By Sarah Zamer
IT Communications Specialist
Published August 16, 2024
Now is a great time to make sure your devices are connected to eduroam Wi-Fi. UB Secure will no longer be a Wi-Fi option on campus starting May 19, 2025.
You may notice a few options when connecting to the Wi-Fi at UB, but which one should you connect to? The name we want all students, faculty, and staff to remember when choosing a Wi-Fi network on campus is eduroam. That’s because it is UB’s official, secure, and preferred Wi-Fi connection.
Eduroam is also available at thousands of other campuses worldwide so if you travel to another location that has eduroam Wi-Fi, your devices will automatically connect.
When you set up your devices to connect to eduroam Wi-Fi once, you will automatically stay connected on campus for the next five years. There’s no need to worry about constantly having to connect every time you need Wi-Fi in a hurry at UB.
The UB Secure Wi-Fi network is officially retiring on May 19, 2025, so it will no longer be an option that’s available to connect to Wi-Fi at UB.
UB Secure is an outdated version of the eduroam network and doesn’t provide access at other locations like eduroam. Make sure your devices are all connected to eduroam before UB Secure’s retirement on May 19.
The UBIT Help Center is here to help students, faculty and staff set up your devices with eduroam Wi-Fi. UB students can also book an appointment with the UB Tech Squad at or give them a call at 716-645-3542.