Peter Koch is a professor of philosophy at Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA. After receiving his PhD from SUNY Buffalo, he completed a Clinical Ethics Fellowship at the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Baylor College of Medicine. Peter has worked as a clinical ethics consultant at the V.A. Hospital of Western New York and Houston Methodist Hospital, where he has completed over 100 clinical ethics consultations. He has published on the metaphysics of death, informed consent, medical professionalism, reproductive ethics, and the ethics of intensive care. His current research interest is in theories of patient welfare and how these theories inform biomedical ethics.
Peter Koch
Koch. P, Lazaridis, C. “What does it mean for a Critically Ill Patient to Fare Well?” Intensive Care Medicine (2017). doi:10.1007/s00134-017-4819-8.
Bruce, C. R. and Koch, P. “Opting out of Bad Texas Legislation”. Houston Business Journal. Forthcoming.
Bruce, C. R. and Koch, P. “Flawed Assumptions: Ethical Problems with Proposed Presumed Consent Legislation”. American Journal of Transplantation. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/ajt.14402. Forthcoming.
Kothari S, Sullivan, LS, Koch, P, and Lazaridis, C. “Changing the Conversation: A Capabilities Approach to Disordered Consciousness.” American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience. Forthcoming.