Published August 10, 2023
If you use a Zoom on a device that is not signed into UB Zoom, you may see a pop-up message about Zoom's updated terms of service. Here's what you need to know.
Zoom recently updated their online terms of service to include language about using data when you join a meeting for artifical intelligence purposes. Customers can decide whether to enable Zoom's AI features and whether to share customer content with Zoom.
Zoom's online terms of service does not apply to the University at Buffalo Zoom environment.
The University at Buffalo and Zoom have a separate written agreement that supersedes the online terms of service.
Zoom states, "We will not use customer content, including education records or protected health information, to train our artificial intelligence models without your consent. We routinely enter into student data protection agreements with our education customers and legally required business associate agreements (BAA) with our healthcare customers. Our practices and handling of education records, pupil data, and protected healthcare data are controlled by these separate terms and applicable laws."
For more information about using Zoom at UB, visit To get help with Zoom, you can talk to Zoom’s virtual assistant 24 hours a day.
For help with other technology at UB, contact the UBIT Help Center online or call (716) 645-3542.