Financial Conflict of Interest Refresher Course

Published July 27, 2016 This content is archived.

PHS funded investigators whose certifications are expiring have the option of a refresher course for the CITI Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI).

Refresher Course

You must receive your expiration notice before you can take the refresher course.

Beginning in August 2016, many investigators will receive notification that their CITI FCOI training certification is set to expire and be offered an option to take the refresher course. The notices will be sent out at 90, 60, 30 and 7 days before the certification expires.

Please note that there is not an option to take the refresher course before receiving this notification. If the refresher course is not taken prior to expiration of the certification the investigator will be required to complete the full training instead of the refresher course.

  • The refresher course is anticipated to take 15-20 minutes to complete.
  • It is listed in the courses tab of the main menu on the CITI training site:  
  • Investigators are encouraged to take the refresher course as soon as notification has been received to avoid a delay in the release of PHS funding. 

Please direct questions regarding the FCOI Course, or the FCOI policy to UB’s Conflict of Interest Officer, Edward Zablocki (