Setting Notification Preferences

You can change the way you receive notifications in ShopBlue.

How to Change Your Notification Preferences

Set Notification Preferences [1:35]

1. Click Your Person Icon

Click the “Person” icon at the top (Figure 1).

2. Access Your Profile

Select “View My Profile” (Figure 1). 

3. Change Your Notifications

On the left, select “Notification Preferences” (Figure 2).

4. Select the Notification Category

Select the notification category you’d like to change, either “Administration & Integration;” “Shopping, Carts & Requisitions;” or “Purchase Orders” (Figure 3).

5. Select Desired Notification Method

For each setting you’d like to change, select “Override” and then select the desired notification method (Figure 4).

6. Save Your Changes

At the bottom, click “Save Changes.

7. Repeat as Necessary

Repeat steps 4-6 to change additional notification types.