Student Sustainability Impact Team


Become an ambassador for sustainable culture change at UB. 


UB Sustainability is looking for students that would like to gain experience in sustainable practices and programs, but might not have the availability to commit to a part time job. This opportunity is perfect for those that have a busy schedule, but can dedicate a few hours a week to high impact, visible sustainable projects on campus. The Student Sustainability Impact Team fits well into the gig economy concept where tasks will be sent out to SSIT members, and they can pick up shifts that work for them. Student Sustainability Impact Team members will be paid $15 an hour for their work, and can work up to 25 hours a semester.

This work will have a big impact on reducing our carbon footprint and advancing sustainable practices across the campus.

Possible projects may include:

• Office-level compost collection 

• Food systems docent

• Campus garden and GRoW Clean Energy Center garden maintenance 

• Green office certification


• Cap and gown collections at graduation

• Material collections in architecture, engineering and art departments

Apply Today!

Fall applications are now open. Apply here!