Departments can generate revenue for self-supporting programs and centers by charging approved fees. Learn about the different types of fees and how to develop a new fee or update an existing fee.
Regardless of funding source, any service provided or goods sold on campus must have an approved fee on file.
Financial Management uses a mail list to communicate information related to all fees.
If your unit identifies any source of revenue that does not currently have an approved rate on file, please contact an expert for assistance.
SUNY’s Fees, Rentals, and Other Charges Policy states:
"In the event that a fee is imposed upon students without following the guidelines set forth within this policy, funds collected shall be refunded to the payee in full upon request made to the campus involved or by directive from System Administration. Requests for refunds must be made within three years of the collection of the fee."
A departmental event is a departmentally sponsored function for which a fee is charged to participants. Examples include but are not limited to:
A non-credit-bearing professional development program is a university instructional program with established methods of assessment and articulated student learning outcomes. Examples include but are not limited to:
A service center is an organization that provides a specific technical or administrative service that supports the internal operating activities of the university. Examples include but are not limited to:
If the university generates income or receives consideration other than payment of money, a revenue contract is required.
A pre-admission deposit.
A university fee is predominately paid by students. SUNY approval is required for mandatory fees with a set dollar value that may be variable by campus. Examples include, but are not limited to:
A university fee is predominately paid by students. Campus approval is required for fees that are charged to support campus services and a variety of student activities. Examples include, but are not limited to:
An application for acceptance into a graduate program leading to a master’s, doctoral or equivalent. Campus approval is required for fees that are below the SUNY threshold. SUNY approval is required for fees that are above the threshold.
Fee or Service Revenue Type | Applicable Deadlines |
Departmental Event Fee | Fees can be submitted at any time throughout the year. |
Non-Credit Bearing Professional Development Fee | |
Service Center Fee | |
Service Revenue Contract | |
Facility Use Rates | Financial Management updates these on an annual basis. |
Tuition Deposits | Must follow the Annual Fee Process Calendar. |
University Fee (Campus or SUNY) | |
University Fee (Graduate Application) |
Ashley Butcher
Cost Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-1521
Carrie Hutchins
IFR, Revenue Accounting and Treasury Management
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-2640
Sean Wong
Cost Accounting and Financial Reporting
Financial Management
Phone: 716-645-2658