Post on-campus positions and view resumes to get the right candidate for your department in Bullseye powered by Handshake, the ultimate job and internship spot.
Never logged in as an employer before? Follow our step-by-step guide on how-to create an on-campus employer account.
Last updated: October 29, 2019
1. Open up a new Google Chrome browser window (or a new tab).
2. Go to Bullseye powered by Handshake.
This process works best when using Google Chrome browser.
See (above) what the login page should look like.
3. Click on the sign in with your email address text that's under the blue University at Buffalo Sign On button.
See (above) where the "sign in with your email address" text is located.
4. Type in your UB email address in the type box.
5. Click the blue Next button.
See (above) what the "Please sign in with you .edu email" screen should look like.
6. Click on Or log in using your Handshake credentials underneath the big blue University at Buffalo Sign On button.
See (above) where the "Or login in using your Handshake credentials" text is located.
7. Type in your Handshake password in the type box.
8. Click the blue Sign In button.
See (above) what the "Please enter your password to sign in" screen should look like.
When posting a new job or internship in Bullseye powered by Handshake, you'll be asked to complete five sections. The sections include the Basics, Details, Preferences, Schools (which is University at Buffalo) and Preview.
Helpful Tip: The more fields you complete, the more well defined your job posting will be (and more likely you’ll attract well-qualified students).
Last updated: May 13, 2021
1. Once logged in, click on the blue Post a Job button toward the top left of your home dashboard.
Forgot how to login? Follow these login instructions.
See (above) what your employer dashboard should look like.
2. This will bring you to a page to start a "New Job." In the Job Title text box, please structure your job title as the following:
See (above) what the screen will look like after you click on the "Post a Job" from your employer dashboard.
Position Type - (Department) (Job Title)
Student Assistant – Career Design Center Career Peer Coach
Work Study - Career Design Center Front Desk Assistant
Graduate Assistant - Career Design Center Career Assistant
Internship - Career Design Center Digital Marketing Intern
By writing your job titles like the examples above, this helps students filter and discover jobs they are qualified for. It will also help them know which office/department the position is with.
3. Use the text box or the drop down arrow to find and select your office/department as the Company Division.
See (above) where you should add your office/department name.
4. Select On Campus Student Employment as the Job Type.
** If this position is a credit-bearing internship, please select Internship instead of an On Campus Student Employment.
5. Select Part-Time as the Employment Type.
6. Select Temporary/Seasonal as the Duration.
See (above) what your screen should look like once you completed these steps.
7. If you’re posting a Work-Study position, please select Yes to the question “Is this a Work Study Job?” If you're posting a Student Assistant, Graduate Assistant position or Internship, please select No.
8. Click the blue Next button at the bottom of the page.
See (above) where you should select "yes" if your hiring for a work-study position.
International students are not eligible to apply for a work-study position. Work-study is for U.S. citizens and permanent residents only. Students must receive financial aid indicating work-study eligibility to be considered for these positions.
Get detailed. Add what your on-campus position is all about.
Want to check out your posting again? Easy! Just follow the instruction below to view postings that have been posted by you.
Last updated: October 29, 2019
1. Log back into Bullseye powered by Handshake as an Employer.
Forgot how to login? Follow these login instructions.
2. Click on Jobs in the left toolbar.
See (above) where the "jobs" is located in the toolbar.
3. Click on the Edit this text at the top of the page next to "viewing all UB - University at Buffalo, The State University of New York jobs" to edit the job view settings.
Start fresh! Diversify your candidate pool each year without the extra work. Just follow the instruction below to duplicate your previous job/internship posting in Bullseye powered by Handshake.
Last updated: October 29, 2019
1. Log back into Bullseye powered by Handshake as an Employer.
Forgot how to login? Follow these login instructions.
2. Click on Jobs in the left toolbar.
2. Search and find the posting you'd like to duplicate by either sorting by Jobs created by you. Or using the search bar to type in the job title.
4. This will take you to this job's overview page. From here, Click on the text Duplicate Job towards the top of the page underneath the gray Edit Details button.
See (above) where you click to duplicate the job.
5. This will immediately and automatically create a brand new copy of this job posting. All information about this job will be preserved, except for schools and applicants, which will allow a clean slate to edit and post this position to schools.
See (above) what the message you should receive after duplicating a job.
6. Add University at Buffalo using the drop down arrow or typing in the text box.
7. Once you've chosen University at Buffalo and it will appear underneath the school list, choose the Apply start date and the Expiration date.
8. Click the blue Next button at the bottom of the page.
Please only add University at Buffalo to your school list.
9. Check out how your posting will look to students before you save it.
Please review your posting carefully to make sure all the information is correct before posting.
10. Once everything has been reviewed, click the blue Save button at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
11. Please make sure that the NACE Career Readiness Competency label(s) have been added to the posting. If they're not, please:
The NACE Career Readiness Competencies labels are already created for you.