April 23, 2021, Friday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, join us online as Patrick Lee delivers the talk, "What Should Be the Overarching Natural End (Goal) of Human Life?". The event is part of the Spring 2021 Speaker Series hosted by the Romanell Center. For further information contact Jonathan Vajda, jvajda@buffalo.edu
Patrick Lee, PhD
Bio: Patrick Lee is a professor of philosophy and holds the John N. and Jamie D. McAleer Chair in Bioethics. He is also the director of the Center for Bioethics at Franciscan University of Steubenville. In this capacity he defends and articulates the Church’s position on a wide range of human life issues through his writings, debates, and public speaking engagements. He received a B.A. from the University of Dallas, an M.A. from Niagara University, and a Ph.D. from Marquette University. He taught for eleven years at the University of St. Thomas in Houston before coming to Franciscan University in 1992. He is a member of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, and Society of Christian Philosophers. Faculty profile.