Jack Freer, MD, is a retired clinical professor, and, the emeritus director of the Romanell Center. He was the course director of IDM 701 (the required medical students' clinical ethics course) for 30 years. Freer organized the Romanell Clinical and Research Ethics Seminars, as well as many other conferences and lecture series over the course of his career.
Jack Freer
4/9/15 Opioid Addiction Crisis Requires Cautious Pain Management
11/17/14 Palliative Caregivers See ‘Common Ground’ in Assisted Suicide Option
11/3/14 UB Biomedical Ethics Expert Comments on Care for Terminally Ill [Time Warner Cable News]
3/17/14 New Center Offers Opportunities to Explore the ‘Art’ of Medicine
3/6/13 WGRZ-TV2: UB Bioethicist Says Rules Prevented CPR Help
Since retiring from clinical medicine, Jack Freer has been spending more time working on pastel painting. This image depicts a scene in Florence during a 1629-31 outbreak of bubonic plague.