Research Roundtable: Updated HRP-502 Consent Template - Summary of Changes

Published May 17, 2022

Research Roundtable.

All non-exempt research studies at the University at Buffalo where consent of participants is obtained requires use of the HRP-502 Consent Template document.

Version R04 of the Consent Template is now available in the Click Library under the “Templates” tab. Beginning July 1, 2022, the UB IRB will require all new study submissions in Click to use the updated Consent Template, and recommends to start using the new template now to familiarize yourself with the revisions. This edition of “Research Roundtable” highlights and describes what is new in the most recent update.

Updates to the Consent Template

This document will show all of the changes to the HRP-502 Consent Form that are not for administrative purposes, and provide extra information for noteworthy updates.

The text in purple or green shows the “tracked changes” version of what has been added or removed. Any text in red, smaller, “Arial” font is instructional text, whereas text in “Times New Roman” font should be included in the consent as written.

Additional Information

If you have any questions about the updated HRP-502 Consent Template, please call or email the UB IRB at 716-888-4888 or

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