Learn how money works in real estate.
Money is the one area that most people have all wrong in real estate. Chris Naugle, co-founder and CEO of FlipOut Academy, will share with you how money really works and how to use it towards your advantage to gain the upper hand in real estate investing.
Who should watch this webinar?
Anyone interested in investing for retirement, financial freedom, wealth creation, etc. All levels of investors are welcome. We're looking forward to sharing some of the best strategies to protect and grow your wealth. This webinar perfect for new real estate investors searching for the solution to funding your next deal. You will learn where to go for money and how to ask for it.
About Chris Naugle
Chris Naugle, CEL '14, is a nationally recognized entrepreneur in his 16 years of high-level experience in the financial services and advisory industry he managed over $30 million in assets. He specializes in alternative investments, retirement strategies and wealth accumulation. Using his expert knowledge in finance he has successfully bought, renovated and sold hundreds of properties. Through his passion and success in real estate, Chris became co-founder and CEO of FlipOut Academy, a real estate education company that coaches its students how to get results and create passive income through real estate.