UB Campus Visualization

North Campus

South Campus

Downtown Campus

Project Specifics:
  • Virtual model of the University Campuses
  • Remote Tour for Prospective Students
  • Planned integration with Scheduling System

Project Details:

Working with the admissions office at the University at Buffalo, CCR is currently creating virtual tours of UB's North, South and downtown campuses for students and parents to look at when discovering UB. Modeled in very high detail, the visualization allows users to see exactly what the campus has to offer without ever stepping foot on the college grounds. Students can see where there classes will be held, where they will likely dorm, and gives a general idea of what to expect upon matriculation.

While initially for admissions, the model is also being used for UB's 2020 master plan project which will look at possible expansion and growth for the campuses in the years to come. Once the existing model is complete for all campuses, we will be able to work with architects and planners to determine where the best areas for growth are and then build proposed models into the campus.

Project Owner:

University at Buffalo 2020 Project