The University at Buffalo recognizes that personal problems at home or interpersonal issues at work can negatively affect one’s job performance, mental health, and/or physical health. The goal of Employee Assistance is to help staff and faculty deal with these problems and issues in the most positive way possible. The entire university, including YOU, benefits from employees who are feeling good and working productively!
We should be concerned when:
We work in a challenging environment in which we are constantly striving for excellence and high performance. We may encounter stress on a frequent basis. We all cope with stress in different ways at different times. Some people become irritable, overwhelmed, anxious, tired, depressed or demoralized. Others react in other ways. For the vulnerable, such stress may be too much to tolerate without losing control, and there is potential for tragedy.
While there is no clear way to predict behavior, many people have recognized that there is often an escalating pattern of behavior or events that people observe before an event takes place.
A co-worker is often the first to observe signs of distress or trouble.
Early recognition, intervention, and referral are critical to getting someone help and preventing something tragic from happening. If you find yourself worried or alarmed about an individual who is distressed or troubled, you should speak with a workplace behavior specialist at Employee Assistance. Taking action can save a job, a career, and make you feel better! If an individual’s behavior appears to be an imminent threat to safety, contact University Police at 716-645-2222.
Are there other factors?
A distressed or troubled person may not know how to ask for help. You can express your concerns in a caring, nonjudgmental way in a private place.
You are an important key to workplace performance and safety at UB! Don't ignore the behavior!
Yes, it's true — there is usually a pattern of escalating behaviors and distress that, in retrospect, was observed by others.
Concerns usually don't get better on their own.
EAP staff maintain an extensive referral network of community providers and resources for individuals or families that need specialized services or longer-term assistance. The following services are available to all faculty and staff members at no cost:
EAP staff are available from 8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and by special appointment. Non-urgent calls made outside of these hours will be answered the following morning.
Do not leave urgent messages on EAP voice mail. For emergenices, call UB Police at 716-645-2222.
With the exception of life and death emergencies, during which time the safety of any person may be at risk, all calls and visits are strictly confidential.
If you or someone you know has been affected by the stress of a traumatic workplace event, you may request Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), a comprehensive multi-component approach to crisis intervention.
CISM helps:
We all need support sometimes. For confidential consultation or 1-on-1 meetings at no charge to you, referrals to specialists, and/or general information on how to help yourself or others manage personal and/or work-related concerns, please reach out to us.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Phone: 716-645-4461
We all need support sometimes. For confidential consultation or 1-on-1 meetings at no charge to you, referrals to specialists, and/or general information on how to help yourself or others manage personal and/or work-related concerns, please reach out to us.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Phone: 716-645-4461
For Urgent Help
If you or someone you know needs to talk about an emotional health concern with someone right away, please contact:
EAP Office
Crisis Services
Suicide Helpline
Emergency Help-UB Police
For Consultations, Referrals, and Information
We all need support sometimes. For confidential consultation or 1:1 meetings at no charge to you, referrals to specialists, or general information on how to help yourself or others manage personal or work-related concerns, please call us at 716-645-4461 or submit a confidential request form: > Employee Assistance Consultation Request