Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Guidelines

These guidelines share best practices for incorporating UB’s values of diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and anti-racism into communications. They answer common questions and provide thoughtful advice on topics that may arise when creating or editing content for a diverse audience.

Note that the guidelines are intended to provide guidance for UB communicators and content creators; they are not intended to be prescriptive, exhaustive or used as a single authoritative source. Every effort should be made to determine what is most appropriate for the topic, type and purpose of the communication.

  • Marketing Communications Best Practices
    Guidance for paid campaigns to ensure marketing efforts are authentic and in alignment with UB’s values.
  • Inclusive Language Style Guide
    Custom entries within the UB Style Guide that reflect UB’s values. Our house style takes precedence in all written communications.
  • Visual Communications Best Practices
    Insight on how to thoughtfully choose authentic and appropriate imagery that celebrates our community and connects with audiences.
  • Resources for Diverse Stock Images and Illustrations
    A list of stock resources devoted specifically to diverse and authentic representation.
  • Social Media Best Practices
    Guidelines for ensuring communications across social platforms are authentic and in alignment with UB’s values.
  • Historical Content Best Practices
    Insight on how to place historical content—which may reflect a time when UB was less diverse and inclusive—into context.