ReForum Consulting LLC

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About ReForum Consulting
Founded in 2018, ReForum Consulting LLC was conceptualized as a brave and safe space where change happens. In their personal and professional lives, the co-founders all witnessed a void of wellness and mental health support in their communities. Their suite of services covers topics like Workplace Wellness, Cultural Humility, Diversity and Inclusion, and Team and Community Building; having successfully been able to apply their professional background and lived experiences to program curation, development and implementation. ReForum Consulting has emerged as lead facilitators and consultants, supporting corporations and communities seeking to reform their organizational culture and climate through curated conversations in various forums. Their culturally humble and immersive work identifies challenges and develops strength-based strategies to support the change process. 

Demonstrated knowledge and extensive experience in youth development principals, group work methodology, training and workshop facilitation, career and educational development, crisis intervention, statistical recording and documentation, community collaboration, case management, supervision, development of action and treatment plans. A thought leader and facilitator in the diversity and inclusion discipline and workforce culture transformation. Comprehensive experience in social, residential, and educational environments and direct care service with homeless, runaway, underserved, developmentally disabled, court involved and substance abuse/chemical dependency populations. In depth knowledge of Trauma-Informed Care and practice, specifically The Sanctuary Model. Extensive knowledge of existing NYC community resources and community based organizations. 

Internship opportunities for UB students
Hiring opportunities for UB students/graduates 

Owner, Javonia Smith (BA '08)
Co-Founder, Vicky Jocelin (BA '09)


Brooklyn, NY 11233

Phone: (585) 773-3194

