Accessing UBfs from Mac Computers

Create a UBFS  Folder to access UBfs using your Macintosh computer.

  • You must have an on-campus IP in order to access UBfs file space.
  • Use the  Cisco Secure Client before you connect to UBfs space from off campus to get an on-campus IP.

Creating a UBfs Folder

Follow the steps below exactly as they are written or you will encounter authentication issues

If you accidentally used just your UBITName in step 3, close out the Connect/Authentication pop-up window completely and re-launch your Connect window fresh, using AD\ followed by your UBITName.

Create a UBFS folder that links you to the top of the UBfs filesystem:

  1. From the Finder, select Go > Connect to Server.
  2. In the Server address field, enter smb:// and click Connect.
  3. Log in with AD\UBITName (AD\ immediately followed by your UBITName) and your password
  4. Click on folders to navigate to your destination:
    • Myfiles space: Navigate to j/d/jdoe (where j is the first letter of your UBITName, d is the second letter of your UBITName, and your UBITName is jdoe.)
    • Collaboration (collab) space: Navigate to collab.

Uploading and Downloading Files

You can upload and download files with an sftp client, such as Fetch.

You can also securely transfer files with sftp, which is native to Mac OS.

Uploading and downloading with sftp

  1. Double-click on your Macintosh HD and then double-click Applications.
  2. Double-click on Terminal.
  3. Enter sftp followed by the full name of the computer you want to connect to, such as, then press return.
    If your Mac does not have the same login name as your UBITName, you will need to enter your UBITName followed by the at (@) symbol before the computer name, for instance:
  4. Enter the password for the account you are connecting to when prompted, then press Return.

To change directories on your Mac, at the sftp prompt enter lcd followed by the directory path of where the files are located.

To change directories on the computer to which you have established an sftp connection, at the sftp prompt enter cd followed by the directory path of where the files are located.

To download a file to your Mac, enter the command get followed by the name of the file you want downloaded to your Mac.

To upload a file, enter the command put followed by the name of the file you want uploaded to the remote computer.

Still need help?

Contact the UBIT Help Center.