Evaluate My Department’s Training Needs

On this page:

It can be difficult to determine what skill gaps exist in a team or why they may be struggling in certain situations. Our experts can help you analyze your needs.

Consider Before Requesting a Consultation

  • What skills would you like your team to improve or develop?
  • What would you like the team/individuals to be able to do differently?
  • What has happened to cause you to reach out for help?

Training Catalog

Explore the Training Catalog to determine which topics may be appropriate to meet your needs.

Get Advice

Request assistance with:

  • Developing a training plan for your department/team
  • Tackling challenges within your unit
  • Customizing existing training programs offered at UB to meet your specific unit’s needs

Contact an Expert

Kyle O'Neill.

Kyle O'Neill

Training Facilitator

Organizational Development and Effectiveness (ODE)

Phone: 716-645-4489

Email: koneill2@buffalo.edu

Related Forms, Training and Resources




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