Baird Point illuminated in purple as UB recognizes Domestic Violence Action Month in October.
Everyone can make a difference in preventing sexual violence on campus. Resources are available for students, faculty and staff.
Sexual violence is any sexual activity in which consent is not obtained and freely given. It doesn’t matter if you know the person or not — they could be someone you’re in a relationship with, a friend, a classmate, someone in your residence hall or a stranger.
Types of sexual violence include:
A critical part of every healthy sexual experience is consent. You should always make sure that any sexual activity is consensual. Just because they don’t say “no” does not mean “yes.”
Consent is a knowing, voluntary and mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity. Consent can be given by words or actions, as long as those words or actions provide clear permission about a person’s willingness to engage in the sexual activity.
You need consent every time, with everyone.
Navigating consent is a critical skill for interacting with others. When it comes to sexual intimacy, consent helps you make sure that you and your partners are happy and comfortable.
Non-consensual sexual activity violates UB policy and is against the law, carrying serious consequences. Additionally, non-consensual sexual activity can cause significant and lasting emotional and physical impacts. One of the best ways to determine if someone is okay with any situation, especially a sexual one, is to simply ask them.
When consent is withdrawn or can no longer be given, sexual activity must stop.
If your partner is under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, they may not have the capacity to give consent to sexual activity. For a number of reasons, sex is better, and safer, when sober. If someone hurts you or takes advantage of you when you’re vulnerable due to using alcohol or other drugs, it is not your fault.
Sex is better sober. Avoid alcohol and other drugs for a better, safer sexual experience.
If you or someone you know needs support dealing with the emotional, physical or legal challenges of surviving a sexual assault or other unwanted sexual experience, we can help you.
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion provides guidance for faculty and staff on how to best respond to a sexual assault disclosure, and seeking help.
A simple descriptive acknowledgment prior to presenting sensitive material can enable students to prepare themselves in order to participate in the learning experience when they might otherwise not be able to do so successfully. Bridge the gap to critical campus resources by adding a statement to your syllabus. Use UB's recommended syllabus statement (see "Sexual Violence" under "Recommended Syllabus Components" at the bottom of the page).
We also encourage you to attend educational workshops and programs related to sexual violence prevention, and request a workshop for your class or group.
If you or someone you know needs support dealing with the emotional, physical or legal challenges of surviving a sexual assault or other unwanted sexual experience, we can help you.
The Good Samaritan Policy eliminates disciplinary consequences for you and the people you are with if you call for help when drinking or using drugs. The health and safety of UB students is our first priority.