Check your UB Quota balance

Find out how much printing you have remaining.


Method 1: Log into the Wepa web page

  1. Go to
  2. From the School drop-down, select University at Buffalo
  3. Log in with your UBITName and password
  4. Your UB Quota (“Wepa Balance”) is displayed near the “Welcome” message

Method 2: Use a print station kiosk

  1. Visit any print station kiosk and touch the screen to start
  2. Swipe your UB card, enter a release code, or login with your UBITName and password
  3. Your UB Quota (“Wepa Balance”) is displayed onscreen

Common questions

My print quota isn’t showing up. Who should I talk to for help?

If you don’t see your quota balance in the Wepa Print mobile app, contact Wepa support 1-800-675-7639, or visit

If I spend all the funds in my UB Quota, how can I add more?

Wepa Support