Sponsored Projects Services

UB’s Sponsored Projects Services partners with the university community to prepare and submit proposals for sponsored funding and provides stewardship of awarded funds to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and policies. 

  • Valerie Ansuini.

    Valerie Ansuini

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4412

    Email: Valerie.Ansuini@buffalo.edu

  • Joseph Bach

    Assistant Director of Training

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Suite 211 UB Commons

    Phone: (716) 645-1573

    Email: jrbach@buffalo.edu

  • Jessica Best.

    Jessica Best

    Associate Vice President, Research Administration

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Phone: 716-645-2532

    Email: jbest2@buffalo.edu

  • Emily Bidney

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4385

    Email: emilywah@buffalo.edu

  • Brian Lew

    Agreement Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4401

    Email: belew@buffalo.edu

  • Nicola Brotherston

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4406

    Email: nbrother@buffalo.edu

  • Stacey Brown

    Human Resources Assistant

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4492

    Email: sabrown7@buffalo.edu

  • Michelle Cappellucci

    Contracts Manager

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-5215

    Email: mlcappel@buffalo.edu

  • Alyssa Caruso.

    Alyssa Caruso

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4416

    Email: Alyssa.Caruso@buffalo.edu

  • Jordyn Congelli

    Grants Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4463

    Email: congelli@buffalo.edu

  • Chelsea Coughlin

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4381

    Email: Chelsea.Coughlin@buffalo.edu

  • Forrest Crawford

    Contracts Manager

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4498

    Email: fjc6@buffalo.edu

  • Michael Daloia

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Suite 211 UB Commons

    Phone: (716) 645-1612

    Email: mtdaloia@buffalo.edu

  • Kate Decarlo

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4387

    Email: kdecarlo@buffalo.edu

  • Samantha Deneke

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4399

    Email: sdeneke2@buffalo.edu

  • Daniel DiIulio

    Contracts Manager

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4724

    Email: ddiiulio@buffalo.edu

  • Erin Fink

    Payroll Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4397

    Email: erinfink@buffalo.edu

  • Kody Fralick

    Account Establishment Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: 645-3171

    Email: kodyfral@buffalo.edu

  • Leah Froebel

    Subaward Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4382

    Email: leahfroe@buffalo.edu

  • Robert Gaik

    Account Establishment Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-2671

    Email: rgaik@buffalo.edu

  • Rose Grucello.

    Rosemary Grucello

    Account Establishment Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4380

    Email: Rosemary.Grucello@buffalo.edu

  • Alicia Harris

    Accounts Receivable/Financial Reporting Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4405

    Email: Alicia.Harris@buffalo.edu

  • Iffat Islam

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-2969

    Email: iffatisl@buffalo.edu

  • Karen Kaun

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4403

    Email: Karen.Kaun@buffalo.edu

  • Mark Kern

    Accounts Receivable/Financial Reporting Coordinator;

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4404

    Email: Mark.Kern@buffalo.edu

  • Melissa King

    Administrative Assistant

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Suite 211 UB Commons

    Phone: (716) 645-3621

    Email: mking23@buffalo.edu

  • Mary Kraft

    Director, Post-Award;

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4420

    Email: Mary.Kraft@buffalo.edu

  • Amy Lagowski.

    Amy Lagowski

    Agreement Administrator;

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4419

    Email: Amy.Lagowski@buffalo.edu

  • Annaliese Liadski, CRA

    Subaward Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4407

    Email: apcampag@buffalo.edu

  • Jessica Loeffler

    Grants Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4138

    Email: jhaas@buffalo.edu

  • Natalie Longo

    Reporting and Compliance Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4409

    Email: nnlongo@buffalo.edu

  • Chanelle Mann

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4413

    Email: ccc9@buffalo.edu

  • Christopher Mazur

    Contracts Manager

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4719

    Email: cmmazur2@buffalo.edu

  • Maryssa McDaniel

    Accounts Receivable Financial Reporting Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4382

    Email: maryssak@buffalo.edu

  • Laura McGough

    Grants Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: 645-4469

    Email: lmcgough@buffalo.edu

  • Mary Mirand

    Payroll Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4395

  • Deirdre O'Rourke

    Grants Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4421

    Email: do8@buffalo.edu

  • Alison Mical

    Agreement Administrator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4389

    Email: alodojew@buffalo.edu

  • Lindsey Ohmit

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Suite 211 UB Commons

    Phone: (716) 645-6011

    Email: llove@buffalo.edu

  • Nicholas Panepinto

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-1796

    Email: napanepi@buffalo.edu

  • Ruth Pocziwinski.

    Ruth Poczciwinski

    Proposal/Account Establishment Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4393

    Email: Ruth.Poczciwinski@buffalo.edu

  • Linda Ritzman

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-7387

    Email: Linda.Ritzman@buffalo.edu

  • Heidi Rug

    Accounts Receivable Financial Reporting Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4391

    Email: Heidi.Rug@buffalo.edu

  • Janet Rusch

    Account Establishment Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4396

    Email: Janet.Rusch@buffalo.edu

  • Kim Sammarco, CRA

    Associate Director of Quality Assurance/Audit

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4386

    Email: Kim.Sammarco@buffalo.edu

  • Jeffrey Schieder, CRA

    Director, Pre-Award;

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4408

    Email: Jeffrey.Schieder@buffalo.edu

  • Nicholas Schul

    Accounts Receivable Financial Reporting Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4417

    Email: nschul@buffalo.edu

  • Melissa Sciera-Beutler

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    Suite 211 UB Commons

    Phone: (716) 645-4388

    Email: mscierab@buffalo.edu

  • Wei Shen, CRA

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4402

    Email: wshen7@buffalo.edu

  • Tiffany Shoemaker

    Research Administrative Support Assistant

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-2648

    Email: tfoltz@buffalo.edu

  • Andre Sims

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Fax: (716) 645-4398

    Email: arsims@buffalo.edu

  • Kari Singvongsay

    Subaward Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-9323

    Email: karising@buffalo.edu

  • Erica Sitek

    Subaward Coordinator

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4415

    Email: eksitek@buffalo.edu

  • Julia Smith

    Research Administrative Support Assistant

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4347

    Email: juliasmi@buffalo.edu

  • Angela Spengler

    Administrative Assistant

    Sponsored Project Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4422

    Email: acardena@buffalo.edu

  • Baris Vahapoglu

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-9324

    Email: barisvah@buffalo.edu

  • Alexa Valdiviezo

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-3055

    Email: valdivie@buffalo.edu

  • Haoyuan Wen

    Business/Data Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4411

    Email: hwen4@buffalo.edu

  • Lara Woods

    Payroll Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-6533

  • Megan Zabel

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4418

    Email: mzabel@buffalo.edu

  • Sunny Zeng.

    Sunny Zeng, CRA

    Award Analyst

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4400

    Email: Sunny.Zeng@buffalo.edu

  • Junting Zhang

    Proposal Specialist

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons Suite 211

    Phone: (716) 645-4392

    Email: juntingz@buffalo.edu

  • Paulette Ziff

    Associate Director, Operations

    Sponsored Projects Services

    UB Commons, Suite 211, 520 Lee Entrance, North Campus

    Phone: (716) 645-4414

    Email: Paulette.Ziff@buffalo.edu