone: 716-645-4540
Email: mgspence@buffalo.edu
June Sokolowski
Director of Scientific Special Projects
Phone: 716-645-4548
Email: ujs@buffalo.edu
Ryan Lysarz
Phone: 716-645-4573
Email: ralysarz@buffalo.edu
Nina Johnson
Phone: 716-645-4080
Email: ajd5@buffalo.edu
Stefan Kothe
Phone: 716-645-4567
Email: stefanko@buffalo.edu
Kathy May
Phone: 716-645-0951
Email: kmmay2@buffalo.edu
Walter Pryor
Phone: 716-645-4542
Email: walterpr@buffalo.edu
Shauna Sauberan
Phone: 716-645-4551
Email: sls44@buffalo.edu
Cheri Weber
Director of Technology Procurement
Phone: 716-645-3885
Email: ubmcheri@buffalo.edu
Nina Anders
Phone: 716-645-4575
Email: ninaande@buffalo.edu
David Markey
Phone: 716-645-4550
Email: dbmarkey@buffalo.edu