Whether you’re worried about grades or a personal crisis, we’re here to support mental wellness through a variety of services to currently registered students.
Different people require different levels of care or intervention. At UB, we offer a stepped approach, with different levels of support to help you, including:
You can access self-help resources any time, or attend any virtual educational workshops you choose. If you would prefer to talk with a counselor (one-on-one or in a group session) or request a referral to a community provider, please review the information on this page, and then schedule a needs assessment appointment.
You can contact Counseling Services if you need counseling, or if you know a student who may be in crisis.
In counseling sessions, you can expect to have open and honest discussions with a trained counselor in a safe environment. Here, you can:
As a currently registered UB undergraduate or graduate student, you have access to our services through your mandatory comprehensive health fee. Students can contact Counseling Services if they need counseling, or if they know a student who may be in crisis. All racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientations, and age differences are fully respected.
Participation in counseling is private and confidential as permitted by law. In fact, counselors are under ethical and legal obligations not to release confidential information.
Unless the student provides written permission:
The only exceptions to sharing information about a student in counseling are those rare times when it is clear that a person’s life is in danger, when a child appears to be in danger of being harmed, or when the information is required by a court of law (i.e., subpoenaed) within the United States. We encourage students to discuss any concerns they have about confidentiality with their counselor.
All racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientations, and age differences are fully respected in counseling.
At UB, our counselors have experience helping students deal with a wide range of personal and academic difficulties. The Counseling Services staff includes psychologists, mental health counselors, social workers, psychiatric nurse practitioners and graduate student interns.
When you’re in a crisis or dealing with stress, you may find it helpful to talk with a trained counselor. Students come to Counseling Services to get help with a variety of concerns, including:
Counseling Services offers counseling for groups and individuals, including emergency consultations.
Whether you miss your family, you feel that things aren’t going as well as you planned, or you have other worries, we’re here to help. Counseling is commonly used in the U.S. by students who are dealing with personal issues. We encourage you to contact us, and talk with someone about your concerns. All racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual orientation and age differences are fully respected.
Counseling Services staff members may be able to speak to you in your native language. Some of the languages spoken:
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency or are concerned about someone, please call our office at 716-645-2720. If you are worried about yourself, a family member, roommate or friend, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. A counselor is available to talk with students in crisis when not being seen immediately could lead to serious consequences. We provide emergency consultations for:
Student Life
University at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quadrangle, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14261
Phone: (716) 645-2720; Fax: (716) 645-2175
If you require mental health services that are beyond what Counseling Services can provide, we will often make referrals to community resources. You may be referred to a community provider if there is:
Short-term on campus mental health support
Student Life
University at Buffalo
120 Richmond Quadrangle, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14261
Phone: (716) 645-2720; Fax: (716) 645-2175
University at Buffalo
1st Floor Michael Hall, South Campus
Buffalo, NY 14214
Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 support via text message. We're here for everything: anxiety, depression, suicide, and more. Text: Got5U to 741741
This information is designed to provide self-help resources for mental health. This website is not psychotherapy treatment. If you have questions, need help or just want someone to talk with, please contact Counseling Services.
Faculty, staff, family members and other students can contact Counseling Services at any time if they are concerned about a student.
Learn how to deal with stress and find stress-relief events on campus.