Remote learning technology resources for UB students

A student's laptop, covered in stickers from UB and elsewhere.

Published May 3, 2021

Need Internet access or a more reliable computer/device? UBIT is here to help with resources.

I need a new laptop or web cam access

If your current computer is not sufficient for coursework or remote learning (for example, you don’t have a web cam), here are some resources that may help:

  • Living near campus? iMac Stations in Silverman Library and LevelUp offer web cams, Respondus LDP Lab and other software, which you can also access from home.
  • Buying a new computer? Look at UB's student computer standards. Make sure your device meets UB's minimum recommendations before you buy. Check with your school or department too, they may have additional recommendations.

I need Internet access

If you have poor or no Internet connection and cannot use UB online apps like MyUB and HUB, UB Learns, UBbox and Zoom, there are options available to you:

Low-cost offers

Free public Wi-Fi hotspots and eduroam access

  • On-campus
  • Away from campus
    • Spectrum: Spectrum customers can visit to find Spectrum's Wi-Fi hotspots.
    • Xfinity: Xfinity customers can visit to find a Wi-Fi hotspot in New York City and other locations.
    • eduroam at other schools: Many research schools also offer eduroam Wi-Fi access, which is the same encrypted Wi-Fi network available on UB's campus and available free to anyone who has connected to eduroam at UB in the past.

I don’t have the software needed for my coursework

Download Software

Students can download UB-supported software, including Microsoft Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more), from the UBIT website.  

Run Virtually

If you are unable to download software on your personal device, you can also connect to a virtual desktop with installed software from a web browser, using My Virtual Public Site.

Another option is to run a virtual version of the desktop of the computers in UB's computing sites.

You can also run Microsoft 365 software, including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, OneNote cloud storage and Teams.  

I need help with technology for my classes

If you're having problems with your computer, Internet connection, Zoom or other technology used for learning online, follow these tips for troubleshooting common technology problems.

If you are experiencing a hardship due to these unexpected changes, contact Student Conduct and Advocacy for support resources.

If you encounter any problems using UB online services, please contact the UBIT Help Center at 716-645-3542 or our support hours.