Add a Supplier

In some instances, you may need to make a purchase from a supplier that is not yet registered in ShopBlue. To complete this purchase, you will have to take necessary steps to add the supplier.


How to Add a Supplier

1. Enter and Select Supplier

In the supplier field, begin typing “new supplier.” Select the New Supplier option when it appears (Figure 1).

Note: Figure 1 shows an example of a non-catalog order. New suppliers can also be entered for special requests (i.e.: standing order request, payment request form, etc.)

2. Complete Order and Proceed to Checkout

Complete your order as you normally would (i.e.: enter product description, pricing, etc.) and Proceed to Checkout.

3. Add Comments and Attachments

During checkout, select the Comments tab in the requisition (Figure 2).

4. Add a Note

On the Comments tab, select the plus (+) sign to add a note (Figure 3).

5. Enter Note to Add Supplier

In the text field, add a note that the supplier needs to be added (Figure 4).

6. Attach W9 If Obtained

If a W9 has already been obtained, select Choose File to upload the W9 and attach it to the requisition (Figure 4).

Note: if a W9 has not been obtained, the Procurement office will request it from the supplier.

7. Click Checkmark to Upload Comment

When finished, select the checkmark icon to upload the comment to the requisition (Figure 4).

8. View Comment Added to Requisition

Your comment will then be added to the requisition (Figure 5). Once the order reaches Procurement, the supplier will be added to the supplier file.

Note: once the supplier is added, they will be available to select for future orders.