File Your Disclosure

Use Click COI to disclose your financial interests and obligations as well as your sponsored travel. It allows for real-time updates throughout the year, so you can easily add new significant financial interests or obligations.

Before submitting a disclosure:

You need to enable pop-ups in your browser. If necessary, refer to your IT node for instructions.

For UB Personnel

Use your UBitname and password to access the Click COI system. If you don't know your name / password or you need to reset your password, please contact UB CIT at 645-3542 for help.

For Non-UB Personnel

  1. Register and fill out the request access form before submitting your disclosure. 
    • If you experience technical issues, please contact email research support.
  2. You will be emailed credentials after you register.
  3. Please use those credentials to access Click COI