Development of a Health Information Resource Portal for Refugee Patients of Limited English Proficiency and Low Health Literacy

Doctor examines a child, World Bank Ishaq Anis, 2015, Unmodified.

Doctor examines a child, World Bank Ishaq Anis, 2015, Unmodified

Of the many barriers facing newly resettled refugees in the United States, obtaininghealthcare is particularly challenging due to several factors including refugees’ limited English proficiency (LEP), cultural differences between the mainstream American culture and home countries, a lack of health literacy, and confusion in navigating the labyrinth of the U.S. healthcare system. 

To assist refugees in making the most informed health-related decisions, this team focuses on assessing health information needs and how information resources can be used to improve patient-provider communications, thus achieving superior quality of care for vulnerable patients. In collaboration with computer science, they are developing a website that includes health system knowledge and health information tools to help refugee patients access healthcare services and therefore make well-informed decisions for their health and wellbeing.

Conference presentations and papers

5th WNY Refugee Health Summit (April 20, 2018): Developing a Health Information Resource Portal for Limited English Proficient and Low Health Literacy Patients

Health literacy and health literacy models for refugee patients (lead author Salman Imtiaz), 2018, North American Conference Refugee Health, June 6-8, Portland, OR.

Development of a health information website for refugee patients (lead author Mary Keovisai), 2018, North American Conference Refugee Health, June 6-8, Portland, OR.

Our Team

Li Lin

Founding Co-lead, Community for Global Health Equity; Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

412 Bell Hall Buffalo

Phone: 716-645-4713


Wooksoo Kim

Associate Professor

School of Social Work

685 Baldy Hall

Phone: 716-645-1227


Isok Kim

Associate Professor

School of Social Work

667 Baldy Hall

Phone: 716-645-1252


Jan Chomicki


Computer Science and Eingeering

338I Davis Hall

Phone: 716-645-4735


Kim Griswold

Project Lead, Standardized Patient Project; Professor

Department of Family Medicine

77 Goodell Street, Suite 220U

Phone: 716-816-7247


Website Development - Graduate Assistants

Ahmed Salman Imtiaz

PhD Student

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Biplab Bhattacharya in Uganda.

Biplab Bhattacharya, PhD

UB Alumnus; Former Graduate Assistant

Industrial and Systems Engineering and Community for Global Health Equity

App development - Graduate Assistants

Swati Nair

MS student

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Charushi Nanwani

MS student

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Ning Deng

PhD student

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Biplab Bhattacharya in Uganda.

Biplab Bhattacharya, PhD

UB Alumnus; Former Graduate Assistant

Industrial and Systems Engineering and Community for Global Health Equity

App content translation (Karen language) - Student Assistants

Aye Bay Na Sa

Undergraduate student

Biomedical Sciences

Lahmay Paw

Undergraduate student

Biomedical Sciences

Hsa Tha Blay Wah

Undergraduate student
