Get creative! 30 new iMacs with Adobe Creative Cloud added to public computing sites

A group of iMacs publicly available to UB students in the third floor of Silverman Library.

Published September 11, 2019 This content is archived.

To meet popular demand, the number of iMacs available for UB students in public computing sites has grown, and the popular Adobe Creative Cloud suite—featuring Photoshop, Illustrator and more—is now available on all public iMacs for students.


Public iMacs also feature Apple’s iWork suite of software (Pages, Numbers and Keynote), Microsoft Office and more. Find a complete list of software on UB’s public iMacs on the UBIT website.

By popular demand

UB’s computing sites had been Windows-only for 20 years prior to the addition of 12 new iMacs in Lockwood Cybrary in 2017. That initiative was a direct response to student feedback.

"We have town halls, focus group conversations, surveys… now a lot more students are telling us they use Macs," said Dan Deakin, IT Customer Service Manager for UBIT. 

The percentage of UB students who primarily use Macs has nearly tripled in the last ten years, according to the annual UBIT Student Experience Survey. Today, roughly a third of UB students’ use Macs.

Adobe Photoshop and other Creative Cloud software are also among the most commonly requested software titles by students on UBIT’s annual survey. Adobe software had previously been available to UB students, until a 2014 change in Adobe’s licensing structure required UBIT to temporarily remove Photoshop, Acrobat and other popular titles from public computers. 

Since that time, UBIT has been working toward a way to continue to offer these popular software titles to students, and the expansion of iMacs in public computing sites has provided that opportunity.

Log in at UB’s public computing sites

You can find a complete list of public computing sites, along with available computers, software and service, on the UBIT website.