Subject Fees Payment Forms

  • Cash Advance Reconciliation Template
    A PI may request cash to pay human subjects. This advance requires a monthly reconciliation which must include a subject identifier, date, and dollar amount disbursed. The PI is responsible for keeping signed receipts. This template may be used for this purpose.
  • Cash Advance Request Form
    A PI may request cash to pay human subjects. It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure that cash is appropriately distributed and practices are in place to prevent theft. The PI is responsible for keeping signed receipts.
  • Checking Account Reconciliation Template
    A PI may request to pay human subjects via a Campus Bank Account. The PI will need to submit a monthly reconciliation to the Sponsored Projects Services Award Analyst along with a copy of the monthly bank statement. This template may be used for the reconciliation portion of this requirement.
  • Subject Payment Request Form
    When Human Subjects are part of an award, this form is used to pay the subject for completed visits. The subject will be paid directly, the amounts are approved via the IRB process.
  • US Bank Advance Request Form
    A PI may request to use US Bank cards to pay human subjects. It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure that the cards are distributed appropriately. This form should be used in conjunction with the US Bank Card Online Application. The PI will need to submit a monthly reconciliation to the Sponsored Projects Services Award Analyst. This reconciliation can be ran directly from the US Bank system with minimal modifications to the report.