Established by Uganda’s Ministry of Water and Environment, the Appropriate Technology Centre for Water and Sanitation (ATC) conducts applied research and disseminates information about appropriate and inclusive technologies and approaches to the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH).
ATC is also charged with improving the capacity of key sector actors, including water resources managers, sanitation professionals, technicians, and artisans.
The exact tasks to be performed by UB Graduate Student Interns at ATC would be decided upon in advance on a case by case basis, depending on program and staff need at the time that the student applies, as well as the experience and aptitudes of the student applicant. Typical tasks include:
Skills developed will depend on the particular tasks assigned to the student.
ATC has a preference for students who have had at least one professional publication, who are familiar with WaSH issues common to low and middle-income countries.
Host’s required degree progress (e.g., undergraduate degree in microbiology; completion of pre-clinical medical school education) for student: ATC has a preference for students from Rehabilitative Sciences (specifically, OT graduate students) and Engineering (environmental and water resources) but would also consider graduate students who have a strong interest in WaSH and inclusive design who are pursuing degrees in Architecture and other disciplines.
How far in advance does the application need to be submitted?
Apply as far in advance as possible. Students applying for competitively-awarded CGHE travel funds should apply at least 2-3 months in advance.
What is the duration of the opportunity?
Minimum: 1 month; maximum: depends on UB/degree progress
Are there seasonal or holiday limitations when this opportunity is not available?
No limitations at this time.
What is the cost to students?
Application fee: $0
Registration: $0
Tuition: $0
Local housing: Very low end, with bargaining: approximately $450/month
Estimated meal costs: Meal costs range depending on the type of restaurant you visit or if you cook for yourself. You could spend from $3/meal to $20/meal or approximately $63/week to $420/week
Books: N/A
Local transportation to/from living quarters and workplace/classroom: Price will fluctuate depending on housing location and mode of transportation.
Learn about Community for Global Health Equity International Fieldwork Awards