James Delaney is a professor of philosophy and Rose Bente Lee-Ostapenko Endowed Director of Professional Ethics at Niagara University. His current research examines traditional questions in philosophy and how emerging technology in science and medicine affect the issues involved in them.
Specifically, Delaney is interested in competing understandings of personal identity (what, if anything, makes a person identical to herself over time), the best way to understand “human nature" and its value, puzzles of being benefited or wronged by “coming into existence,” and well-being. He also has projects in several other areas of medical ethics including human enhancement, autonomy and informed consent, and organ procurement.
James Delaney
Taking pleasure in the good and well-being: the harmless pleasure objection. 2017. Philosophia. (Published online September 15, 2017.)
“Is presumed consent a morally permissible policy for organ donation?” Controversies in Catholic Bioethics, Springer Press. Forthcoming.
Catholicism and the duty to vaccinate. 2017. American Journal of Bioethics 17(4): 56-57.
Human enhancement and identity-affecting changes: the problem of controversial cases. 2016. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health 2(4): 499-506.
The nonidentity problem and bioethics: a natural law perspective. 2016. Christian Bioethics 22(2): 122-142.
Therapy, enhancement, and the ethics of business in medicine: challenges for the doctor-patient relationship and patient safety. 2017. The Journal of Business Ethics 146(4): 831-844. (Published online January 29, 2016.) (co-authored with David Martin).